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Everything posted by novakai

  1. Not to rant too much on the subject but from my experience the biggest source of NPE in DOTA probably comes from your own teammate. At any level, getting five random people to work and communicate together to win a game is already impossible and it only takes one person to ruined the experience for the other four. In DOTA, with how the game is designed, there are way more ways of people griefing or sabotaging your game experience either maliciously or selfishly. at least in Warhammer your face to face in the real world and not behind a screen. So at least there a higher degree of social interaction and contract.
  2. I don’t see the urgent need to refresh the core plastic Ogre model (Gluttons, Leadbelcher, and Ironguts) I feel they more then serviceable compare to other ranges and model. or at least I don’t see GW thinking they would need to refresh the ogre model and it one of those they wait until the models are 30 years old before they consider it time to do it type scenario.
  3. the New DoK book was mostly to bring it in line with 3.0 standard (everything that use to be rerolling dice is now a straight +1), though the biggest thing for them was more internal balance among the subfractions (Hag Nar was finally not a paragraph worth of abilities that overshadow the other 5 subfactions) and making the Avatar of Khaine more useable.
  4. CSM and the remaining Horus heresy stuff not yet released (leviathan dreadnought and other individual release from teh AoD box). Also, the new paints are supposed to come out in July ( i know not part of Warhammer fest but it seem like they wanted to clear some space in july for the paints)
  5. i mean so is Lumeneath and they are jumping the queue to get a tome first. DoK also got their tome first as well despite the last one being a year old. I guess it is hard to grasp how GW releases stuff but often time it's what gets done and publish first over community priority and metadata.
  6. i would say the only thing to look forward to is the next two boxset heroes for the next two battletomes. GW rarely (i could say never really) drop surprise update for kits that are not tied to a battletome, most of the stuff that were revealed at Warhammerfest is what is slated for much of summer (Q3) until another reveal show come out. the only thing they didn't reveal fully was Warcry (nothing so far on the boxset, the legionaries, or the full Nurgle marauder Warband).
  7. for some context and summary of the discussion: Negative Play Experience (NPE) is when playing a game frustrates or bores one or both players. NPEs are thought to prevent new players from fully entering the game or leading to existing players abandoning the game. Warhammer weekly show is probably where the term started gaining traction in the AoS community. the term NPE has existed in other gaming communities beforehand but this is the top video if you youtube search the term Negative Play experience. people and players all have different views of what's NPE and what made them feel NPE in games. Some common ones cover in the show during AoS 2.0 where the Activation Wars (largely (sort of) been toned down in AoS 3.0), Multiple fighting abilities, Shooting, and Turn one alpha strike. this episode was launched probably during the height of a Magic Domination, Shooting, or as a counter Tanky Deathstar meta. So at the time, the armies in the survey with the Highest NPE ranking were Seraphon, Tzeentch, KO, Fyreslayers, and LRL. Slaanesh and FEC were probably up there at one point in time before some targeted nerfs but had left some bad taste in people's minds. As we are in 3.0 our perception of who is on top of this list has probably shifted a lot. LRL has been used as the example of most NPE by the community (sometimes by Warhammer Weekly, often time even in other online communities like here and Reddit). an infamous example is probably Sentinel with their range attack at 30 inches, no line of sight, sometimes MW on 5s and 6s, and rerolling hits with Lambent light. Other example includes Foxes and their movement shenanigans, Total Eclipse doubling your CP spending which you can guarantee going off with Teclis, and even stuff like Cathallar passing battleshock on to your units can be unfun. Personally my opinion on the matter, I think NPE is largely based on Player perception, and with my feeling that the player base seems to lean toward a more casual play, the abilities that deny you to play the game or things like shooting that don't have much or limited counterplay are more disdained by the community. like me, I personally have not like playing against abilities that shut off CA usage (Nurgle Flylord with that helm or NH with shutting off IP, granted I play armies that tend to have low bravery and overtly rely on IP more so than other armies) but as someone playing the game for some time now I am more use to these experiences than say a newer player. something that may not be meta strong like Boltboyz shooting, Slaanesh if you use their summoning to the fullest potential, or BoC with -4 rend, can cause NPE if there is not a knowledge or communication of abilities beforehand.
  8. A lot of the online survey only put them in the middle of the pack. personally talking to GW employee (taking it with a grain of salt) working in retail they said the top five are SCE, Warclans, Slaves, Gitz, and NH.
  9. Eh, beside the fact that tournament data is not a true representation, they only in the middle of the pack in popularity like most other armies in the game. they are definitely not the new SCE that LRL player seem to preach like it’s a fact
  10. Well I think with LRL the NPE argument probably won out in the end as too much of there stuff are hard to justify or defend the stuff they can do. A couple of threads about least favorite army and army you hate playing against alway had a lot of people agreeing that realmlords being one of them. Maybe it a good thing that they are getting an overhaul sooner rather then later (at least it not a third wave lol) since they are so stigmatize and NPE that even players don’t want to play them i know I ain’t changing my mind until total eclipse is erased from existence lol
  11. No one like the Hunt rules ( or people forgot about it because of how hard scoring has become) seeing no change to Ogors and Sons, it possible could reaffirm that they are the two destruction tome in the fall
  12. Pretty sure all these battlescroll speculation will all end up in disappointment just like the last time and time before that lol
  13. It would go against what Whitefang hinted at that one of them is Sons
  14. The next three tome are rumor to be LRL, Tzeentch, and Sons. The last destruction tome is been up in the air also if a new edition of 40K is release next year, those year have been traditionally also been a big lull in AoS for about the latter half of the year.
  15. Part of it is because the soulblight release some of the dynasty (mainly Vyrkos and maybe Avengorii) felt lacking in terms of units. Both of those Dynasty feel like they should a bit more to them. There also a feeling of a lack of actual Vampire units in the Vampire army
  16. It already been named in the GHB as an Scinari Enlightener, probably just another foot hero yoga posing on a rock 😂
  17. I mean they have yet to reveal anything so far. The next reveal show that usually happen is NOVA which isn’t until the last day of August this year.
  18. I mean the next AoS release (outside side game) Isn’t slated until Fall, we shouldn’t expect anything until September at the earliest at this point in time
  19. I mean you just be as bored and uncaring as the last release lol
  20. Would that really win you more games? nothing significantly is going to matter until a new tome comes out. making thing cheaper now only causes a rubberband effect when they have to be priced back to normal and people list shot up more points. Especially now with every getting more of an increase then a decrease. edit: spider rider are already really cheap, if the book makes them better they are not likely to get cheaper and may even get an increase, it would ****** your current list even more.
  21. Point drop unless extreme would not make a difference for those unit, it wouldn’t increase their win rate or give you the extra unit that would make the difference in your list
  22. Because the changes are not going to make Gitz perform better and there a design threshold where you can’t price thing cheaper (example Cygors are worth 80pt, they are never going to be priced that low anyway) Point change don’t make thing magically better unless you manage to fit another worthwhile unit in you which is not achieve by point reductions of 10s
  23. I doubt point drop would have matter and I don’t think they can get any lower as they are on the threshold before being too cheap
  24. So if LRL has a new hero, I am guessing Tzeentch got an old resin hero redone in plastic judging by their pitch profile
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