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Twisted Firaun

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Posts posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. 4 hours ago, MitGas said:

    Oh and I think it's lame we get another new female char. Why not a cool dude like Egrimm Van Horstmann or Aekold Helbrass for me? I don't care about other armies! 👌

    Then it turns out she buffs Tzeentch marked units. Jokes aside I kinda wish DoT had named characters besides the daemons.

    • Like 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Well, he technically is not but I mean another big hero on horse seems less likely than other things for StD. But it's not like I got inside knowledge, Whitefang even laughs at my post, so I figure I'm very off the mark. 😄

    To be fair @MitGas, it could also mean that you’re closer then all of us put together if you get consistent @Whitefang reactions. Plus, Eternus is honestly an elevated Varanguard, and Archaon lost a good deal of them due to his failures (they joined Be’lakor’s faction).

    • Like 2
  3. Supposed this spear does belong to the rumored "Lady of Ruin," what kind of hero are we expecting? a new spell caster, a foot trooper, or a daemonkin/princess leading the charge from the front? Barring the model, where do you think she'll lie on the Belakor vs Archaon scale? My money says Archaon but I'm also hoping for a solo act if you catch my drift.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    Vulkyn wd article mentions that Vulcatrix essence got dispersed into anvil of apotheosis,firebellies fury  and the flame of HASHUT.


    HASHUT LORE?!?! Where? Where? 
    Once again jokes aside, I find it really interesting that duardin of all stripes are seeing lore and/or new models this edition. Perhaps it’s a sign that GE ha finally figured out how they want to take everyone’s favorite stout warriors and that they’ll play a major role in the upcoming edition?

    • Like 1
  5. On 10/6/2023 at 7:39 PM, Sception said:

    Soulblight Gravelords: Saint Saens, Dans Macabre

    Neferata: Olympus Mons, Cleopatra; Ludo, Love Me Dead

    Mannfred: Voltaire, When You're Evil; Melody Gardot; Your Heart is as Black as Night

    Prince Vhordrai: Dethklok, Black Fire Upon Us

    Lauka Vai: Kanye West, Monster (Nicki's Verse only)

    Volga: Stephen Sondheim, Last Midnight (Into the Woods)

    Radukar & The Ulfenkarn Crew: Dschinghis Khan, Moskau

    Legion of Blood: Brian David Gilbert, Lay All Your Love On Me (performed by a vampire)

    Legion of Night: Sting & David Hartley, Snuff Out the Light (the Emperor's New Groove)

    Kastelli Dynasty: Dethklok, Thunderhorse

    Avengori Dynasty: Bobby "Boris" Pickett, Monster Mash

    Vyrkos Dynasty: Aviators, Teeth

    I'd like to add the following to this honestly great list for GA:Death in general:

    Toccata and Fuge in D Minor

    Voltaire, In The Land of The Dead

    Terror Time Again

    Skeleton Sam, Lovecraft

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I thought that we would have 40 models.

    And I expect a Harry the Hammer remastered for AoS and TOW.

    My money is on Grombrindal getting another model, but an updated Harry would be pretty cool so long as he has decent rules.

    • Like 2
  7. 4 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    Same approach taken for the LotR game, another line that had its time in the wilderness. By and large old sculpts for most troops but accompanied by new plastic versions of old characters.

    So what you’re saying is that we’re gonna get a plastic Settra, Khalida, and maybe a new Arkhan the Black? I’m down with that. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Sarges said:

    And after FeC we finally have more photos of Bretonnian pegasus lord:

    >Sadly I don't have the rider. I suspect a hero model just given the amount of bling on the pegasus though. No real indication from the saddle area as to what it might look like.

    CDN media
    CDN media
    CDN media
    CDN media

    BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA IF THESE ARE THE WANNABE FRENCHMEN'S KITS THEN I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE THE GLORY OF THE TOMB KINGS ONCE MORE!!!! *coughs* In a more serious note, who in God's name is leaking these bad bois? I'm as grateful as the net guy but if we lose a cool dude at GW cause someone couldn't keep their mouth shut then I'm gonna be disappointed in us as a hobby.

    14 hours ago, Kronos said:

    I hope the offal hounds get an expanded unit, I really like them and are something different for the courts that aren’t just a Ghoul with a cloak or helmet, they’re almost a different species! 



