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Thalassic Monstrosity

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Posts posted by Thalassic Monstrosity

  1. 11 minutes ago, Cinncinnatus said:

    Is it possible that the new ogors box with the tyrant might feature cities of sigmar as the other half? I know a lot has been made of the pact of bones and the new death faction, but none of these limited battle boxes have featured wholly new factions before, just a new hero model. Given the cull, might be a good way to slip in a new cities free guild general or another hero type.

    That would be interesting!

  2. 36 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Besudes, after thousands of years the Dark Elves finally succeeded since High elves are pretty much eradicated 🤘🏽


    Insult to injury, after Asuryan revealed that Malekith was the true Phoenix King.

    Isha: "Isn't Malekith the one responsible for thousands of elven deaths?"

    Asuryan: "Yes I'm high Karen, what does it matter?"

    • Haha 2
  3. 15 minutes ago, Forrix said:

    I strongly think the old faction keywords (dispossessed, wander, ect) will be gone. We'll have Aelf, Duardin, and Free People (or something like human) keywords instead. The aelfs still have a lot of unit kits left but are pretty lacking in heroes if you look at the subfactions (only 1 hero for Wanderer left). It would make sense if they just merge them together. I think Aelves, Duardin, and Free People will each have a minor allegiance ability like the skaven clans then the Seven Free Cities will each have their own major allegiance ability that supports a certain play style or emphasis taking Aelves, Duardin, or Free People.  

    That's what I think we'll see as well!

  4. 42 minutes ago, carnith said:

    Without seeking the book, we do not know if factions will keep their keywords. Will cities have certain factions they can pull from? Or will cities have access to races? Like Living City become a Sylvaneth, Aelf, Human city? Perhaps with Shadow Warriors now having no faction, where do they go? Maybe they come join Wanderers as a second archer unit, or they join Phoenix Temples. 

    That's what I was wondering. I think the cities may lose their keyword restrictions - why would they remain? Firestorm was a campaign book that pulled units from GA: Order. Cities will have their own warscrolls, some of which are the only members of their keyword now (Devoted and Swifthawk, really). If keywords remain how many unit choices would, say, Hallowheart have compared to Anvilgard?

  5. 23 minutes ago, prochuvi said:

    Have the 40% of your expensive and loved army deleted by gw and try not be negative

    Believe it or not I did. And before that I played both Bretonnia and Tomb Kings.

    One thing that hasn't been brought up: with the range being so severely trimmed down, does anyone else think there's a chance the cities might lose their keyword restrictions?

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, prochuvi said:

    So why now elfs,dwarfs and humans cant be negative for be the first armys since aos launched and killed bretonians and tk on get as the 40% or more of our models deleted???


    He didn't say you can't be negative. Pointing out the negativity doesn't invalidate it.

  7. My biggest problem now is figuring out a paint scheme. I'd originally toyed with the idea of painting them in Stormwind colors, but I don't know what color I'd pair the blue with for quartered Freeguild uniforms.

    I don't like Freeguild uniforms to be monochromatic because I hate the damned pajama party the guard are all invited to.

    Though I guess I could paint them as salmon-colored onesies, like they're a bunch of prospectors.

  8. 1 hour ago, AverageBoss said:

    That would be because NH is a very low powerlevel book. It not only fairs poorly against Grand Host and Sacrament, but almost every other 2.0 and several 1.0 battletomes as well.

    Really? Is that a new development? I' gotten the impression the opposite was true.

    But I DO live under a rock, so...

  9. 22 hours ago, Qrow said:

    I have to agree. The small game I had earlier this week using the rules we have seen was great, LoG plays how I wanted nighthaunt to play. My opponent felt that the bravery debuffs were actually a worrying and difficult thing to work around.

    I love nighthaunt, but I think I will be mainly using LoG now, they are much more in line with my play style.

    Also, with the shards of valagharr only being 40 points and having relatively large bases, I can see a lot of use in locking down parts of the map with them.

    How would you describe the differences, for someone who may be coming into the faction as a new player?

  10. Starting a PtG soon with Skaven and we're including command traits. The question is, which would be best for a Grey Seer on foot? I like a lot of the options, but I can't yet decide. Any advice?

  11. 1 minute ago, TheGrayKing said:

    @Mirage8112 since you're highly experienced in playing sylvaneth I was curious as to your opinion on the Heartwood Battalion. How well could a Heartwood Battalion focused army stand up to the more "meta" armies like DoK and such?

    Seconding this. Heartwood interested me greatly and there have been a few times I've almost come on this site to ask opinions.

  12. 11 minutes ago, Austin said:

    Would it mitigate the mixed feelings on the Kurnoth scrolls if the new hero made one type battleline? 

    Seems to me like either that will happen or a battalion will take advantage. Otherwise why change if the points are the same for all. 

    Truth be told I'll put money on it there'll be a Stormhost-equivalent that will have Hunters as battleline, the same way the different FEC... houses or whatever did.

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