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Everything posted by novakai

  1. Surprisingly the regular myrmidesh and twin souls aren’t regular units in Warcry but are strictly leaders ( if I am reading the rune marks correctly or there another page missing )
  2. Looks like the marauders are only archer units
  3. last year was a bit lighter with Aether War reveal
  4. probably is a dead Snarlfang pelt, but their a multitude of being that would wear that thing especially in AoS
  5. The only thing I can think of that is left is the white dwarf, the remaining Necron heroes that haven’t been released yet, and maybe another limited edition Grombrindal model.
  6. well checking the other Direchaism cards look like all the card are featuring artwork for the older warbands so no sneak peek of any of the newer ones
  7. I don’t think the Christmas reveal is solely going to be all Slaaneshi (maybe a good portion) by the fact advent rumor engine seems to be teasing the random stuff they going to reveal that day Slaaneshi was probably was going to be reveal at what blood and glory was going be
  8. So initial viewing Glissete weapon profile seems really good makes me think that the Glaves are special weapon like the one the Kairic acylotes where is one in three of them have it. Slaangor guys profile seems crazy too and he has three wounds, he maybe a unit champion or Slaangors are going to be more elite then Tzaangors are Bow attack if represent in a unit is decent, basically better Namarti reavers with rend
  9. looking at the cards, looks like they where careful no to have ones that contain artwork of the other 6 warband in them still keeping them a secret
  10. is it really that bothering that the Calendar is jumbo up?
  11. You know with the rose thorn sabre and the vine like hair I am starting to think its Flowery plant blood Knight vampires
  12. it probably the same kind of helmet as the one the slaughter queen wear (where it more of a metal visor that allows the hair to flow out of the back)
  13. I feel if they are doing 24 rumor engine most of them are going to part of the same couple of models. these model will probably be reveal really sooner rather the average wait time we get with regular rumor engines
  14. Oh the Spiderfang tome celestial mention the existence of Pestigors (and Scuttlers again) turn back the clock
  15. My bet is on Skitterstrand nest is the one that is left, since it the one that optional in the mega battalion. though I think they need to change the composition of Stalktribe since it too much cost just to one drop and reroll save rolls
  16. a while back there was some talk of possibly teases when it comes to some of the skulls on model. i present to you possibility of an Ur-grub model that mention in Beastgrave a couple of time
  17. well reading the text it looks like the armor is turning Karthaen against his own warband. quarry and hunter must be new mechanics for this season, maybe there stuff that turns warband members against each other
  18. Zombies? Edit: nope looks like Cthulu armor upgrades but weirdly not on the equipment cards, really don't know what to make of it
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