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Everything posted by KoalaSnok

  1. Actually, per the new FAQ, you dont get to keep rolling the dice if that mw is negated. So it ends naturally.
  2. Actually the second paragraph only tells you that deathmages cannot use lore of the vampires and vice versa. Although i do actually agree with Runebrush that the artefact i mentioned is probably just overriding the other rule.
  3. Legion of Sacrament Commant Trait: Dark Acolyte: This general is a WIZARD that knows the Arcane Bolt and Mystic Shield spells, as well as a single spell from one of the Lores of the Dead. If this general is already a WIZARD, they may generate an additional spell from one of the Lores of the Dead. All Deathmages, Vampire and Deathlord Heros eligible to take this trait are already Wizards. Tell me the point of the underlined text if this is what they intended This along with the actual RAW allowing "other" wizards to take from either lore leads me to believe it is also how its intended to work.
  4. Sadly he wont get the attack bonus anyway as an ally.
  5. That list looks somewhat similiar to what i want to run. Personally i want to squeeze in Reikenor though, probably instead of a GoS. Also i would want at least one of the hexwraiths to be a unit of 10, to benefit more from charge attacks and kosos attack buff. Maybe even both the units. I would use cogs instead of shackles to get into the melee with my desired units asap.
  6. Seeing as all heros with deathmages or vampire keyword are already wizards, the part of that trait which grants the general a spell from the lores would be completely unnecessary unless heros with none of those keywords could actually get a spell from it. See the rule specifying the lores this way instead: deathmages CANT pick from lore of the vampires, and vampire CANT pick from lore of the deathmages. This is what the rules actually say, just worded different ly.
  7. I was really torn between going for nighthaunt or continue building on my LoN army, but that cavalry battallion may actually convince me to go all in on the spooks. That black coach is amazing, and I already have some hexwraiths ready to go.
  8. Endless legions is for returning slain units. Any hero can already use the gravesite to summon units deployed in the grave.
  9. I think it is fairly obvious that this is intended to be the exception to the rule of "one use only". Basically he uses it once but gets twice the effect. They sure could have worded it differently though. Say - "If this general is chosen as the model that uses a command ability that summons FLESH-EATER COURTS models to the battlefield, set up twice as many units as described... blabla menatarms." They stated clearly in the new designers notes that any warscrolls that contradict the core rules, i.e. Lord Kroak being able to cast a certain spell 3 times in the same hero phase, are indeed exceptions which are allowed in matched play. Warscrolls overrule core rules. I would beleive the same goes for command traits, battle traits and artefacts.
  10. From Legions of Nagash FAQ: (Designers commentary) Q: Can the warscroll battalions for specific Legions be taken outside of the Legion named on their warscrolls? A: The First Cohort can only be taken as part of the Grand Host of Nagash (because the other Legions cannot include Nagash). Any other battalions for specific Legions can be included as part of a different Legion as long as that Legion also includes the Mortarch that must lead it. For example, to include the Court of Nulahmia in a Legion of Sacrament army, the army would also have to include Arkhan the Black (because if the Legion of the Sacrament has any Mortarchs, one must be Arkhan). The thing is, since these warscroll battallions are part of the LoN book, they all inherently have the keywords for all the sublegions. They are not allies.
  11. If you use the rock provided for AGK as described in the kit, it doesnt even fit well on 32mm base. Unrelated to FEC, I also noticed they listed Cairn Wraith (wich comes with a 25mm base, as 32mm. Same with tomb banshee, although she still only comes with a small square.)
  12. Yeah i meant gravesite summoning for that early in-your-face attitude ;D
  13. Actually the new core rules specifically states that you CAN do this.
  14. It is in the battletome, listed for each legion as battle trait.
  15. Summoning takes place at the end of the movement phase, same as ambushing.
  16. I am currently in the process of building my Legion of Night army, and was wondering whether someone with experience playing the legion could share some experiences, most importantly regarding ambushing coupled with gravesite summoning. My plan pretty much consists of taking Mannfred along with a VLoZD/Vhordrai, some morghast and possibly another hammer unit, coupled with 40 skellis +2x5 wolves for BL. Add the ES Chronomatic Cogs to this, ambush vlozd/vhrodrai with 2 other units, summon a unit from a nearby gravesite, and have 4 units within 7" charge thanks to the cogs +2 move/charge. Is this feasible? Do any of you have experience with ambushing heroes summoning from nearby gravesites upon arrival, is it too hard to position for it?
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