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Everything posted by Jator

  1. Quickly, ask for new rat ogres and gutter runners!
  2. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/01/03/old-world-almanack-designer-round-table-on-new-graphics-and-miniatures/ Obviously the Army Book from 8th edition, rumoured to be finnished and forgotten before the End Times. At least they salvage some material and put it to good use. @Clan's Cynic Alas, skaven not being among the supported factions means they won't re-release Island of Blood again. But the Battle for the Skull Pass miniatures still look good too.
  3. Oh, I'd love to see Ikit during that era, maybe before the "Claw"? I remember reading on his trilogy that he was 80 (or it was 40?) Years old, too young to be around at this time. Nothing they can't retcon, but I doubt they bother. They could re-release the Battle for the Skull Pass like they have done with the Battle for Macragge. Those are some cool looking pairings and make perfect sense, I'd be all for it.
  4. Real Life stuff has put a hold to any hobby-related activities, and I'll move soon to another city, in which I'm unsure what community I'll find. I know there's a roleplaying club and a 9th age community, which I don't like but may translate into some ToW players, so there's al least that. So my plans right now: -Finnishing painting the Black Orc team for BB, maybe paint the Imperial Nobility team or some other that may catch my eye in the meantime. - Grab the Old World books. I'm 100% sure I'll get the High Elves box whenever it's released (which might not be 2024) but most factions have the potential to tempt me depending on miniatures or interesting alternative army lists. - Keep an eye in any skaven release that may pop in AoS, most likely this summer. It isn't much but if things go well I may be able to get more ambitious as the year goes on. Best luck to everyone in their hobby plans!
  5. That's easy. They won't release the older ones because lizardmen aren't supported. Same with most factions with most or all of their range having a healthy life in AoS (skaven, vampires,ogres...). And beastmen haven't enjoyed any refreshment of its range, so that's a non-issue for them. So your question only really applies to Chaos Warriors. On that regard we'll have to wait and see, although I'd say the difference between the old and the new miniatures isn't as jarring as with the lizardmen/seraphon .
  6. IIRC the leaked tie-in novel had the 20th January date too. So we can probably take it for granted, barring unforeseen circumstances.
  7. It's hard to say without knowing prices, but I think the box looks great. If they keep a reasonable price - and they totally should, considering those old minis recovered their cost decades ago- I prefer this to boxes with two armies (one you'll want to sell). But it's GW, so we better cross our fingers.
  8. That would make more sense since the boxset includes rat ogres too, and those too units share the same kit. That's if, of course, assuming the rumour is true, which I don't believe. But I'm sure that at least some of the units listed would be updated anyway.
  9. I looked for Ushoran first too, but I guess he hasn't been released yet and will appear in the 2024 votation. It would be too much of a mistake by GW's part to forget about one of their best miniatures ever.
  10. Don't worry, it's normal to feel all those tables as cumbersome. If I wasn't familiar, I'd be probably see them as daunting too. In fact that was the case when I was a newby. (And now it goes against the current market trends). But as others have said, after some practice it barely slow down the game (removing casualties thou....sorry, I'm a traumatized skaven player). It may still not be your thing, of course, but I'd encourage you to give it a try. After all, LONG LOST NEHEKHRA is not going to conquer the world on their own.
  11. These look good enough on the photos, but I have to wonder if GW is dipping their toes on pre-painted miniatures? Not as a main product, of course (there's money on paints, after all) but like something they can use on starter sets for beginners or some boxed games.
  12. Sounds interesting. Of course we'll have to see the full ruleset, but I think they're doing a good job generating interest and even hope for this new iteration.🀞
  13. He looks incredible. The Death Alliance was already blessed with the best looking characters of the game, but Ushoran is the icing on the cake.
  14. Ushoran may be present in the lore without involving himself in battles (tabletop) like Sigmar or Grungni. Although I reckon that would be a bit disappointing, unless his right hand has a totally awesome miniature.
  15. I'm really not a fan of templates, it just drags the game. I don't think it's a big deal, but I was liking everything so far*... *Barring the lack of skaven as a main faction.
  16. Yep, gone are the days of 12+ ranks of skaven slaves. This sounds good for the game.
  17. I won't say this makes a TK team any more likely. They specify it's a Team of Legend, and if they wanted to drop a hint about them being the next team this was the perfect opportunity to do so.
  18. Nothing wrong about the voice actor, but I think the one from the "Carrion Empire" trailer would have made this better. https://youtu.be/PGKr47ziSxo?si=3Qtqr-7qFqIF-a8e
  19. I hope there's a miscast table. Not sure why, since it was pretty annoying, but here I am, longing for it.
  20. I mean, many people think they didn't put a crazy amount of effort in this project, but saying the rules were done in an afternoon sounds like Great Taurus sh*t to me. The thing about the boxes sound reasonable and fits with previous information, so much in fact that I won't give him much credit for getting that right. But I don't know the guy, what's his track record?
  21. I still think we'll get some sort of "fallen stormcast" by Nagash hand at some point.
  22. Congratulations for the Prince or Princess of all gargants! You both will be surprised at the new and improved Arbaal the Undefeated.
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