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Everything posted by novakai

  1. IDK, it looks like they treat side game stuff as side game stuff and not suppose to be part of AOS main. And it looks like the side game took more hits because of the pandemic like how there less warbands this year for underworlds and Warcry rarely getting releases to begin with. they don’t even align warbands with battletome release and put their scroll in the books anymore
  2. I think Warhammer weekly said it best where this year is when all the COVID lockdown and teleworking is going to have an knockdown effect on the miniature releases. Now I wouldn’t say that this year is going to just books and boxes and no big releases because GW reallocated everyone to get 40K back on track like they said but it possible that this year is going to AoS light. I at least am more optimistic that AoS will get something at the last half of the year and maybe Nighthaunt get more stuff base on rumor engines. But in the same vein I can easily see these next 6 books be pretty one and done as per usual.
  3. I am guessing everyone is assuming it just another FOMO box for the summer tomes?
  4. I don’t think it throwing darts on the wall but rather base on what they manage to finish up first like which one off hero model the miniature people complete and put in a box first and then the rule writer get those books out first. granted it made sense that Nurgle, IDK, and Nighthaunt got tomes earlier since those where three of the oldest tomes and 2 of them where more of 1.5 tomes. There may have been push a little bit harder. sometimes i feel they hold certain tome back because they plan for them to have more stuff being release in the future (like CSM for 40K) or they procrastinate too much and they only got it done at the end (Seraphon)
  5. I maybe wrong but I thought he agree with the idea but didn’t have rumors for it
  6. I believe combined duradin tome originated from Tom of Warhammer weekly but I believe he was just saying what he thought or wish would happen rather then it being an inside source saying it. And like Vampirates it just take a life of it own and get regurgitate everywhere from 4chan and anon post. just like how I feel combined Beast and STD book came from Neverchosen I always thought if Grugni was returning into AoS as a model he would just get Legion of the first prince rules instead of a dedicated tome release
  7. Because there a clear difference and divide between Ironjawz and Kruleboyz armies and not about the function of Big Waagh! But how Ironjawz have also been screwed by lack of new model in the seven year. They haven’t even gotten a foot hero which at least Fyreslayer case they have gotten 2 plus their terrain piece and prayers. now I am not saying who really have suffer more here but it does show the problem with soup and model release in the warclans format
  8. Ironjawz can’t use any of the Kruelboyz or Bonesplitterz in their army not even as allies into themselves. I don’t really count BIG WAAgh! For obvious reasons yeah but then why Nighthaunt get a reused cover as well. No one really thought they where getting merge to any other army
  9. Ironjawz say hi, they are the one army that have gotten even less then Fyreslayer in the last seven years
  10. Daughters was the last army to get endless spells, which makes me feel their book was suppose to have been release earlier back when they didn’t shift away from releasing them with army in 2.0
  11. Eh it whatever, I didn’t expect a gitz tome anytime soon especially given how bad some rumors are and it probably better for your tome to be release later rather then now, no need to drink asinine over lackluster update system like FAQs and tome celestial (which GiTz have three of anyway). as a hobbyist I rather like models over rules anyway
  12. T Realistic expectation would just be them (current DoK), if it where more they probably change the army name
  13. The rumor for world eatrr didn’t say summer if I remember correctly just that it coming out in the near future like Daemon and squat
  14. I do say that most rumor we have gotten where wrong since none of them had DOK as a release as for why they get a new tome, I had a suspicion that DOK 2nd edition tome was meant to have been release in 2020 before 40K 9th edition and the timing would have been longer between books
  15. I always assume that Malerion was going to get a Lumenith army release and just be basically a brand new army without using any of the current CoS stuff
  16. I have a feeling it because of popularity and that Nighthaunt is actually pretty popular army in the community despite it lackluster ruleset. So army that sold well in the past are more likely to get bigger updates to ranges. I wouldn’t be surprise if they get more stuff judging by some unsolved rumor engines
  17. Well New model definitely yes, LVO is a big event so I would dare say AoS will get model reveal for getting a slot in the show unlike the last online event how much new models they are going to reveal is up in the air. Is it just one or is it a bit more then that is the question
  18. It possibly because they are more directly involved with Space Marine 2and TW3 so that why they promote them but other license stuff they are not involve in the project and don’t promote it
  19. Since it mainline AoS titled it most likely just battletome reveal and/or more one off heroes. Don’t think there going to be anything for the AoS sidegames like Underworlds or Warcry. Off chance there a teaser or hint of what the next big release for AoS but with how heavy 40K it been it seems unlikely right now.
  20. GW marketing in general has always been bizarre (or extremely conservative) they don’t really advertise or market their product outside of the tabletop circle or reach out to the broader market. It seems like they feel like their product sell themselves and they are content with where they are in the industry and just like doing their own thing. it like the recent Henry Cavill thing and him liking Warhammer. You have a big celebrity who been a big fan of your product and gave GW free advertising but GW themselves didn’t mention it or even build of that hype.
  21. i mean it depends, the main space marine codex has all the interchangeable units but the BIG three chapters (Space Wolves, Blood Angels, and Dark Angels) have the most unique units enough that are separate armies in themselves. i would say those three are more substantial then Black templar even after that release and are playtested as separate armies for the most part
  22. Warcom have been wrong many times before though
  23. I don’t know if there still a dedicated FW team or if they just change to just being fully the specialist game division. HH and Lotr I believe have their own dedicated team still the specialist games generally have core plastic models but release lot of resin upgrades, special characters and models from FW. but they generally release side games often time at smaller scale and scope, I would say Adeptus Titanicus being the biggest scale game they have release recently
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