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Twisted Firaun

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Posts posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. 16 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

    Gryph-wolf is sick; lines up with the creepier gryph-mounts we saw


    There are two major schools of thought with Warhammer narratives (both Fantasy and Sci Fi) where, with it being a setting in which people are actively encouraged to write up their own fan fiction factions, events, and histories

    On one hand, you can set the nuclear clock to "ten minutes to midnight" and never touch it. The setting won't move forward, and anything "new" needs to be retconned as somehow "always existing, just hadn't been mentioned yet." This approach has some benefits: the setting is established, you know the apocalypse is coming, and you can pick anywhere in "history" to set Your Dudes. 

    Famously, this approach backfired a few times in 40k. There was a particularly divisive Grey Knights release that invented all sorts of brand-new stuff for them and had to twist things into knots to explain why they suddenly had them. Fantasy sort of played with an "end times" with Storm of Magic, but GW lightly reset the clock there to right before Archaon's invasion again.

    Short term, "your dudes" are not scrambling to "keep up" with a narrative. Long term, it created a situation where Abbadon was "just about" to go conquer everything in the year 40,000 and Archaon was set to do the same "very soon" in WHF. It was cool at first, but I got bored and after a few retcons of "the same timeline" I just wished the story moved

    AoS and 40k are now in the opposite ship: both have sliding timelines with Main Characters now. BUT(!) the best way, imo, to engage with stuff like that is to not set your battles in the "protagonist" continents/planets and to not make "your dudes" so important. If you don't get horribly attached to something GW invents, what happens to that place in-canon doesn't really impact things: the stories are GW's characters and places, and your stories can be somewhere else!


    For my own stuff, I picked a couple untouched corners of a few Realms, claimed they were linked by Realmgates, and set the story to be "after the GW narrative." My made-up city is old and established, My Dudes are very wrapped up in their own issues with their own opponents in their own little corner of the Realms. GW can blow up every city, set chaos ascendant, really mess up the Ghurish Highlands and I can say "wow! cool story and neat toys!" from my "narrative safe space" so far away on Ghyran that it doesn't have to "impact me."

    I think being able to carve out a chunk of the world/galaxy for yourself is the appeal of these "moving timeline" narratives. I wouldn't personally get too invested in anyone GW invents, because they're GW's characters and they can run over them with a bus if they want to.

    Each realm is multiple times the size of Earth with extremely long histories: it'd be crazy to think there is just one ghost on a boat mostly into drowning people

    I very much so fall into the "your dudes" camp of warhammer lore: I enjoy creating my own characters and letting them loose onto my own branch of the setting. Case in point, my Soulblight army is lead by a kit bashed Tomb King on Dragon whose Dynasty has been tasked by Nagash to guard a mountain filled with tombs and forbidden magic since their underworld was founded (think Valley of the Kings, but Warhammer). The leader, one Arkhanatem had his mind and soul shattered during an attempted Soulblight Rebellion that cost him the life of his still mortal (grand)daughter, who was taken by Sigmar to be reforged. To my guy the grand narrative being created doesn't matter, all he cares about is that he was assigned a task and he will complete it no matter what.

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    Coolest thing I've seen come out of the new edition box. 


    @Gaz Taylor I had to Google enslavers, that's interesting and very cool. Good eye. 

    NEW BIRD DOGOO INBOUND!!!! I love everything about this guy, down to his pose and helmet that makes him seem even more serious then the average hound.

    • Like 3
  3. 6 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    You‘re right, dunno what came over me to accuse a follower of Slaanesh of degenerate motives!

    Now you've truly hurt me my friend, since I have more tzaangors then I could ever use outside of an apocalypse game.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Running evil trains? Depending on the train you are talking about that‘s already possible with Slaanesh! 🤙

    @MitGas I play slaanesh solely because they have a vaguely middle-eastern aesthetic going on, please get your mind out of the gutter.

    • Haha 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Pizzaprez said:

    NGL, I could see Chorfs getting a Votann styled drop. If they spent a year previewing little snippits of chaos tech or pointed stars, I could see some players getting a bit vexxed if they'd built up an idea of what those things should be for their own chaos armies. 

    I could see one rumor engine of a hat, or a silhouette closer to an announcement, before smacking everyone with a full "first wave" series of previews. Much like the Squats, it'd give people no time to overthink "man they're really going to bring back those guys?" and just get excited about what's new at face-value

    Or not! If they wind up making them real close to their TWW iteration, I could see them rumor engine'ing bits of semi-familiar stuff to get the ball rolling. All depends; I'm excited for Chorfs! The Lumineth can't stay the only faction in the setting with dumb hats

    I just want to be able to run an army of evil trains, is that so much to ask GW?! I mean you already brought back LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!!! and it looks like CA already went and designed a pretty balanced army list and aesthetic to be used. 

  6. I've kit bashed an O.C. Stormcast using Yndrasta+Reikonor's mount wings+a blood knight helm to create the daughter of a fallen underworld who's trying to reclaim it. She was given the soul blight curse as she died, and its influence on her soul has gotten worse with each reforging. I'm also working on her undead father and treacherous uncle, the Demi-god guise Belakor's wearing to convert the civilization that lives in the underworld to his cause, and some duardin and orruks who are there for profit and mayhem. Pictures to be posted later since I have a test today.

