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Everything posted by novakai

  1. The Monsta Killaz from Warcry has a little Grot that snatching one of the Mire drake Eggs.
  2. That probably the best way to do it though they tend to fear mixing stuff from other army from a balance perspective. Most likely that why CoS lost it to begin with because the first book abuse it too much.
  3. Tyrion side and nation is suppose to be Phoenix theme. of course I do feel that once CoS get their second wave that will be it for a long time. There often a finite amount of units you can add to an army and most non posterboy armies will just chug along with the single hero release for many editions. Armies getting constant expansion outside of marine is rare
  4. Cities of Order are like Imperium planets, they are enough of them to get Exterminatus as the plots demands them to.
  5. Oh I guess no AoS article today either
  6. Their design time is pretty length, so I wouldn’t be surprise if OrK are being work on right now to be release 3 years from now
  7. I mean the biggest thing for Kragnos is that they also design Kruleboyz to have his likeness on some of their units and it would seem like an extreme Pivot given that Kragnos and Kruleboyz thing looks planed out. of course it hard to infer when BoC where plan to be discontinued, what reason could it be, is Kragnos a herald of a Destruction Beastmen replacement army in the future given the similarity or is he destined to be forever a stand alone piece like Nagash is for GA Death.
  8. TBF I don’t think the human wave is even complete for CoS considering that their still many old Empire units that probably need to be refresh or reimagine. That probably what their second wave is going to be since that initial wave (like Lumineath and Slaanesh ) didn’t really felt complete or encompase everything.
  9. I think Warcry and Underworlds as game are safe but any of the model release like Warbands (especially Underworld ones that get range rotated often) are at risk of being discontinued given enough time pass and they keep releasing more warbands. Ogors while I don’t think they will be completely gone, it quite possible that any possible refresh (example CoS or Lumineath) can completely wipe out the existing miniature range without everything being replace 1 for 1
  10. But for AoS and Warhammer discussion GW is the most relevant part depending on what you like about the Warhammer culture
  11. Did they say anything about Monsterous Rampage and heroic actions ?
  12. Power Through is like the most Ironjawz-like ability lol
  13. I feel like S2D already have a lot of Tanky Cavalry units and Darkoath are suppose to be the Not tanky part of the army.
  14. I think it is necessary to have a poster boy faction and Stormcast is just design to be beginner friendly compare to any random army that people think could take up the mantle (like CoS is actual poor choice design wise to be it). It one of those GW choices that are meant to help new players not really the existing player base. the real problem is that they decide that their edition cycle are three years long. If they decided to make their edition cycle longer then the bloat wouldn’t be as bad for both Space marine and Stormcast
  15. Actually if we go by what happen in Broken realms during second edition, armies that got Dawnbringer releases may likely get model updates in the next edition (with maybe the exception of STD and FEC who got big model release during Dawnbringer) and Soulblight did get that Snake lady just recently
  16. People just being wary and cautious, it is the only army that would be in the danger zone at this point in time no one outside rumormonger thought BoC was going to be discontinued and yet it happen so.
  17. It is a shame they didn’t do warcry more like Necromunda where they have set amount of Gangs and they expand each Gangs as the game develop giving them new units and eventually vehicle. Especially when some warbands had pretty cool design like Iron golem, Corvus Cabal, and Unmade and now they just got discontinued. I would have still preferred to had more diverse warband from the start and not be all Chaos but it would have been nice if they build the game with its own identity instead of going full Killteam
  18. Funny thing is if THWG theory is correct then anytime some 40K player start a Daemon of Chaos army or bought a Daemon prince for their Chaos Marine army, then all that revenue would have been report for AoS because all the daemon stuff (especially product like Be’lekor ) are label as AoS products first and foremost.
  19. Yeah like it gives the impression that Recent releases like underworld, Warcry, and AoS single models can be discontinued at anytime which where the crux of the argument that Beastmen where staying in AoS. while I do believe Ogors will survive in AoS. They are in a similar place as BOC with just having 2 heroes, 2 UW Warband, and a warcry warband release in AoS history
  20. I believe StD is now completely AoS updated with maybe a lingering old model here or there. Gloomspite is really just the spiderfang and Stabba kit
  21. If they don’t get a big update in 4th edition, I would start worrying. like they are not in BoC level of neglect but if you had to pick one army that was endanger it would be Ogor Mawtribe.
  22. I think the strangeness (or rather slap in the face for some people ) is that the Theradons have almost the same profile and loadouts as Bullgors and they just put them in Slaves to darkness as a weird auxiliary force. like it was probably done purposely and planned out by the Designers (since the Myradon came out first), but the fact they made the perfect replacement for Bullgors and gave it to an army that was well updated didn’t feel right.
  23. Something about department competing with each other for resource and production space. I think Warhammer Weekly had one show that explain it better.
  24. It really got bloated when they added Hero units into warcry for each AoS faction like why are Slaan even allow in the game lol
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