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Everything posted by Jator

  1. ToW keeps on giving: https://www.beastsofwar.com/role-playing-games/cubicle-7-announce-warhammer-the-old-world-roleplaying-game/ Not sure why are they doing a new RPG instead of just a book for WFRPG. Maybe they want to try new mechanics? Anyway, I'll keep an eye on this.
  2. I'm just happy to read that skaven will ruin things for everyone else (and potentially themselves).
  3. Although this makes sense (new units/armies usually sell better that revamped ones), and would be good for the game, I'm kinda bummed out by the fact that all the obvious possible new armies are just regular pseudohistorical humans. Except the Moot, of course, which I can only see GW doing if they really want to spit on Mantic and their halfling army...and I doubt they care so much. To be clear, I don't mind Kislev, which makes pperfect sense within the Old World itself and it's narrative, but more than that I find so boring... Then again, the only fantasy race that comes to my mind when I think about new factions are fimirs, and we know GW won't to touch them with abargue-pole (although they'd have plenty of room to retconn whatever they want and came with new stuff). That being said, I'll welcome any new addition to the Old World.
  4. I prefer this approach to boxes. People can buy more than one without paying for repeated heroes they may not need or extra rulebooks, which no one wants. That being said, this one looks pretty dull.
  5. Amazing! A shame that there isn't new plastic, but the range is pretty complete as it is. All the resin stuff looks good, the shaman really has some swampcalla vibes with his own "pot grot" and everything, won't be surprised if he pops up in several krulebiyz armies. Ald talking about shamans....the shaman on wyvern is back! As someone who started with the 4th edition box and had it on paperboard the nostalgia just sucker punched me. And curious about the armies of infamty, thou. First, because I though all the waaaghs were nomadic, and second, because I didn't expect a troll army at all. But with the hag returning it can be interesting.
  6. The warcry warbands, as other have said, look to much like the regular stuff in their respective armies. Which makes perfect sense, of course, but I can't hardly find them exciting. I only really liked the slann idon and the crone. The latest is great both in more and in miniature, if I had any faith about the future usability of the armies of renown I may even wait for that box with anticipation.
  7. Done. I personally think you could have done more asking about the armies, like different questions for the ones you already own, the ones you want to collect now that you have a second chance, why so, etc... What do you plan to do with this information? Do you have a channel?
  8. I can see GW giving the "dark aelfs" the orruk warclans treatment, with DoK being their own thing but also a part of their Big Waaagh equivalent. Not saying it's a given or what I'd prefer, but certainly a strong possibility. Then again, the dwarfs were never souped despite all the preventive seething in this same thread, so the coin can land in either side.
  9. How amazing and fitting would have been to read Rick Priestley's End Times.
  10. For all the chorfs fans around here: https://youtu.be/Xwl2QKEyFHg?si=DaieIwjqY5sPfqfo
  11. Have they really reincarnated Queek? Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, but seems rather unoriginal. Besides, he should be already the top verminlord warbringer and spend his time hunting the souls of dwarfs and goblins for fun.
  12. Yeah, I find it shocking too. I guess there's a strong possibility they get renewed in warcry, as you say. I mean, after the new assassin and the eshin underworlds warband, I'd have said it was 100% sure that we will get new gutter runners. But both Nezzhil and White Fang are clearly well informed, so it's either warcry or just an incredible dumb decission from GW.
  13. Maybe remove/replace the "Confused" reaction? It's only ever used passive agressively when you don't want to bother with a reply. (In B4: Confused reactions).
  14. Haven't thought about that until now. I'm sure there's people who can make a fitting custom movement tray either with MDF or a 3d print.
  15. He's everything I expected him to be (In essence: Cool AF). A shame I can't stomach the idea of painting a full FEC army because I really like them lore-wise.
  16. What I don't understand is why it wasn't released with the other ones during the 40th anniversary (same with not announcing the new novel during the Black Library event). In any case I don't find it appealing at all. Good for my wallet I guess
  17. This was a good read. Ushoran as a character might be almost as cool as his model. I'm curious to see how things evolve for the Death alliance from here
  18. Don't get me wrong, I'll be the first to participate in such sub-forum and enjoy it, but I won't hold it against them if they refuse to go though that. It's clear not everyone will be comfortable with the idea and in the end this is an AoS forum. But this is probably best discussed here:
  19. They could do that, but just to be clear, that's not exactly what they said.
  20. I guess they could start the hype for the next factions even if they're two months ahead. I wonder what the armies of infamy would be for those factions. For dwarves my bet/wishlist would be Norse Dwarfs and Karak Kadrin. For greenskins is more tricky.... I'd normally say savage orcs and night goblins, but those are AoS armies, snd after all this talk about GW wanting to keep a division between the ranges...maybe black orcs and some other flavour of goblins? And yes, I now all those have units in AoS too, but it isn't the same situation, those aren't the face in their respective factions.
  21. That book was probably the peak of army books, with customizable runic weapons and a dwarf dictionary. Lovely stuff.
  22. Could you share any good reviews that aren't from Guerrilla Miniature Wargames? Thanks!
  23. Well, apparently I manage to grab a map of the Old World. For the three books I'll rely on a FLS and it's juicy discount. Good luck to everyone!
  24. I'm biased, of course, but it does feel wrong to leave skaven out when they're so quintessentially Old World, not to mention very popular in WHF videogames (with a franchise, Vermintide, revolving around them). Of course the other legacy armies deserve to be supported too. But I'm pretty sure most tournaments will allow them, and that the community will keep the lists updated. Who knows, in another five years the Specialist Games may find a way to support all the armies in ToW without getting at odds with the AoS department. The thing for me is that I never felt like Fantasy was truly dead, and I don't feel like the legacy factions will be kept out from the Old World.
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