    • Like 1
  7. 16 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    IMO it is literally impossible to happen. With TOW now and the fact that both games have to have distinguished armies we won't see an Egyptian-themed army.


    • Like 2
  8. Alright, since we’re talking about this I’ll throw in my line: bring the tomb kings back to AOS. Seriously, just create a Ancient-Egyptian/Middle Eastern themed faction that focuses on warmachines and fast attack, create an oc Mortarch (I’m thinking “Mortarch of Eternity”) and have them be all about slowly expanding Shyish’s influence throughout the realms(desertification).

    Vampirates brought back as treasure seekers/collectors of arcane lore/death god hunters. Naturally lead by a Mortarch of the Abyss (a picture of Harkon and count noctilus), with a focus on guns and sea monsters.

    New Soulblight Mortarch to replace Arkhan when he inevitably becomes a OBR only mortarch.

  9. 4 hours ago, Chikout said:

    20240429_075258.jpg.62d7d473ed5b10d67c14518877b8cbe8.jpgRicki is a great example of what's possible. He got permission to run this army as Ogor Mawtribes at a Warhammer world event. 

    It rather gives the lie to the idea that GW doesn't like proxies or kitbashes at their events.  It's really just 3d prints they don't like and even then a 3d printed helmet or weapon is usually fine. 

    Isn't this the same Ricki known as @Melcavuk, creator of some of the best kitbashes and custom armies in AOS? His Suneater Project got me into Destruction as a faction.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 16 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

    Aaaaah I've never seen this art before; how cool! Stuff like this and the grot tanks from 40k is the vibe. The realms are so big and insane that they could do absolutely anything with the concept of a "daytime goblin" and if TOW is going to bogart whole races and factions I doubt they're going to just do "common goblins" which is sorta cool

    Dispossessed are a placeholder as far as I'm concerned. They're rereleasing the old night goblin kits because the idea of having *any* cross system models makes some GW dude sweat through his shirt. If they survive a substantial "not Fyerslayers or Kharadron" Duardin wave I'll be genuinely shocked.

    That one GW dude is a hypocrite, since pretty much everything in Killteam and Warcry is usable in their main games.

  11. 13 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Im hoping that with the Scuttleboss removed but the Riders staying that at least some part of the Spiderfang will remain and be updated.

    I could see a new Scuttleboss coming and new Spider Riders as well, keep the Arachnarok but add in the Spider Incarnate under a different name, maybe an ancient Arachnarok or a named one like Old One Eye the Tyranid Carnifex.

    Maybe we will finally see the scuttlings from Silver Tower finally turned into an actual kit? 

    I have a feeling that this edition will be the edition where GW "fulfills" a great deal of long time fan wish listing. We're getting a mass Skaven update, they've shut down the third-party guys who produced not-chaos-dwarfs and have increasingly teased proper chorfs in aos, Darkoath have arrived to replace Chaos Marauders, and the freaking Silent People got a lore article. Of course, I could be completely wrong but it's nice to have hope.

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  12. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    Over 30 heads for Marauders!? These kits are incredible!! By Crom if I didnt have my own Little Glutton on the way Id be very tempted!!

    Don't fret @KingBrodd, I will purchase and post pictures of the completed kit so that you may focus on the Prince/Princess of All Gargants.

    1 hour ago, Vaellas said:


    They keep making me want them. I need to resist because I know they are going to be solo releases later but urgh... this box calls to me. My wallet holds me back.

    These kits are so good it making me (almost) want to abandon LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! to focus solely on my Tzeentch+Slaanesh chaos horde.

    7 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    Devil is in the details:


    Permission to steal this incredible idea for my own @Ejecutor?

    • Haha 1
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  13. 1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    And it's DARKOATH! As well as more Bretonnians, Tomb Kings and Orcs & Goblins.

    New transfer sheet for Bretonnia as well:


    BY LONG LOST NEHEHKARA THE CASKET OF  SOULS IS FINALLY HERE!!!! And on top of that the Darkoath battle of is also rolling out just in time for the Great Warcry Gutting of 2024. Can’t wait to see all of the posts of the new models being painted in the new future.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    Yes. Sources are “Covens of Blood: A Snake Sheds Its Scales” and “Yndrasta: The Celestial Spear”. 

    It also shows up in Scourge of Fate, where part of a chaos warband is made up of a half-Ogor and some of his monstrous kin.

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  15. 40 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    yes, it's good to keep in mind that if rules feel too "different" to you it's likely because most of us grew up with the hit/wound/strength/toughness roll tables. in comparison, learning different colors and a few icons will go quickly.

    can we do this at home like Ejecutor asked and also, is it only things bought DURING the event or can it be any kit? like I just bought a new Seraphon Salamander (at an actual GW store), surely that should count if the event is soon?


  16. 27 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    But my point is, you do this at home, right? How can they prove it is not old stuff or pics from someone else (if they ask for pics at all)?

    My store's allowing pics, but otherwise I guess they're trying to encourage people to hang out at the stores.

    • Thanks 1
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