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BWG Cannonball

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Everything posted by BWG Cannonball

  1. So I know it doesn't follow a lot of the mainstream tactics of KO, but I almost always run a 10 man Thunderer unit with Rifles and Mhornar. Hop out 3", move, run, Khemist Buff, gives me an effective threat range of 31" firing 32 shots, rerollilng misses against the planned target with a -1 Rend. In the last tournament I went to between that unit and some skyooks I was able to take out Nagash first turn. I understand the want to upgrade the aether saws on the Endrinriggers, but I absolutely hate the d3 rather than flat damage.
  2. Here's a pic of the gentlemen I'll be bringing with me.
  3. Just wanted to mention one quick thing. In terms of grabbing objectives, you now hold the objective so long as the enemy doesn't take it. So you can grab a quick objective left out alone and not have to be stuck there holding it. You can get away and still hold it unless an enemy comes by to nab it again.
  4. I'll be bringing the boys to NOVA for both the GT and the doubles tournament. We'll see how we end up. And to add more Dwarven fun to the mix, my partner for the doubles tournament is a Fireslayer. We'll see what happens! I have my 2k list ready for the most part, just working on the 1k list. I'm slightly more nervous on the 1k simply because of the realm rules being used in the doubles tournament severely hurts KO in terms of range. I think 1 round is 18" range max on all weapons and magic, and another round is 12" max because of Ulgu's realmscape rules. My plan is to go heavy bubble boy for that one.
  5. Hey Fellow Admirals! Just got back from a tournament over the weekend and ended up placing 5th out of 14 overall. Had a somewhat rough schedule towards the end, but had a great time. Below is my list, I'll outline my opponents as well as thoughts and changes to the list: Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords - Mortal Realm: Hysh Skyport: Barak-Mhornar - Additional Footnote: These are Just Guidelines LEADERS Arkanaut Admiral (120) - General - Command Trait : Opportunistic Privateers Aether-Khemist (160) Aetheric Navigator (80) - Artefact : Lens of Refraction UNITS 10 x Arkanaut Company (120) - 3 x Light Skyhooks 10 x Arkanaut Company (120) - 3 x Light Skyhooks 10 x Arkanaut Company (120) - 3 x Light Skyhooks 10 x Grundstok Thunderers (200) - 10 x Aethershot Rifles 6 x Endrinriggers (240) - 2 x Aethermatic Volley Guns WAR MACHINES Arkanaut Ironclad (420) - Main Gun : Aethermatic Volley Cannon - Great Endrinworks : The Last Word Arkanaut Ironclad (420) TOTAL: 2000 My basic setup was a two-drop list. I'd use the Thunderers and Endrinriggers to take out high-value targets using Opportunistic privateers and try to do as much damage as possible early on in order to later clean up objectives. It worked out well for the most part as I went 2 wins, 2 losses, but now I'm thinking about how I could've done better. Round 1 - Stormcast Eternals - Starstrike Round 1 was against a mish-mash Stormcast Eternals army. He had a mixture of Vanguard, Sacrament, and basic dudes. He was fairly new to the game as well. I chose to go first and took out one of his ballistae as well as damaged a couple units. Endrinriggers flew up and took out a unit of Judicators. The goal was to try and take out all of his range, then try to kite him around. Result: Major Victory Round 2 - Blades of Khorne - Focal Points Round 2 ended very quickly. The list was 120 Bloodletters along with Bloodsecrators, a Bloodthirster, and Karanak. I let him go first to gamble for the double turn. He moved up into range. My dice caught fire and was able to take out 1 full 40 man unit of bloodletters, halve out another unit, and kill the bloodthirster in the first turn. I then rolled the double turn, killed another unit and a half and he called it. We drank beer for the remainder of the round. Result: Major Victory Round 3 - Maggotkin of Nurgle - Battle for the Pass Round 3 I ended up playing the individual that took first place. She had a rough list containing the Lord of Decay, Festus, 3 Blightkings units, 2 War Mammoths, a War Shrine, and the Great Unclean One. I wasn't able to keep up with all of the save-after-the-saves unfortunately and my on-fire dice went out on me. I took first turn to try and at least take down one of the war mammoths (22 wounds) but managed to drop it down to 4. I couldn't hold up after that unfortunately Result: Major Loss Round 4 - Legions of Nagash - Better Part of Valour Round 3 was against the 3rd place player. He had Nagash, Prince Vordrai, a 10 man unit of Black Knights, 2 units of Zombies, and a giant unit of skeletons. The Match started out well as I took first and was able to kill Nagash (personal goal accomplished by taking him out turn 1) Vordrai was too nasty for me to hold up to unfortunately and I had difficulty trying to grab and burn points. I almost had a tie, but I couldn't roll high enough on my skyhooks to kill off the one unit of zombies holding a point. Result: Major Loss - Personal Achievement: Nagash Kill Turn 1 I had a great time overall with some fantastic opponents that gave me some insight on things to change and strategies to think of for the next tournament. I do plan on bringing my Sky Dwarves to NOVA to give us some kind of showing.
  6. Quick question with regards to Ghoul Patrol: Do you -have- to setup in outflank with the Ghoul Patrol or can you set them up on the field normally? I'm just thinking if I don't outflank them, I might end up getting better hero support along with the ability to make more ghouls.
  7. I was discussing with a few buddies of mine the other day of a few things I'd love to see if they ever did some additions (minor) to the KO. Specifically in terms of battleline units. I'd love to see Thunderers go situational battleline because I feel it would make for an interesting and usually under-represented unit that could work out well for a Grundstok Corp. The other oddball thing we were thinking of was, what if you made the Gunhauler Battleline if you took a Navigator as your general? Could make for some really interesting fluffy lists consisting of all ships and Navigators for some true fleet combat.
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