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Everything posted by XReN

  1. Good suggestions on feeding frenzy, any of two would make sence, buff it, but won't make it OP Ahhh... Delusions... Crusading Army is so good because it fits the winning the objective game theme, giving our lotsa lads lotsa speed. Crusading - obviously amazing. running and charging is what you supposed to do EVERY turn when playing FEC. Should not be changed though Royal Hunt - next good one, basicly you can play it for fun or with Completly Delusional, kicking it in when prepairing to stuck in with giant food trucks also called mosters. Would keep it like that, maybe enchance feeding frenzy roll after killing monster as part of delusion effect Feast Day - just no I think returning D6/D3 models to ghouls or horros/flayers respectively, and healing monsters (may be not kings) as warriors feast upon dead and more joining in or giving enemy units that witnessed (have been withtin N" of models that have been killed by latest activation) the Feast stackable permament bravery penalty (up to -3) A Matter of Honor - half and more of heroes that your opponent would like to get in combat are monsters, if you manage to get to backline heroes it could mean two things - they are about to die from flank Pennant+Summon ambush, or their army lies dismembered by your's so in both cases does not matter, go for Royal Hunt (also half of our units already have hit rerolls) I'd give it 6" pile in towards enemy heroes, but our heroes outside of mounted kings are not so great fighters, and on really huge bases, so that won't see much use, so something like forbid enemy heroes from retriting + giving our heroes an ability to swing in the combat phase if they were killed before. The Tournament - I like this one, will test sometime soon, for me it's smtg that you want with elite army when you get courtier as a general to fit some horrors/flayers in battleline, with couple mounted kings to engage the enemy first, which they might do without crusading due to their speed. Throw in temporary for killing a unit, permament for killing a hero +1 attack and it will work Defenders - seriously? If we had ANY unit outside of hero choices with 4+ that could have been looked at, but now it really does not fit Should be changed to auto-bravery near the general or something That'll do for now
  2. Damn, did some math, was kind of fast judging ghouls/skeletons question. Now I agree that ghouls are inferior to skellies, my point was coming from experience I've had playing FEC and they felt like very balanced army to me. And I'd also argee that they should have at least same price as skeletons. Considering buffs, I'd like to approach previously mentioned by @TheWilddog battle trait - Feedeing Frenzy. It should be made into command ability, maybe conditional, but still a command ability, so we could activate it at will.
  3. And I know that GWs only asked about points changes, but you can't fix everything by only points changes
  4. So, I would actually argue that ghouls are actually in the fine place, maybe make them 90/320, but no further than this. You can't really compare them to daugthers because comparing to broken armies is unhealthy. And ghouls are better than skeletons when taken without buffs in mind. For ghoul courtier I don't know if I want point drop, I'd be more interested in seeing GW change his attack buff if killed models for something that will protect him, +1 save or -1 to hit, basicly enchanced Look Out Sir, or necromancer's wound redirection. Flayers, deffinitely a point drop AND give them 3+ to hit, they just don't stand to horrors level. Horrors - ok AGK, GKoZD, GKoTG - ok ZD, TG - this guys are in a bad spot to me because mounted GKings are far superior, but flat out point reduction would not fix it, maybe followed by wound reduction? Make them 12 wounds for 260-270 point Varghulf, Haunter, Infernal - Maybe 10-20 points drop for them just to let us round up the lists? I find myself in a position when I'm 10 points short of a courtier, and don't need more ghouls / don't have the wizards to bring endless spells (all built-in spells are sooo good)
  5. Hey now, I never said that you shold go RAI about it! It does work as you explained IMO, it's just the fact that in the previous GHB it worked differently
  6. It might not be intended, but I think you are right
  7. Sooo, have anyone converted Vargulf courtiers? (couldn't find SCE-wannabe court here, but their Varghulf looks cool) From GW minis or not, doesn't really matter, I'd like to do something with him because I dislike the model (or build completely new one one from whatever), so any suggestions will be appreciated
  8. Flayers feel dissapointing, their armor dealing potential do not compete with rerolls and damage 2(3) of horrors
  9. There is no mistake, terrorgheist and zombie dragon of FEC are indeed different to those in LoN book, you can check it for yourself in FEC FAQ
  10. Goodness gracious! Why this GPatrol disscussion even happened? The rules are so clear, cmon people. You add NEW models with Patrol, you return SLAIN with courtiers. Plain and simple, do in any order you wish.
