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Everything posted by novakai

  1. All I heard was that they acknowledge that the current app is not up to snuff and that they have someone new taking over and plan to overhaul at least the 40K one in May
  2. While it nice to get new Skaven model but kind of hard to get excited about underworld warbands though especially sense it most likely be lock behind an overprice box lol
  3. My hot take is that Be’lekor get shadow demons sometime in the future since he has been active in Ulgu since AoS started and was the one who hire Skaven assassin in BR and everything in Harrowdeep is actually related to him. also base in the 40K rumor there is suppose to be a daemon update and the shadow demon in AoS are rainstorm daemons in 40K or at least that my theory.
  4. Shadow demons sound like another Silent people/ Katophrane background race lol
  5. Ok maybe not rat Ogor but it something bulky
  6. I think I see a witch Hunter, those mysterious creeper from the RE, and a Eshin Rat Ogor? the art is pretty Rad this time around compare to the recent Harrowdeep art we been getting. oh but it just another teaser, Oh The Humanity!!!!!!!!
  7. Well I feel it also ok if some armies are mono gender as well just to fit a niche and not every army have to fill quota just for diversity sake that why I feel like there isn’t a need for female space marine since Sister of battle exist and it ok for SM to be all males.
  8. I mean both armies have some guys already but they are more of a supplement force to the army rather then being its identity like Arcoflaggellent and Doomfire warlock. the army is still called Adeptus Sororitas and Daughters of Khaine.
  9. We probably will know by the end of this week I feel.
  10. Not oppose to it but I think what keep DoK separate is that they take up the female only army niche like Sister of Battle does and both those releases have done pretty well in getting female audiences into the hobby in recent times.
  11. granted the current Shadowstalkers could be Malerion aelves as in the lore they not totally part of DoK just employed by Morathi to scout the Allpoint for Varanite. They also have basically the same teleport ability as the Tenebral Shard too funny is that the complaint about them being to similar to DoK was also present back then but they ended up being DoK units anyway instead of heralding Malerion.
  12. I think what’s going to happen is that they tease one warband tomorrow, one on Thursday, and Friday is the full reveal lol. but since this a new box set they probably want to maximize their community engagement for it despite not having a big reveal.
  13. It could just be a DoK war band in the end and not related to Malerion, shadowstalkers are part of the DoK army as of right now and this does coincide with the tome coming out soon.
  14. Most hero models are also on tactical rock and statues these day just to make them stand out from units of the same base size
  15. Are they merging two season into one? because as I believe it currently is, Harrowdeep is only slotted 6 warbands base in the card numbering. This new starter set is the last of this cycle
  16. For any hype bloodbowl star player get outside the player base I feel like it get damper once people remember it’s Forgeworld and resin models. Rarely do I see actual proxy and conversion of BB stuff in AoS just people yammering about it
  17. I believe he get stuff early but not anything unrevealed or under NDA.
  18. He was an ancestral dwarf God in the Old world along with Grimnir and Valya. every Incarnate who got bounded to a realm are consider to be big Gods in AoS. All of them except GorkaMorka where once mortal being in the Old world. Sigmar, Grugni, and Grimnir where venerated enough to become gods by their race after they pass on. Nagash, Tyrion, Allareille, and Malerion became Gods during or after the Endtimes. Teclis somehow became a God in AoS but Morathi didn’t get it until Broken realm. The chaos Gods and GorkaMorka where born Gods and are classify as elemental Gods according to Warcom.
  19. Tom has been wrongin the past as well. Edit: he probably right that the next tome is Skaven though, it being more then just a standard book release is ?
  20. GW should start making more soft cover book because these random supplement are getting expensive while being less valuable in the end They did that with Warcry at least
  21. Also extremely amount of book keeping and forgetting what your veteran squad does in every game
  22. i thought the enemies that where hinted in the IDK tome to be Fishmen race called the The Abholons
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