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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. You're not alone @Clan's Cynic, I myself have picked up two boxes of the Horns of Hashut when I saw that they were being sold separately (I also bought the Rot and Ruin book). As I've stated many times I came into this hobby too late to properly enjoy Fantasy proper, but the scions of LONG LOST NEHEKHARA! and Hashut always sparked my interest when I heard about them. Here's hoping that we get to learn more about them this coming weekend, and that we get a release schedule soon....
  2. Perhaps what the guy at the counter meant is that most of the old kits won't return.... because they've been remade into plastic?! Jokes aside I think we can all agree that chorfs in some way and form are coming to TOW and AOS. Perhaps the kits will be useable in both settings, perhaps not, but we as a community have gotten too many hints and teases for GW to back out now. Plus, as we've seen with Forge of The Chaos Dwarfs, people are largely accepting of their return.
  3. @Public Universal Duardin, @Beliman, @Clan's Cynic, heck @KingBrodd and @MitGas!
  4. More Tomb Kings and Bretonnians, perhaps a trailer announcing the actual game. Perhaps weโ€™ll get a roadmap or teasers for upcoming factionsโ€ฆ of course Iโ€™m only guessing.
  5. I just want to see the Kโ€™daai and Bull centaurs on the tabletop. Though I wonโ€™t lie and say that the daemon trains donโ€™t speak to the three year old inside me who still loves Thomas The Tank Engine.
  6. Out of curiosity, if TOW were to have โ€œupgradeโ€ kits for certain units, are there any specific ones that would be worth it? Personally Iโ€™m hoping we get chaos god specific weapons, heads, and shields like in Total Warโ€™s Chaos Champions DLC.
  7. Normally I'd spam a "LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!!" comment, but as we've recently seen it looks like my tomb will be relatively spruced up soon. Now is the time for people such as @Public Universal Duardin, @Clan's Cynic, @Beliman, and @Snorri Nelriksson, who have patiently sat on the sides and grumbled relatively quietly as elgi, umgi, grobi and other wazzocks have gotten massive updates. Give us new dwarfs/duardin GW, even if they're corrupted.
  8. Since I encouraged the creation of this thread, I shall now submit my potential Seraphon army's lore: a constellation attempts to harness the power of Lunaghast and the Necroquake, and is driven insane by the secrets revealed to them.
  9. No oneโ€™s created the new Seraphon thread yet, itโ€™ll probably be up next week via @Gaz Taylor or @DinoJon depending on who has the time.
  10. Lord Croak is exempt from kneeling due to both his anatomy and the fact that he has interred with The Usurper plans in both the Old World and the Mortal Realms. All Settra would ask/demand is that he lowers his palanquin in His presence.
  11. I'd argue the fat salamander is the "worst" sculpt of the new bunch. Other than that my top three are The Second Best Mummy in Warhammer (first being Settra or Khalida) Lord Croak, The Oldblood on Aggradon, and the Kroxigor Warspawned.
  12. As a scion of LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! I will trust the words of the venerable representative of the jungle tribes @DinoJon in his assessment.
  13. Soโ€ฆ. What are the odds that weโ€™re going to see a lot of lists that will spam the heck out of those two abilities?
  14. Tomb guard, the sphinx kit, necropolis knights, Chorfsโ€ฆ. The list goes on and on and on!!!!
  15. I think we'll get a pretty good view of what GW has planned for TOW in less than two weeks from now. Warhammerfest has a confirmed slot for both Horus Heresy and The Old World on Sunday at 2pm, odds are whatever reveals and teasers we get during said event will blow every conspiracy we currently have out of the water. Until this occurs, I'm going to get back to studying for my Human Anatomy exam.
  16. I for one, will be going the celestial daemon-lizard route for the most part. There's just something about the glowing eyes thing they have going that speaks to my soul.
  18. I think the Soulblight vanguard set/start collecting should also work just fine in TOW, since it's mainly updated model kits of things that already existed in Fantasy.
  19. When they say an upgrade sprue, do they mention which unit is getting upgraded? I assume Tomb Guard but I'll just keep hoping for an actual new unit of plastic Tomb Kings. Either way, I am very happy if the rumor of old Tomb Kings kits getting remade is true, as it opens the door for me to build the army of my dreams and the potential return of Chorfs (legion of Azgorh).
  20. My moneyโ€™s now on either Empire vs Empire, Empire vs TK, or Kislev vs Cathay as an option for the starter box. Honestly I hope Kislev is the second faction created/upgraded after Tomb Kings, as Iโ€™m a sucker for Bears.
  21. I'd stay out of there for a bit, we're mostly just grumbling about base sizes and new vs old models for the time being.
  22. As long as I can get a hold of at least three Necrosphinx kits, I do not really mind the wait for new kits. Have you guys and gals seen how much TK stuff goes for? I could by actual relics from Egypt at lower costs.
  23. @The Lost Sigmarite, it looks like you chose the right profile pic because that is genius! Chaos Elves should make a comeback, after all the chorfs need a foe worthy of their stunted glory. Slaanesh clearly has a Middle Eastern/Indian Circus theme going on, so why not include murder clowns?
  24. Since we're speculating about war cry war bands, I hope for the following: Slaaneshi Acrobat cultists like the one girl from the Underworlds warband. Clans Eshin triad Maneaters or Suneater Ogors Fyreslayer prospectors. Kharadron Indiana Jones style "architects." Spookier Idoneth (maybe shark/abyss theme?). Ossiarch animal-scouts Nighthaunt musicans/funeral procession Goblind/spider hybrids.
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