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Skreech Verminking

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Posts posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. 4 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

    Very nice! I think he fits in well with TOW High Elves. As an aside, I really hope we get those Lothern Seaguard re-released. They are so much nicer than the old 6th edition Spear and Bow elves.

    Yeah, they are amazing.

    i di hope they’ll do that

  2. That sounds awesome, I wish you the best of luck.

    I’m personally not that well read into the vampire lore.

    I could tell you everything about the skaven, and in theory what they are currently doing, yet not really about the vampires.

    although, if I remember correctly the take back of the undead kings castle by nagash, happened a few years before, so Nagash should be around that time, although mostly doing nothing

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, GhostShark said:

    "Aged well" is kind of subjective. For some people those kits are perfect bits of nostalgia. For other people, those kits are the peak of miniature design and sculpting in a style they love. 

    I personally think that a lot of older kits have a more interesting style than many modern kits, as well as some really lovely and characterful sculpting. And of course,  some are just ******. But its really subjective!

    I'm really excited for miniatures in absolutely every army coming back. Not ALL of them, but a lot of them!


    and don’t forget there are some big sellers in there.

    kits like the snake riders, tomb guard, sphinx, are a pretty much up there with the aos model range when it comes down to details and look

  4. 19 hours ago, pnkdth said:

    Plus, BoC isn't going OOP. Without scarcity there's no incentive to buy high. They're just moving over to TOW and most people who might be interested in TOW BoC probably is looking at all the AoS BoC players for a cheap deal. Which ironically means BoC will look it is having poor sales in TOW as well. 

    For AoS, it wasn't much of a riddle. BoC was given no minis, questionable rules, bare minimum of attention, and be like, hmmm, I wonder why people aren't buying into this "brand new faction which definitely isn't just a bunch of repackaged WHFB models." Which gets even sillier now that they're being repackaged again for their original game system.

    Perhaps this is the chaos gods going full meta to ****** over the GOATs.


    Funnily enough after having played a few games with the beasts in aos, they really at least put their heart into creating the two books that where released in second and third edition.

    unlike the skaven tome that was with third nothing but a worser copy of its original second edition tome

  5. Mmmh, I guess it depends how your opponent sees it.

    I personally think it could be a cool mount for a beastmaster.

    from the size I’d say using it as a manticore proxy might be useful, although unlike the manticore it doesn’t have wings.


  6. 4 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    So what could I convert the Kruleboyz Sludgegeraker into? 


    I am open to ideas! :D

    although I guess it depends for what faction specifically you want to convert it into.

    with orks you can easily just leave it as is, with maybe the mordor ork on top being exchanged for a black ork big boss of some sorts


    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Son Of Morghur said:

    This is definitely not the case. I own a LOT of now "abandonned" miniatures: The price those miniatures are trying to get sold by their owners is nearly always absolutely unimaginably high, and they do not get sold at those high prices. Just go check on ebay, a lot of miniatures that aren't produced anymore, are either:

    - Way too high priced and won't sell until their price drops

    - "pro painted" and way too high

    - Absolutely horribly painted and sold at a decent/low price (low if it is a REALLY badly painted model with paint slapped on it)

    - Okayish price a little bit more than the official price

    Most of the time, these overpriced miniatures do not sell well or at all. They do sell well during the first "panic" weeks, like we saw during the great squatting of WHFB and tomb kings.

    As someone who has been trying to get his hands on some limited editions, I can assure you, that people always try to sell those items at a random dumb value (like 200 for a limited edition battletome/codex) and then either give up or bring the price down to it's near initial GW price (maybe 10/20% margins, but it really depends, dice do seems to sell pretty well even at higher costs, miniatures definitely not always).


    With the difference of these never being fleshed out factions and more or less just dwelling in the lore. These never had a fleshed out battletome nor a codex. They also weren't supported and had miniatures 10 years into the game.

    Don’t forget those people who sell their models for a too expensive price with the tag of pro painted on it, till you notice how horrible painted they are😂

    • Like 1
  8. 37 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    Good news for french players : the translated rules for Arcane Journal - Orcs and Goblins are available to download on Warhammer Community's download site : here

    It's just the rules, the background section isn't there.

    Oh wow, I didn’t know they’d do that.


    although less for me😂, I don’t particularly speak the french language at all

  9. 11 minutes ago, RetconnedLegion said:

    Based on my past luck with 40K etc, I can almost guarantee I’ll find out the army I want to collect will end up being auxilaries. 

    I mean, I’m not even certain I’ll ever need that many command points truth be told.

    its possible that that extra command point might not be worth that much as soamming the same unit over and over again with auxiliary 😂

    3 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    I think what they're saying in the article is that it replaces both current Rally and Heroic recovery from the heroic actions. A universal action to use on your unit or a hero. I think it's a good move.


    Oh, that does sound quit interesting.

    I’d actually like that over our current heroic recovery.

    nothing against it but it can be quit disheartening, when you try and use it on a bravery 5 hero.


  10. 1 minute ago, Tiberius501 said:

    They kinda seem just as easy to paint as the current guys. If anything the extra 3D detail will make it even easier to contrast them and make them look better. Otherwise they have the same details on them as the current kit just done better, and having more open poses will make getting to all the areas easier.


    they will be a but harder considering the amount of details in the back of the shields.

    but personally they fit right into the current existing clanrat range.

    i’ll probably mix and match my current collection with the soon being released ones

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Filius said:

    Ouch … I just saw the new Clanrats … if that's the general direction for our faction, then I am for happy for once to have such a big pile of opportunity. I mean … it's inline with the cinematic video, lot of early skaven artworks and the overall tendency of the meta to lean into grimdark … and I don't blame anyone for liking that … but that's just not my cup of tea-coffee-brewage.

