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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. I personally cannot wait for this book! My ties to LONG LOST NEHEKHARA AND MYSTERIOUS ARABY!!! aside, my favorite faction to read/build has generally been Slaves to Darkness. AOS has made them be out to be the most populous faction in lore, but we rarely see things from their point of view besides "Chaos is evil, and that's a good thing." With this book though.... We get to see why so many tribes and nations turned towards the dark gods instead of Sigmar and company. My only complaints are that it's set in Aqshy and not Ghur (we're in The Era of The Beast), and that it looks like the main character will turn towards Khorne as usual for chaos characters. I always thought that the Kruleboyz were supposed to be like buzzards and other carrion eaters, you know they're out there but that doesn't;t mean you want to see them near you. Don't get me wrong, I wish certain models and ideas were taken in a different direction, but overall I think GW did a decent job with adding more "Mork" to the Destruction mix.
  2. No need to apologize, I'm also in a bad mood today. We finally get Tomb Kings news last week and it turns out just to be a map, and GW decided to only give us two articles today (comics don't count) and one of them was Armies on Parade.
  3. The way things are going? I'd take one new mini and a reprinted tome over no mini and a reprinted tome.
  4. I'm expecting some new "Not-Kislev" riders will be joining various Cities of Sigmar armies in the coming months. *Laughs in GA: Death units*
  5. I want something like Malign Portents way back in 1.0 going into 2.0. Remember how fun it was to actively shift the narrative in each alliance’s favor? And the stories that would come with it? Let’s have some of that with new Path to Glory rules (and maybe upgrade sprues for some of the trophies mentioned in each battletome’s personal path).
  6. Well….. that is genuinely disappointing. @KingBrodd, I feel so as well your swoleness, I swear the only thing that keeps me on the fantasy side of the hobby are the fact that when we do get releases they look amazing, and the wonderful lords and ladies on this website such as you, @MitGas, lady @Enoby, @Public Universal Duardin, and too many more to count.
  7. Oh boy the new skeletons are coming out soon!!! BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA I CANNOT WAIT FOR THOSE LOST SOULS TO JOIN THEIR MIGHT TO MY TOMB LEGIONS!!! I know it doesn’t really mean much, but for the shaven players out there at least now you get some additional Clan Eshin sculpts without having to buy a huge box. Here’s hoping that you all get some new plastic kits for AOS or TOW in the near future, as Nehekhara owes you all a great deal.
  8. Some of those models are legitimately older than some of the people on this site (myself included). Don’t get me wrong, I have little to no connection to the Old World besides loving the models and lore for Tomb Kings, Chorfs, and a couple (previously) smaller factions. I don’t need a massive +12 kit release, but I’d like to not have to bid over 100 dollars for some tomb guard. If TOW makes that possible, I won’t complain.
  9. BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO FEEL ABOUT THIS!!!! On the one hand I now know that Tomb Kings are confirmed..... on the other they're so far away! Oh @KingBrodd! I wish I could throw them away, but I have spent too much time invested in them to give away the scheming lads!!!
  10. Any new lore as well? edit: New Exalted Hero model confirmed.
  11. BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA A NEW TOMB KINGS BLOG HAS BEEN BORN!!!! These guys look amazing @The Brotherhood of Necros, and I can’t wait to see what you come up with next.
  12. let's compare notes: My hopes and dreams for Tzeentch: New mortal Character/named daemon prince. Mortal cultist unit New elite unit that can cast spells New Daemon Herald in the same vein as Nurgle and Slaanesh. So long as its aesthetic is a strange mixture of Ancient Egypt/Persia/Asia I will be content
  13. Reminds me of Captain Cutler from Scooby Doo.... AWESOME!!!
  14. *Sad mummy noises* Guess we'll have to wait for TOW news until later this week.....
  15. So we're going to have a bunch of $80 boxes of infantry and elites with special weapons being sold separately? Honestly it sounds great when it comes to soul blight, skaven, and orcs/gitz, but everyone else are about to get trampled.... I hope that the Slaanesh warband is circus themed, since it's been mentioned throughout the lore that Slaanesh has cults of warrior-acrobats. Don't forget Morathi-Khaine Worshipping Khuresh, Monkey and Tiger flavored Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs, and THE RETURN OF LONG LOST NEHEKHARA AND MYSTERIOUS ARABY!!!
  16. Here’s hoping it’s either confirmation of Tomb Kings, Vampire Coasts, or better yet a release date!!!
  17. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/10/09/sunday-preview-kill-team-expands-middle-earth-heroes-return-and-new-hobby-tools/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sunday-preview&utm_content=sunday-preview&fbclid=IwAR3_DRf51KM_NCPUcMJHP7OEbTGQkiolbNJ0KZWaWayhYHo4Qawtnv2kDAg That was fast…..
  18. All three of you are correct, it just seems like there should've been some random leak by now, especially since we're so close to a reveal day.
  19. I’m sorry but does anyone have any rumors regarding AOS, TOW, or even 40K? Not that I don’t like pseudo-philosophical debates about the hobby….. but this is the rumor thread.
  20. So apparently Mega-Gargants are a fan of WWE……. Does this mean there’s a mega-gargant called “The Mountain?”
  21. Nah, that's not good enough....... Somebody should find and post the 8th Edition WHFB Grand Cathay Army Book CA was given before Total War III dropped.
  22. A new necromancer perhaps? or are we getting the referenced Tengorez Dynasty and their Necromantic war-machines?
  23. You’re probably right…… maybe we’ll get some kind of chaotic story-tellers instead. Spreading the cult of Tzeentch through the corruption of legends and artifacts.
  24. @MitGas, maybe we’ll get some warrior-scholars this time around.
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