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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. One Curseling, the Daemon Prince I promised in September, and a whole lot of skeleton warriors and grave guard in battle-ready format.
  2. This is the same Ricki who's also known as @Melcavuk on this website right? Cause this feels like one of his projects and I'm all for it. I'm personally hoping we get "upgrade" kits for each realm, and then a bunch of base models we can customize to our delight. My reasoning for this is simple, @Public Universal Duardin pointed out a long time ago that Hysh generally = Egyptian aesthetic, and therefore I plan on using Hyshsian bits to rebuild my Tomb Kings army.
  3. I’m sorry your royal swoleness, hopefully you will be able to expand your hobby range and get your namesake onto the tabletop.
  4. I’m just waiting for the aelf version of Aang, that way we’ll finally have an aelf without long flowing hair.
  5. I’m hoping for Chaos Dwarfs, soulblight update with more of a East-European and Egyptian mix of aesthetic. The Dawnbringer Crusades are definitely coming next year, so I won’t say anything about that. Finally, let’s see something completely out of left field in the form of a genuinely new faction. I feel like if they give the chorfs an industrialist Assyrian/Persian feel, the whole range would be sold out in five minutes.
  6. Ogor vampires would be the most broken thing in existence and I am all for it. I would love new skeleton archers, nothing too fancy but something that allows us to snipe back at Order Factions and their guns. One thing I think would be really interesting is if we got something like a mix between a tomb and siege tower, repairing and summoning skeletons back to unlife as they fall in battle.
  7. I wouldn’t mind an updated Wight King, especially if it leads to an expansion of the deathrattle range.
  8. The ulfenkarn skeletons are absolutely amazing, especially the ones from the Cursed City box and not based off of them. The leader with the death-mask alone…. Personally, I hope we get more skeletons and Vyrkos style vampires. The only thing that disappointed me about Cursed City was that we didn’t get the undead Ogres it promised us as a proper unit, though that could change this time around. Perhaps in an upcoming expansion they could add some more Egyptian stylistic choices to the range? So I don’t have to kitbash them with tzeentch’s mortal range and scour eBay for spare Tomb Kings bits? That’d be nice. I agree @KingBrodd, the idea of running The Universal Monsters as a faction sounds incredible, it’s why my two favorite death kits are the Undead Blood Bowl teams. Personally, if GW does decide to introduce more classical monsters to the range, I want to see mummies before werewolves (for obvious reasons). New Graveguard confirmed, that or vampire/mortal death infantry.
  9. The Tzeentch battletome drops this week, we have a boatload of Chaos and Death stuff inbound, and who knows what else GW has planned for Warcry. in short: this holiday season is gonna kill wallets, especially if they raise prices due to the pound collapsing.
  10. Like @KingBrodd and yourself @GenericEdgyName, I think that the fact both Underworlds and Warcry moving to the same area opens up some interesting possibilities. We now know that not every marker on the Warcry map represent a Warcry or Underworlds band. Personally, I’m now worried that certain much hoped for updates (maneaters) are now just going to be one off characters or simply not occurring….. but I’ll try to stay hopeful.
  11. BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA AND MYSTERIOUS ARABY THOSE GRAVEGUARD ARE WONDERFUL!!! The dark oath band are also absolutely wonderful as well. I might have to buy extras of the death band so that I can spread them throughout my army……
  12. It looks great your Swoleness, they managed to capture your good side. I know I'm a bit late to the speculation party for Underworlds, but maybe we might get a new faction teaser instead of a range update? We know that GW uses Underworlds and Warcry as testing grounds for new ideas for each faction, Aztec Khorne, Zarbag's Gitz, the new Witch. Hunter's, etc. Maybe, just maybe........ we get a new ancient Egyptian/mesopotamian themed faction/warband(s) this time around.....
  13. In that case, I too will play with the best of my abilities!!! One thing I’m curious about is if we’ll get updated “Cult of the Thousand Eyes” from the Wrath of the Everchosen book in the near future, as it seems like a cool sub faction that was abandoned after it was released.
  14. I knew it was bound to happen, I was just being dramatic for the heck of it. Personally I like the idea of Tzeentch fighting with the Kharadron and Lumineth throughout the realms and Dawnbringer Crusades. Tzeentch is both the most reworked and static chaos god in the setting (even moreso than Khorne), he’s mostly been spinning webs and twisting the realms to his whims. Now though, with the Kharadron Overlords finding ways to cancel magic and the Lumineth purifying the realms, the Architect of Fate has foes who can actively challenge him.
  15. *Sad Mummy and Bird noises* BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA WHY ARE ALL OF MY FAVORITE ARMIES EITHER NERFED OR SQUATTED?!?!?! @MitGas! What shal wee do brother?
  16. We could also get the rumored/hoped for chaos warrior and knight multipart kit with said lord. Other than that, we’re left with extreme speculation in nearly all fields barring the Dawnbringer Crusades. our best bet is some Warcry news, as we know those kits become new units in their respective factions and generally look awesome.
  17. @Sharkbelly or maybe they could turn a certain part of that game into an actual faction..... I am of course talking about Vampirates. Maybe Count Noctilus or Aranessa Saltspite could take the title of Mortarch of the Depths and go about fighting the Deepen and raiding Chaos and Order coastal cities. If the Tomb Kings and Chorfs came back as well, I wouldn't complain.
  18. Unfortunately that is an old piece of art from 1st edition...... But the new lore provided by the article was much appreciated!
  19. @KingBrodd, how do you feel about your new rules Your Swoleness?
  20. BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA THAT'S AN AELF?!?!?!?!?!?! @Baron Klatz I'm going to need you to send me a copy of this pdf ASAP so that I can read this near-heretical text for myself. The implications are huge for both Cities of Sigmar and Chaos alike!
  21. @KingBrodd’s army continues to grow in both model range and power creep…… CONGRATULATIONS YOUR SWOLENESS!!! This gives me hope that we will get a truly impressive year of AOS models in the late 2022-2023 quarters.
  22. So for all we know we could end up getting anything from the Escher vehicles, more Lord of the Rings stuff, to an entire new Tomb Kings range for TOW this week?
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