  11. If you don't feel like doing it thats fine, but for the sake of arguement I'd say there is nothing directly stoping you from going over 40, and warscroll says that a unit of ghouls can have 10 or more models
  12. I would totally go for bodies and corpse cart instead of Mortis and GKoTG.
  13. Well buck Quoted myself instead of editing, how do you delete posts?
  14. Since my local meta might force me to face shooty lists, I've been thinking of putting Pennant on crypt ghast, so I would be able to patrol him and maybe unit of ghouls, as well as summoned horrors/flayers and get close and personal with opponent's ranged threats/support heroes very soon or force to deploy closer to boarder. What are you lads think of it/have anyone performed it?
  15. I should point out that 18 horrors are a good frontage already)
  16. I guess we can end here. It's just a fact that support heroes and cautious playstyle worked for me better than LCoD at this point level.
  17. Now I'm really thinking of taking 30/10/10 ghouls, so I can properly screen and also be able to prevent bravery loses with 1 CP if something touches them 1st turn before I even started bringing in new ghouls and casting Unholy Vitality
  18. Dracoth is too expensive for 1k points and too easy to kill right away, whille not contributing to your army anything exept his fighting power which is mediocre. Vandus - same deal, can be usefull even without going into the fight, but cost more and dies faster, whille also forcing you to get really under performing trait and artefact and that 1 attack buff can be taken from other source. Difference is that even with Vandus attack buffs you will not survive the grind against a propper hoard army, whille being absolutely defenceless against any type of behemots (like zombie dragons) which are faster then you and hit like a train. You really want at least castellant in your list
  19. Yeah, I listed my casualties, when you have up to 24 dice to res, it's hard to lose units. Usually when they double teamed something - they did it from flanks, to cut opponents manouverabiliti, when not charging something they stayed behind the screen, and 2nd game I didn't even bothered to move ZD anywhere close to the enemy, he just stayed in the middle of the army, giving everything hit rerolls and ward saves as I played objectives game
  20. So i won the tournament I've been talking about, first time playing FEC, the tourney was small, just 6 people, because there was big 40k team tournament at the same weekend 1st game against nighthaunt with lotsa grimgast reapers and chainrasps, mission - better part of valor, my opponent made a mistake and left 1 objective unguarded, so I sent 10 patroling ghouls there, whille others held the charge from reserves (he got one unit in with 10" charge so attacks in charge phase helped him to slaughter 20 ghouls) then i just started the grind to victory. 2nd game vs seraphon (dodged the bullet of kunning rukk, our local champ. He was topped by sylvaneth that I faced in the final) mission - starstrike (not sure, the one from GHB17 with 3 comets), got 2 comets falling on my left flank that I swarmed with ghouls and it ended with time break with me controling 1 comet, whille in position to regain controll over the other and score 8 to 6 in my favor. 3rd game, escallation against sylvaneth dreadwood with Allariel and 12 scythe kurnoths, survived the initial charge from both medium tree people and their queen, killed almost all kurnoths by double king charge from the flanks, got double turn, tied up Allariele, sterted to mop up the rest of kurnoths, whille king on terrorgheist was freed from combat due to casualties removal and started to rampage through the backfield whille summoned flayers and one unit of ghouls liberated flank objectives, by turn 3 kurnoths and goddes have been dealt with and it was obvious who is the winner here. Extremely durable army, lost 20 ghouls 1st game, 20 ghouls, ghast courtier and terrorgheist 2nd game, 20 ghouls and ghast courtier 3rd game (maybe due to the fact that my opponents have been unfamilliar with the army) And here is my list: Allegiance: Flesh Eater Courts- Delusion: Crusading ArmyMortal Realm: UlguLeadersAbhorrant Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon (440)- General- Trait: Magestic Horror - Artefact: Doppelganger Cloak Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist (400)- Artefact: Miasmatic Blade Crypt Ghast Courtier (80)Crypt Ghast Courtier (80)Battleline20 x Crypt Ghouls (200)20 x Crypt Ghouls (200)10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)Units6 x Crypt Horrors (320)BattalionsGhoul Patrol (180)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 114
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