    I’m actually interested in buying ine box and using these clanrats as chanpions overall for my currently existing clanrat range.

    what’s great about these new clanrats, is probably the thought that you can easily mix and match them with the current set without people greatly knowing the difference

    • Like 2
  12. 3 hours ago, Kosmion said:

    Hello fellow mortal realmers,

    just wanted to bring this petition to light in case anyone had missed. A somewhat desperate attempt to save our beloved faction that will prob not result in anything - but it may at least send a message to GW that people will rise up when they axe a faction and betray its loyal fans just like that.





    I signed in but do not know if it will change anything,

    still good luck

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

    @Lord Krungharr for the longest time I had always mis-read those Grand Strats. Most of them also say Masterclan heroes are included in that count. Over the last year I've been gravitating to double warlord battalions with full stack of foot heroes so its not too bad. 

    Alternatively I've loved Slaughter of Sorcery and just use my heroes as screens ;) . I enjoy the look of disgust of opponents as they successfully kill my grey seers inching me closer to 3 points. 

    I’ve been using mostly slaughter of sorcery as it was the easiest grand strat to get with a warlock bombardier count of 5 in my list

    • Like 2
  14. 5 hours ago, Beliman said:

    I'm not a big fan of that. I had a bit of hope that rules would be closer to the models they represent (and I'm not talking about lore, more about the physical models).

    Back to the old world I go I guess👐🏻,

    jokes aside, I’m keen in seeing where this is going, considering how battle shock is entirely removed and they don’t seem to have gotten something similar to what 40k has as their bravery test.

    which in a way makes me sad and interested at the same time.

    (also I’n already playing tow, so returning might be a bit over exaggerated😂)

    • Like 1
  15. 37 minutes ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

    Its a very misleading article because it says some are getting replaced and others retired, but doesn't encourage players to still use the ones they have. For instance they could say clanrats are still in the game, its still perfectly acceptable  use the old ones (honestly the island of blood rats look great for their age)

    The clanrats and stormvermins in total look amazing.

    i’m personally more amazed the plague monks and night runners are going to be left  untouched

  16. 33 minutes ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

    Alright, its finally time to look inwards and accpet we will be losing stuff. Wasn't expecting such an honest article on the community page. 

    I feel for those BoC players. I look at their range and realize it was either us or them. 

    I laugh at the S2D players who spammed Warcry Warbands. The puzzling thing is they're great looking models. I guess they're still good for warcry. 

    Same it is quit sad and personally I don’t quit get why they chose boc and bonesplittaz specifically.

    as for the skaven well here are my thoughts what I think got canish from the skaven range the rest might get updated.

    considering that plague monks and night runners are staying, if we believe that gw hasn’t forgotten to put any of those units onto tje table that got announced.

    I’d say we’ll be loosing:

    -rat swarms

    - gutter runners

    -plague censer bearers

    -warlock engineer

    without a replacement.

    This of course isn’t the truth and just a guess

    • Like 1
  17. 8 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    TBH, the big difference with previous miniature removal by GW is how soon they make the announcement, but also assure they still be legal to use for competitive play and thus considered in the balance rules for a specific amount of time (even if competitive scene can't be trusted IMHO).

    A lot of things can happen in one year of GW time. Maybe some "replacements" will come close to that end date, reimagined beastmen / bonesplitters or something very similar but different (some kind of giant centaurs drawn by earthquakes ? :P ).

    GW sells games, but most over all miniatures. New miniatures will always happen, and they will have new rules to accompany them.

    I'm still curious about what GW will wrote in the background of the 4th digital books about them. I'm pretty sure there will be hints on the future inside.

    So far about beastmen, we know that in AoS, "unmarked" beastmen actually despise and loathe the Chaos Gods and they are less the creation of Chaos than in Warhammer Battle's universe / The Old World (their own legends tell they had a Zodiac Beast as their father in the Age of Myths). We also know some breys are tied to old Morghur and want to "give the Realms their original, shapeless form". Some people (and I'm one of them ;) ) liked to think that maybe they weren't really fit for the Chaos Alliance anymore and more akind to Destruction in a lot of ways (they also hate civilization and worship the raw brutality of nature, like all the greenskins). Who knows, maybe they can come back in AoS with a more radically different theme - less chaos, more wild faun-like ?

    Future will tell.

    I mean if it comes to the competitive system of warhammer in total, I’d say the horus heresy and tow communities are quit fun.

    their answer to gws announcement of some armies not being allowed at tournament was laughter


    edit: and by laughter I mean they laughed at their face and ignored that announcement 

  18. 1 minute ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    CSM got 40k Beastmen, maybe STD will get a unit of Gors next edition.

    Looks like they want clearly clear cut armies for Chaos : Undivided, big 4, Skaven, Chorfs and I feel like they must’ve felt like BOC was “stepping ” on STD turf because they’re both undivided armies. But that opens the way for maybe undivided Beastmen in STD just like there is god marked Beastmen for Slaanesh and Tzeentch.

    I have a feeling there might be more of an interna conflict between the different teams working on tow and aos.


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