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Morglum StormBasha

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Everything posted by Morglum StormBasha

  1. I think it’s a terrible move to take away free warscrolls in aos. It made it much much much easier to get new friends to try the game when there was a free app and free warscrolls on the shop. Fair enough keeping 40K not free but changing aos to be behind a paywall will really hurt the accessibility of the game
  2. It would be helpful if someone can buy one of these and show us the warscroll in the instruction booklet
  3. Very glad to have had the chance to meet Jervis at some games days he was always a kind and interesting man to talk to. His work over the years and in the recent past on aos is very much appreciate d
  4. I’m pretty sure first 3 will be stormcast warclans maggotkin beyond that who knows
  5. Haven’t heard any rumours of skaven. Youd hope at some point that would change but I think nothing in the works imminently
  6. So what do we need in a Maggotkin wave ? 1. Plastic Epidemius ? 2. Plastic Festus 3. Any chance of a new troop unit ?
  7. When did 2000 point get cemented ? Was it 4th ed? 3rd Ed wfb suggests 3000 points as standard size
  8. Yep that’s the same rumour. also plastic butcher in the new ogor start collecting
  9. Bizzare rumour that the first battlebox of the new edition is Gitz vs Beasts of Chaos with a new plastic doombull and plastic scuttleboss. also apparently 2 of the first 6 battletomes of aos3. This is secondhand so salt required
  10. Crisis over it’s page 123 of ghb20 open war Army generator .
  11. The unit caps are super low if that’s for matched play.
  12. Is this the unit roles which lay the foundation for the generic battalions ?
  13. In what world are the 2 scrolls beasts need redone the beastlord and the jabberslythe! Why not the bullgors and dragon ogres or the cygors - one of the nice plastic kits...
  14. So new points costs for beasts of chaos must mean redone warscrolls? New bullgor and cygor warscrolls perhaps ?
  15. Yeah I’m not sure on the Fellwater part of Fellwater Morruks so agree with salt on that - however an ambush and magic playstyle makes sense for the Mork faction. (Ironjawz being Gork). I hope they do either steal the Fellwater troggs or get their own trogg equivalent unit
  16. Take with a pinch of salt as this is from another forum but Fellwater Morruks glass canon army poor saves high magic ambush, teleport and hit and run
  17. I wonder if this means they will have new rules for how beast of chaos marks work in Kragnos.
  18. So based on the image from the trailer and whitefangs hints and the rumour engine. Wiry orcs which resemble 80s c series miniatures. called Morruks (emphasising the Mork rather than Gork side of destruction - Ironjawz being Gork) located in the Morruk hills in THondia in Ghur next to Excelsis
  19. I see this - Ironjawz players don’t want new models - idea quotes often but I don’t believe it personally. Ironjawz is the army that got me into aos in 2016 for the Season of War and the first ever army I fully painted to 2k in 25 years of hobby. I want more Ironjawz models to paint and to play with and I’ve wanted them for 5 years. Pretty sure there’s a lot of people like me out there.
  20. To clarify more specifically the keyword puts them into Big Waagh. But I reckon they won’t share the orruk keyword
  21. The references to orruk warclans are more to do with whether the warscrolls have the ORRUK keyword. If they do even if they have their own book they automatically also go into orruk warclans. If however it’s spelt MORRUK then they won’t be in Warclans
  22. Broodmothers are canon. There’s thousands of them in end times Thanquol. I just want some more female Duardin - it’s been 25 years since Queen Helga.
  23. I really want a mixed army of Troglagobs, Boglars and Fimir now. It would occupy such a unique space in the game (a little bit of nurgle overlap but different enough to be unique)
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