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Everything posted by novakai

  1. I have a question, how does Prophet of the Waaagh! synergies with Aetherquartz Broach again? are you getting another chance of rolling for extra CP when your rerolling for Mighty Waaagh!
  2. I have a feeling they going double the unit size of Gors and Ungors to 20 while also doing the same for the prices when they re-box it. though maybe if where lucky, the Ungor could be price in the same range as Night goblin and Plague monks since they are 25 mm base units.
  3. someone forgot to use their liquid green stuff
  4. It looks like a ETB model judging by the base. it looks pretty cool though, the paint job is maybe a little too bright but I do like how purposely derpy his face is Edit: oh it for Shadespire, of course it ETB, duh
  5. yeah if they don't release anything for Destruction soon, I feel like GW is just salting the Destruction playerbase even more. heck even I am even kind of getting salty over the possibility that Chaos may get Beastmen and Slaanesh soonish before Grots come out.
  6. I think Plastic squig and plastic warboss is needed, The Mangler is still a good sculpt but it in Finecast so I think it needs a plastic version too. I predicting/ guessing Moonclan may get a few named character one being a Fist of Mork grot warboss
  7. While I do think this year has been awesome for AoS with the edition and all the release I think GW did miss the mark when it came to not merging some of the army ranges together when 2.0 was release. it would have been pretty nice if all of a sudden your brayherd army all of a sudden had more choices with Warherd and thunderscorn, it would have made the edition more impactful with more army feeling almost up to date. so even if you have to wait years for a battletome, your army range had more stuff to work with. Patient is a virtual, but people have a limit when they feel neglected.
  8. or they where just lazy and didn't want to draw an extra pair of hands Well actually 40k player did complain that the last Warhammer fest had a lack 40k content reveals and that it was all AoS soul wars, I remember Chapter Master Valrak felt disappointed by it when he went there as well a few others.
  9. I laugh if it ends up being part of a surprise Firebelly release of all things. TBH they didn't really announce anything I feel noteworthy at Warhammer fest IMO, Like Speed freaks probably would have been more exciting if it wasn't preview before hand and everything else seemed pretty minor. I thought they would have showed the Wulfen Dreadnought that I been hearing about. I am guessing they saving the bigger announcement for Nova next week
  10. isn't December usually sparse when it comes to new releases? I feel like if Angron did come this year it would be in mid- late November though I am surprise that GW hasn't release another Loyalist Primarch yet before another chaos one
  11. So the maximum amount of dice for weirdfist that you can use is 6 right? (5 unit + the Weirdnob), so on turn one i can average +18 range with another 6 on balewind and have about 42 inch cast range. also if Foot of Gork is successfully cast does the extra mortal wound only apply on the first instance of the foot's damage or does the extra damage stays every time you successfully recast it on a 4+?
  12. I don't think they are going to merge the range since GW has been a bit adamant about keeping their army ranges separate as of late and I think Spiderfang have potential to be their own army distinct from Moonclan. the rumor mongering seems to strongly hint at a Moonclan release and not a General Grot release since the fungoid shaman is specifically Moonclan. What could happen though is that the Moonclan BT may have mixed army battalion like Braggoth's Beasthammer for BCR where you can field spiders and other grot units and have synergy with them. On another note on the Warhammer Weekly episode I did like the idea of a Troggoth infested with Maggots and being constantly earen and regenerating kind of cool if not a bit morbid.
  13. I want to say two Giant centipedes but there no tiny legs in the picture. my other guess would be Tyranids
  14. out of topic but I feel like 40k is due for a loyalist Primarch soon (Leman Russ) before another chaos one ( Fulgrim or Angron)
  15. Yeah his list was 20 point, so once he realize his list was illegal, he disqualify himself out of the tournament, apologize to the TO and ship his trophy back
  16. I actually like the lore bit where Archeon tries to burn their nest but their where too many of them and they burrow away and escape from him. I kind of reminds me of how cool giant spiders where in Tolkien's Silmarillion
  17. So they are becoming more like spiders, due to radioactive magic, eh? it like they are becoming Spider-Man or something. Rampant speculation: I hope these Spider Grot can wall crawl, web sling, and have Spidey Grot senses that gives them -2 to hit while flinging sarcastic remarks at your enemies.
  18. I think TK where a fan favorite but not an army many people wanted buy and play in (especially since I always heard Ushabti where terrible despite being amazing models), neglect by GW didn't really help either I remember I saw a list of Most played armies in WHF where I think Chaos, High Elves and surprisingly O&G where at the top and TK where at the bottom just on top of chaos dwarfs and Bretonnia.
  19. I think at best Gencon is going have a tease of new releases but GW is going to save the actual reveal what it is at Warhammer fest Europe which happen a few week later.
  20. Well Fabius Bile isn't part of the EC legion anymore since he left it to do his own stuff, I think narratively speaking he going to be use by GW to Make Primaris Chaos Space marine for Abaddon and the Black legion to get them on scale with their counterparts
  21. My two guess would be a new Dark Eldar Archon or something related with the Tenebrael Shard from silver tower
  22. Isn't Grimhauler Easy to build? that probably why he cheaper
  23. So I been thinking of starting a Bonesplitterz army and I made a list of what I wanted build up to: Allegiance: Bonesplitterz - Mortal Realm: Ghur LEADERS Wurrgog Prophet (140) - General - Command Trait : Squirmy Warpaint - Artefact : Mystic Waaagh! Paint - Lore of the Savage Waaagh : Hand of Gork or Mork Wardokk (100) Wardokk (100) Wardokk (100) UNITS 30 x Savage Orruk Morboys (300) 30 x Savage Orruk Morboys (300) 10 x Savage Boarboyz (200) BEHEMOTHS Aleguzzler Gargant (170) - Allies Aleguzzler Gargant (170) - Allies BATTALIONS Kop Rukk (200) Drakkfoot Warclan (140) ENDLESS SPELLS Chronomantic Cogs (60) TOTAL: 1980/2000 EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 2 WOUNDS: 195 Just looking for suggestions. I probably don't need two Gargants but since Colossal crusher comes with two I added them in.
  24. Well I don't think it a harp since those string have to be strung tightly on the frame and not hanging on the metal circular braces like in the picture or else it not going to make sounds. But then again magic fantasy realm may triumphs how instruments would work in real life
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