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Twisted Firaun

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Posts posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. 'Ello all yoose Oomies, Big fellas, and pointy heads, I am Loonseer Skarnik Gloomcap, I was sent by Da Shroomshark to tell you gitz bout Da Tripple Stabba(he would of done it himself if he wasn't tryin to wrangle some troggoths to join our crew). IMG_1529.jpeg.ee99cfe7eca9f0a942145c3517a150bb.jpeg

    (Model is WIP)


    Anyway Da Triple Stabba(Dead Man's Trident) is located in da realm of death itself(Shyish) in some underworld called "The Galleon's Graveyard" and is a bunch of islands dat look like a three prong stabba when yoose are floating from eatin to many puffshrooms. It's always raining 'ere, and da clouds are so thick it's like Da Everdank came early(don't tell da Looking I sed dat though, I like me head in one piece(ha!)). So far it seems dat were are only three major lairs(or whatever you lot call your homes) in da area:

    1. Port Jagged: Named after all of da wrecked ships and rocks sticking out of da water like squig teef, and is the major Oomie "settlement(dats what you call your lurklairs right?), it's a right and proppa place of villainy, with all sorts of oomie crimes being committed(It was ere where I learned some oomies have mushrooms growing on dem). Hey fink dat da storm is actually some goddess or godbeast(it depended on who I asked) named  Scyjaw , who collects(or eats) all da souls of any creature dat dies under its rain.  when I asked what dis git looked like, hey showed me two pictures, one was a oomie girl leaking water from er eyes, and da other was of a giant allopex chompin down onna bunch of ships.

    2. Pele Koa Isles: dis place is basically three or four volcanoes linked together. I woulda done more explorin but a bunch of da fire stunts came outta nowhere and started throwing axes at me! some of dem were weird though, it looked like dey were made of hot rocks.....

    3. Skellie Keep: Dis place was very weird(and coming from me dats saying somefing). It's one of dose pyramid places dat Nagash and dose Desert Skellies like building, but it was being run by some vampire(so da people of Jagged told me). Even weirder is da fact dat were were still living 'oomies dere as well. We should be extra sneaky around dis place, as dey ave a small fleet(three or four barges) and regularly patrol it. Owever, it seems dat da skellies are "friendly" if you give dem exotic pets or strange books once a year. 


    Well dat's all I could find out,. Don't ask me for a map of da joint, I didn't ave time to nick one(and in irl I'm not that great of a digital drawer(is anybody here good at that kind of thing?).

    • Like 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, StoneMonk said:

    Crugl: Aye admire yer enthusiasm, but wit da exception of Kurgan, I dunno that we got the da forces ready to travel and den capture the location if it already be settled. I know others on der way, and I be obliged to wait to increase our odds of success. Plus, I ain't knowin if I fully trus' any of yoo yet to endeavor on such a monumental task

    As for da locations, some of dees ideas be cool, but what do ye really know about each location. Scoutin' might be a better next step, perhaps we each send a trusted hand to join an expeditionary crew to go out together an' see what we're in for...

     Stonemonk: @Theroozle Let's give some more time for people to jump in and share ideas and build armies, imagine gathering supplies and crew for such a big adventure. I'd also like to build a bit of drama up to the point of arriving at the new location. Imagine this is our first movie with 3 acts and the final act is arriving at the island

    Alright sir, sorry for jumpin da bow on dat, I could scout out da triple stabba in a bit as currently me and my boys are shipwrecked were for da time being.

    7 minutes ago, StoneMonk said:

    Great question man! Do you have a favorite chaos god? Dark Oath vikings could be cool on some bone ship. Also, they don't have to be water or air based, they could be land based raiders if you can imagine something unique in AoS. 


    Loving these @Nacnudllah!

    @Acid_Nine posted some ideas he has on the dream army thread.

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  3. Alright Boys, now dat we ave a right and proppa mob of Thievin Gitz(Meself included), we need ta decide on where in all da eight realms we should set up our port o call(my grog boss is getting rather inventive with his cursing). Now so Far we ave Da Tripple Stabba, Mork's(Or was it Gork's?) Broken Chompas(da floating islands da pointy head mentioned) and the Shiny Loot Beach(Glittering Archipelago). I says we ave a vote, most posts for the location wins, agreed?


    Edit: Sorry if this sounded offensive or rude to anyone, I am glad we have this thread and really enjoy the world building we are doing, and hope we can soon take it to the next level. 

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  4. 12 minutes ago, Overread said:

    People (and skaven) remember we must remain united in these trying times. Remember the values of kith and kin, of family and of proper decency  as GW asks our thoughts again

    Remember the ashes of the fallen

    Remember your mothers


    I already did my brother!

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  5. Well if we'se showing off our crews den allow me ta introduce da Grotficers 


    dis ere is Grotwonk Slickspitta, boss of da guns(madcap shaman)


    First loon Snuffnak Gunksack Snapper of Eezy Pickinz and boss of da Squiga Diverz


    Boss of Grog, Nazpizzle Shroombagz(brew git)

    Prisoner interrogater, Slitsnag Moonpoke, Poker of Da Oomies(Spiker)

    Morale Boss Glitnak Kunnintongue, Smacker of Da Gitz(Boggle eye)

    Story Tella Naffnik Kunninnibbla(Scaremonger)

    Star Gazer Stizglat Toadhoppa(Shroomancer)


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  6. Ello 'umie loota boss, I'se be Loonkaptin Zagrukk Da Shroom Shark, boss of da Salty Squig! Me and my boys ave sailed from da beastie realm all da way to da boney seas in search of places wiv lots of shiny stuff ta nick! One of dose places was Da Triple Stabba(Dead Man's Trident to you umies), it was constantly pourin, the few amiss dere was like proppa gitz with der kunnin, and best of all NO HAMMER BOYZ.  IMG_1527.jpeg.81dcd807abd14a8f514dd6ed77ca8180.jpeg 

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