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Everything posted by novakai

  1. in a realistic view, Ogors and BoC really just need their Resin Hero to be made in Plastic as that the current big problem with their range (Ogors have the Tyrant which is the only one outside of the stonehorn kit and BoC has the bray shaman and the Tzaangor Shaman), they probably could do more with plastic hero release (though more than the standard one) since their core plastic range is serviceable and isn't egregiously old. some of the Ogor stuff like Gorgers and Yhetees, feel like those random resin Drukhari units that GW keep around in the army but are questionable if we ever see a plastic version of them in the future
  2. Crab unit you say FYI this was basically a Idoneath Deepkin movie but set in the DC universe lol
  3. A lot of book release and few miniature releases and only army that probably didn't need it is my guess lol as for coalition j be wary of them using it as a mechanic outside of fluffy lore usage, it seems like a trend that they are going away from souping units and really emphasizing that the units in your Book/ Pitch battle profile are the one you are using for your army. Edit: i do think it going to be a slow year for AoS but not because of supply issues but rather they are going to favor 40K releases over AoS for at the least the first half of this year, it seems to me they are at least capable of churning out stuff despite the global issues just looking at the 40K slated stuff
  4. maybe there is a LVO preview this year? it is happening the on the last weekend of this month but there hasn't been word of a reveal show at the event. an online show could happen around the same time though.
  5. Yeah that one where the Rotbringer was murderizing that Lumenith Aelves was a really a piece of Art
  6. Or there could be a bottleneck in the book release and they are just prioritising 40K books, since it looks like they have a lot to chew through this year with Tau, CSM, Eldar, Tyranids, Traitor Knights, the things they promise with Killteam and somehow get to IG and IK. God know if they going into 11th edition with Worldeater instead of maybe delaying edition change by a year lol
  7. I feel like history say chance is none or only one side gets more models lol
  8. I don’t remember but the rumour timeline was like IDK tome in February, Fyreslayer was March, in between where the big 40K release and May/June was a Death tome but OP said he wasn’t sure which Death army
  9. There are lot more outdated kit in Skaven compare to those two. i wouldn't say the Soulblight release adiquately build on the two new Bloodline as well as it could be. i would say it be harder to touch all four clans for that kind of release in one go, the Ork was regular Ork units and Beast Snaggas (snake bites) and i doubt this Eldar release is not going to touch all the Phonex lord and Aspect warriors in one go
  10. Probably too much to ask GW to do everything at once so that realistically why. Got to temper your expectation somehow
  11. There was that one weird time with Carrion Empire where they reveal the 2 battletome (Skaven and FEC) at the same time they where going on preorder preview with the related Battlebox but I don’t expect that to happen again
  12. It’s a flip of a coin really. Most of the time a battle box one and done for both sides and afterwards it just your army rulebook ( Hexfire, Shadow Throne, Aether War, and Carrion Empire). Sometime it leads to one side getting stuff later on and other side is generally just a book (Piety and Pain, Pain and Pleasure, And maybe Saga of the Beast and Blight Wars). There was few time that the boxes where tied to a new release with the battle box having actual new miniatures in it for one side (Feast of Bones and Looncurse (may have been issues)). Then there those rare time where the battle box contain new miniatures and it lead to new miniatures for both armies later down the line ( has only been in 40K, with Shadowspear and then now with Eldritch Omens, though I guess technically that weird Wraith and Rapture box counts too I guess) but hope lead to disappointment so with no buzz about new models for FS or Deepkin it hard to hope for more atm.
  13. yeah but they still release and publish those books though so they still have the capacity to keep churning 30 army codex per edition for one game system which was your original post. AoS has not reach that level yet.
  14. If they where even remotely concern about that they wouldn’t release so many marine supplements in the back end of the last edition and we know that eventually Worldeater and Emperor Children are coming out eventually which is two brand new armies. And AoS doesn’t have that many armies compare to 40K by comparison.
  15. Coalition rule though seem very last minute though since the way they are doing them seem to de-incentiving mixing units from different army. I wouldn’t be surprise if city got change to the coalition’s rule where they don’t gain benifits in your army. edit: apparently revenue wise the only thing that sale close to Space Marine is Books and GW really just a publishing company lol
  16. I mean out of all your example only warclans was the only time they merge two official books together. Also Big Waagh is the least played of the allegiances as everyone plays pure and there no options to ally within the warclans so it not like you gain mileage from souping either
  17. I don’t recall there being many Ogors maw tribes rumors only wishlisting. i don’t see them any army being merge this edition either but this goes to a lot of daft ears on this forum.
  18. He probably didn’t deserve to end the first one
  19. I would have assume at bear minimum the IDK battletome was correct along with the actual Fyreslayer tome. Everything from 2-5 was probably too much to be true.
  20. I mean I feel like if they got merge into slaves they would just be treated like Kroot and the other Tau Auxiliary, which mean basically an irrelevant existence both in gameplay and in lore.
  21. Well for a video game I would say faction army gameplay matter more then aesthetic especially when it can take 23 hrs or more to finish a campaign like TW. Army that can give you easy wins are more popular like Empire and High elves. That and historically both Chaos and Beastmen had terrible campaign mechanics that where not fun and got outdated plus they are a DLC faction so not everyone has access to them compare to the base faction
  22. I think what helps Kruleboyz is that they are bulkier and have more surface area, and I am guessing they rank Greenskins as something easier to paint then regular skin
  23. I remember in terms of player base was Warrior of Chaos, Orc and Goblins, Empire, Dark elves and then High elves and Vampire counts. but I doubt they are switching Posterboys since this feel like it came from Cinderfall gaming and he usually regurgitating stuff rather then having reliable sources
  24. Well looks like the next few Monday are all going to be Eldar. Deservingly so, but given some of Whitefangs reaction I am guessing it going to be quite a lull in AoS news
  25. I mean I saw the article when it first launch and it didn’t have Umbraneth if that what you mean
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