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Everything posted by Nuradin

  1. Those are the chains i've been eyeing! Thanks for pic! Now I just need to figurer outfit of i want to use reaper model or cairn wrath model.. Kinda depends om how the models are angling their arms! Give me a week of so and I Will post pics on the conversion!
  2. You can almost call that your savings for retirement A long erm investment with about a 20-30% drop on your return....... And yeah, I have come to realise that the thrill for me is more in owning the models than actually painting and playing them, as weird as it is But Nighthaunt seems like an army that I could quite easily and quickly paint. At least for all the units but the characters that I ofcourse want to put a little more love into. Tzeentch is down right difficult to paint for a novice like me. SE are really easy to paint, but damn boring to just paint gold all the time. And seraphon was boring as well, apart from the dinosaurs. They were really fun to paint. Now I am trying to sell off my Seraphon cause I just can't stand that all the models that I really like are in finecast or resin and I hvae therefore come to realize that I will never finish that army! ever..
  3. I will pre-order that box. So will take a look inside and see if I can use any chains. I am not really too buggered if it doesn't look perfect. Thanks for all the tips! Invaluable for someone like me I am pretty new to models, so for me it's enough to just put them together and trying to get them all painted. Nighthaunt will be my 4th army (seraphon first, then SE, then Tzeentch and now this one). None of the armies are painted yet oh, and I have a khorne army from the starter box.. been trying to get that sold off for ages, but no one wants it!
  4. aaah, I was hoping for a quick plastic chain solution Hmm, perhaps I can look over all the sprues I have.. it doesn't really have to be chains.. it could just be some sort of string, like a whip or something along those lines. It never even crossed my mind to use an actual metal chain in order to modify the models! Will take a look at it. Will most likely hold off until I know what sort of extra bits you get from all the boxes that will be pre-ordered and ordered! I already have this chain at home: https://www.clasohlson.com/se/Dekorkedja-av-stål/31-1910 Although, I dont know if that is too big. Will have to check when I get back to my apartment tomorrow.
  5. Do you have any tips on where to get chains? I really like the idea of using the end of the scythes! That was a really cool idea!
  6. Care to give your ideas on how to do that? without green stuff.. not really sure what sort of sprues you will get. Perhaps the jailer boxed set includes more than one setup of chain weapons?
  7. I like almost everything about the model, so I would love to run 2 units of 2 or 1 unit of 4 in conjunction with either one or two spirit torments. Not really sure how many spirit torments are needed. Not even sure Spirit Torments are needed in a cavalry list.. but they are so darn cool
  8. Somehow the boxed set just gets worse and worse... since the spirit torment from the box doesn't have an chainghasts. So if you want 2 units of 2 or 4 chainghasts you still have to buy 2 boxes and then you already have 2 spirit torments, making the one you got from the starter redundant....
  9. aah, sorry. Still dont know all the names of everything. Thanks for clearing it up. And I read what the batallion does. It was what made me want to try for a cavalry list. Aaah, I didn't know the numbers for the chaingast units, So basically buy two boxes of jailors and you will just have an extra spirit torment Dont know if running 4 chainghasts is a good thing, though.. or if 2 is the magic number.
  10. Do we know if the Jailer and Chainghast boxed set will allow you to build 3 chainghasts instead of the Spirit Torment? Cause the starter box gives 1 spirit torment and the jailer gives a second. And if you then want to add more chainghasts without getting that 3rd spirit torment.. can you do that with the jailer box? Deathriders meaning Hexwraiths? I thought Harrows was a unit of two? Are the harrows heroes? Cause I thought you could only give artifacts and such to heroes..
  11. Not really sure why, but two units of 10 wraiths and 1 unit of chainrasps for battleline and then bladegheists and those harrow rider thingies to be the anvil are what interests me quite a bit atm! I assume mKoS and guardian of souls would.complement such a list? Thinking Buffs and battalions.. And the coach thing, even though I havent seen the warscroll seems Good in a fast list. What else would complememt it? Could MoG provide anything? Or is Reikenor THE way to go.?
  12. Would it be a terrible idea to run wraiths as the only Battleline in a cavalry list? I Imagine holding objevtives is a bit easier with blob of chainrasps or reapers?
  13. I really dont know what battleline go Go with! Can someone be kind a give a Quick review of THE possibilites I have. Pros and cons of Them all. I am on my phone. If i was om my computer i would tryck it myself and Them ask for.your thoughts.
