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Everything posted by novakai

  1. Awlrich the Drowner is an actual character in the game by the look of it (not a reskin unique character like Lady of Ash in stoneground)
  2. Nighthaunt confirm to be the third race in realms of ruin
  3. Steam page just updated with release date of November 17 Plus editon tiers and looks like cosmetic dlc and hero dlc
  4. What are we internet stalkers or something?
  5. For those who are interested when they will livestream the new content
  6. The dominion and leviathan boxes are probably the best of both worlds for newbies and veterans, they have everything you need for a newbie and their friends to start AoS and all rules to start the new edition for veterans. The boxes are however like you said are tied to the starter set as models from the box are often available for the starter set. they have release vs boxes in the past with loads of brand new models on both side but they have mainly been in 40K, and those boxes have obvious downside as your buying a box with half of the model you may not want and would need to split with someone.
  7. They didn’t get anything this edition (except the standard foot hero)
  8. Yeah but some have yet to bear anything i thing Snarlfang is an example of yes they can exist but it only lead to an auxiliary unit in gloomspite Gitz, if concept don’t prove to be popular it just may lead to hedrakka mob being a random Orruk warband and Bonesplitterz just existing without much purpose in their army. Bonesplitterz and spiderfang are both in a weirder place than those examples as they have been not treated as a full army for sometime now and more like the city stuff that may be also squated in the future. or course they could just replace Bonesplitterz with beastsnagga Ironjawz and start to shadow that army into something similar to Orks in 40K
  9. I mean the two armies are not equivalent here, Bonesplitterz have been relegated to a side army like wanderers or Phoenix temple, BoC has at least been a full army on release and kept being their own thing and also old world has been stated to be its own thing separated from AoS, what happens in that game has nothing to do with AoS in the end. not saying it mean squating but they alway been in this unhealthy place what’s the point of them in the game?
  10. I don’t think underworld warbands carry much weight, thoose push to fit models seem like product they can simple discontinued/ range rotate out of existence if they wanted too. it really the trend on how they have treated Bonesplitterz and other old model ranges vs newer models sometimes, almost like they purposely make them weak or hard to collect. If your not going to do anything for them what is the purpose of keeping them around to lavish and if your made in a state that no one plays or collect them what point would you have ever refreshing them? (they are also very marmite and niche design, thematically it’s no some big seller product) of course, I would like all three armies to be separated into their own battletome and each get their respective releases every edition, but TGA is in the mindset of not upping the battletome numbers too much or less new armies more expansion as of now
  11. It more like Ironjawz are Brutal by kunnnin (Gork ) Kruleboyz are Kunnin but Brutal (Mork) Bonesplitterz are pure beastal WAAGH energy since Gorkamorka is the incarnate of the Beast (something unique to AoS version of Gorkamorka being more of an actual deity)
  12. That and the Warclanz PTG is more gear to seperate clans and not Big WAAGH they even allow you to use Big WAAGH rules along with the seperate Orruk allegiances making using BW even less incentivizing to use unless you really want to mix stuff
  13. I rather they just split out the Warclanz book and just get rid of Big WAAGH ( mainly because GW is really bad at soup that they even being going away with mixing stuff up as a play design) even if this may cause the end of Bonesplitterz the problem with continuing souping is that the Warclanz units all occupy a lot of the same role and many infantry units would just be redundant. It just be cherry pick the best options. also at least between Ironjawz and Kruleboyz, there no uniformity between the two ranges they basically should have be two seperate army to have begin with. If they where split it also be better from a model release stand point because at least your one obligatory foot hero per edition is actually is part of the army you like.
  14. Reminder that daemon of chaos combat patrol was all Khorne daemon for 40K
  15. Well I really not giving any army the Bonesplitterz treatment, ultimately it’s really what GW wants or schedule to do and all these things you listed are probably thing I except to happen either way. I have not really felt that the two system differ that much from a macro system perspective. It not like a regular edition change doesn’t also cause the same problem because they probably do change a lot of the mechanics that also cause problems within the existing battletome lor create weird janky situation like OBR last edition
  16. I mean if they where to implement some of the changes that people like from 40K 10th edition like heroes being part of units or something AoS player been wanting like reducing MW in the game as a whole, I can see them resetting every army into index form so warscrolls and allegiance abilities are all fresh at the beginning with these new mechanics and restraints in mind but of course this is just my hypothesis.
  17. Skaven and Stormcast have extremely bad battle tactics skaven are all clan and unit specific meaning you have tailor your list to even have a chance and can only achieve in very specific scenarios Stormcast are also very situational and unit specific as well, one requires CoS units in your army the other requires a 10 bravery unit to loose a model to battleshock nurgles has a few achievable ones but they are either easy to fail or also require certain units to complete
  18. It probably one of those thing they do regardless of how people feel the current state of the game is, it more base on that they seem to reset the game every 3 editions given their history. Not saying we always follow what 40K does but we also don’t really diverge from them as much either. regardless 4th will happen with a new rewritten core rules and they keep churning out new battletomes for every army much like 40K 10th edition. Just like when 2nd and 3rd happen for AoS.
  19. It quite possible (given GW history) that 4.0 is a total reset of the game and battletomess and they are just letting the meta slide until then
  20. I think this the last Kruleboyz video so they may start the other armies pretty soon
  21. Hey now sometimes we get Slaangors and their extremely bad warsroll from second edition
  22. I be more iff about the 5+ ward to be honest comparing to the lady of vines 5+ ward it has better range Is a pray not a spell so your opponent doesn’t get the option to stop it maybe slightly more reliable to get off (3+ on one dice over 7+ on two dice of course there are ways for sylvaneth to reroll the casting roll) only downside is you have to be in your teritory to use it. but then again this is only one of her three ability and she much cheaper then most named character in this weight class
  23. They did say they where moving warehouse though I am not sure how much it affected them i have notice that some of the oldest rumor engines tend to be exclusive miniatures like the ghoul king or the Warhammer plus models and they often take forever to be revealed
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