    Honestly every Warcry as a whole just has a "this needs to be expanded" vibe to it. I really want to see how far GW could take some of the lesser chaos cults (Horns of Hashut) and the Soulblight kit (vampire samurai warrior monks are awesome, and I need more of them).

    2 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I'm buying two of each kit, as they're lovely models and I can find a use for both in my armies.

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  9. 3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    As far as the rumours go, no plastic kits for basic troops would be released. I hope you are right and we get some fancy plastic units.

    They confirmed that the Tomb Guard, Necropolis Stalker/Knights, and Sphinx kit are coming back alongside a resin Tomb King Hero, my wishlist has already largely been confirmed. I just need a plastic Liche Priest and maybe an updated Khalida and I'm golden.

    3 hours ago, Theduke said:

    FEC Bat Cavalry...  Whatever that means.


    Are we thinking updated flayers or giant undead bats being ridden by ghouls ala pegasus knights? cause both are acceptable.

    2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    I imagine a new Maggotkin release by the 4th Dawner book. They’ve already made it abundantly clear the Nurgle forces are so nasty there they can easily take on FEC swarms and ambush the Ghyra crusade right out the gate with greater daemons and it’s only a fragment of their power.

    so 3rd book should deliver on the FEC refresh with their new situation in the Realms and then 4th will be the final boss fights I’m guessing.(Maggotkin for Ghyra and maybe Skaven for Aqshy)

    Also this has been going around regarding TOW


    I’m guessing the big news is just the leaked peg lord and either a TK hero or the peg lord turns out to be a dual kit like some say.

    (Would be funny to get exaggerated Brets news alongside actual hyped FEC news, who’s the delusion now? 🍖 🍷)

    I made this joke a while back, no one laughed. If GW actually decides to do this I'm gonna rage so hard Khorne's gonna try to recruit me.

    • Haha 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    If the rumours are true and TOW launches early next year maybe this time TOW as more stuff than a single mini?

    As for AOS I would say Book 3 and its boxes.

    My money is on Resin TK character (who I'll probably buy twice), a couple brand new plastic kits to replace basic troop options for both factions, and the rulebook(s) of doom.

    • Like 1
  11. 19 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA THESE ARE LOVELY!!!! Seriously I love the blowup FEC have been getting since Beastgrave. We've gone from a bunch of cave dwellers wearing no armour to deluded vampiric montrosities wearing rusted pieces of armour and the bones and dried skin of those they've killed. If the wave/refresh continues the trend set by the Arch-Regent and Beastflayers war cry band, then I'll definitely add these guys to my roster (probably based on the old Crusader Kingdoms + The Black Heart Brigade from the Iraq War).

  12. 1 hour ago, Sarges said:

    End of the week, just in time for them to go viral during the weekend and then GW will have no other choice to show them properly on Monday and start hyping more reveals on Warhammer Day.
    Joking aside, it's very exciting.



    Does anyone else feel like GW leaked the Bretonnian Plastic hero, Updated Ghouls, and the Knight Acheron months ago just to mess with us and/or find their mole? Cause we had no warning regarding the new knight kit at all and suddenly it's being announced alongside the new Blood Bowl team....

  13. 3 minutes ago, Wraith said:

    Good grief, man! Think about what you are saying!

    If we allow those upstarts in the Americas let their temporary independence go to their head and spell English words as they please, think what will happen to the language elsewhere in the world. Next it will be those shackle draggers in the antipodes wanting to degenerate the language by spelling their nation’s name just as they pronounce it: “Straya”.


    Heaven forbid!

    ..... You do realize I'm American right? and that I have Egyptian Citizenship as well? All I'm saying is that both of my countries managed to kick you out and therefore reserve the right to butcher "The Queen's English" (I know Charles is the king now, but typing anything else feels like saying the sky is green if you catch my drift) as we see fit.

    • Haha 1
  14. 5 hours ago, Wraith said:

    OK, so the rumours are for the release date to be pushed back and into 2024. No problem! I have a big backlog of AoS stuff to paint so I will arrange my schedule accordingly.


    @Gaz Taylor is there something that can be done about the spell checker? Warhammer is English in origin and thus should use the King's English, not that North American pigeon English that the spell checker seems to be using.

    Mate, this is a forum for a tabletop game where we spell orcs/orks depending on if we’re talking space mushroom men or fantasy mushroom men. Spellcheck isn’t a huge priority.

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