  14. From what I can Read here bladegheists seems better, so I Will hold off om buying reapers.. and wait and see what bladegheists Cost and Read the battletome myself! And Them make the decision what to get. For now I think I Will just preorder chaingast and olynder along with the battletome. I am not in a rush to get all the models.
  15. How do you get bladegheists for next weekend? They Arent even available for pre-purchase from what I can tell...
  16. I Love the ability to rum nighthaunt in LoN and play the real attrition game. So I will probably bit the modell i want from nighthaunt, probably a cavalry list and a chainrasp list! And Them build a separate LoN list with mostly if not all nighthaunt. Kinda depends since LoN have some really Good units and characters! I think nagash is really expensive, so was thinking of running Arkhan instead. Night rum nagash just because he is a ****** bad ass, but I Kinda like having more units. Would Arkhan work as well as Nagash you think?
  17. Aah, i see! Since i like GoS alot it feels Good to know you can build an army around him!
  18. Can anyone give clarification what relic lantern means? Does GoS have access to some special artifact or does it work like prayers for SE?
  19. I dont like Mourngul. The model I mean.. somehow I just dont get a ghostly feeling, so I won't be running one. As Average Boss was saying I will probably run Reapers instead. I love the look of the reapers, so that's basically where I'll be going Dont know what the book says yet and how good Chainrasps will be in a horde... I kinda love the chainrasp-look as well, and I am expecting there is a battalion that involves them and makes them a bit better. So they might make it into my army! I should probably say that I dont build an army to be competitive, I build an army from the way the models look. If I like the model they will be in the army! If I dont like the model they won't be
  20. Especially since undead doesn't have shooting (used to) What boggles me a bit is the price. That's roughly 50 euro for 2 models and 1 character. That's pricier than say 2 fulminators and those are bigger and basically 4 models due to mount and rider. Not to mention the stats on those guys are better for elite units. So I would say 50 euro is really expensive for those three models. I wonder if that pricing will stick in the EU and I wonder if that is the sort of pricing we should be expecting from the NH line. Cause then I just don't see Lady Olynder being cheaper than the other mortarchs. This isn't a strange business model, seeing as Stormcast Eternals are also alot more expensive than many other armies (I dont know the price of all armies, so this is not 100% accurate, but it's by far the priciest army that I have). So I guess new factions (if NH can count as new) will always be priced a little higher since it's new and shiny!
  21. But if you had bought 2 starters you probably wouldn't buy as many specific unit boxes when they release! This way they make it mandatory to buy the unit boxes as well if you wanna go for GHB min sizes! And if you just play regular games people would loose a lot of friends if they didn't allow soul wars numbers.
  22. maybe.. Until then they can take all my money as long as the models are ghosts! This Nighthaunt release has gotten me so stoked, cause i've always loved ghosts! I've actually always loved death but never really liked hordes of zombies and skeletons. Zombies are just pointless in any and all ways possible as a villain. But now with Nighthaunt it has actually gotten me into thinking that I can create a death army with Nagash or Arkhan (two of my favorite characters) and maintain an etheral look for the army. I am imagining hordes of skeletons that aren't really skeletons, but something like skeletal ghosts. So basically painting the skeletons in the same painting scheme as the Nighthaunts.. And that has gotten me to think that Death is actually the faction for me now. So doesn't really matter what they release and how greedy their business model is atm.. I would most likely buy it anyway!
  23. It's a clever business model! Cause they know people will buy it no matter what The price is just too good to be true, especially if you are playing both factions. Just the heroes you get in the box is about the entire box worth of cash. Although it's a bit greedy to make the units so incompatible that they aren't even made compatible with the easy to build released boxes At least in the old starter box you could buy easy to build retributors and by that compliment the starter set! Not that it matters much anyway! I would buy the set just for the heroes any day!
  24. That clears things up quite a bit So modifications it is! Let's just hope the people I play against have anything against me playing a stalker more or less as a reaper!
  25. Still noob.. How do you know if you can pick which one to use? Local rules? Some official AoS rule? And I guess the reason for its differing is so that you can just buy soul wars and be able to play from the get go, instead of having to complement everything. Somehow it seems safer from a game play point of view to just go with GHB numbers? Since most tournaments and only army builders will be using those numbers, I guess?
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