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Everything posted by Overread

  1. A lot of 40K armies got nothing with their new codex. Even some things that almost seem to be 100% certain to be done have not been done (eg a combined biovore/pyrovore kit in plastic for Tyranids). In the end I think battletomes are great news. First up they bring a sense of support and life to a faction - once you've got a Battletome you know that GW has at least some long-term interest in the army hanging around. Secondly GW is still underproduction pressure and they won't have their new factory finished for a while - until that happens there is a limit on how much they can add to their already under pressure production system. There's thoughts that wave of new "direct order only" models were added just to help reduce the overhead of stock GW has to produce for shelf stacking/storage in their own and 3rd party stores.
  2. Aye but these events are way more than just the reveals (though such viewpoints do tend to dominate in the rumours thread - perhaps we just need a general Warhammer fest thread to share about the other things - heck the winner of the Sigmar event is right here on the forums! Won with Daughters of Khaine
  3. You get two hits from Catechism of Murder so that would be two mortal wounds on the target unit. There's nothing in the wording of either that suggests they don't work together. The only difference is that Crystal Touch doesn't have a wound roll which makes them an ideal target for Catechism as now their 1 hit turns to 2 attacks and thus two moral wounds if they hit. A deadly combo!
  4. Thing is they've given each one its own identity and based on how well DoK are doing several of them could work as full factions with only one or two more plastic duel kits - take Darkling Covens; release one or two more mages and another monster or troop type and you've got a full army already. It is odd that some didn't combine up - eg the Scourge Pirates and Idoenth; heck when GW released their Custodes faction it was a surprise to many that the Sisters of Silence didn't auto join that army.
  5. I think one thing that is making some feel more pressured is how when GW made Sigmar one of the things they did was to take most of the Order armies and fracture them into 20 or so sub-groups. 5 or so armies became 20 and that worries people. It worries those into those armies because they fear if some will be lost; it worries those not into those armies because they see such a HUGE number of factions (honestly MORE than most other ranges can cope with) and they think "Oh gods it will take decades before I get an update to my Ork army!" It's something I really wish GW would address and give us some long term prognosis on their plans. I know they dislike to do that; but I think it would settle a lot of fears, plus it could really help sales if we knew that the factions were safe.
  6. On the flipside Daughters are a glass canon faction. Personally I'd rather see daughters take a stat drop over a point cost rise. It already feels tricky to fit a nice diverse army together; if the points went up a lot it gets even harder. Yes it gets around the power issue if there really is one, however it also means that army choice, variety and compositions reduce.
  7. Congratulations @DantePQ I saw the post in the Warhammer blog and saw those daughters and thought "hey those look really familiar" so it was great to come here and see that it was your army standing proud and taking a well deserved win! Even more so to read that you didn't get to use the army composition you wanted - great to see Daughters faring well to adaptation and that there is more than one or two viable builds for them (which is exactly where we want any army to be)
  8. It's important to realise that if you give an addict more of their drug they rarely if ever ask for less Also the way Warhammer and 40K are setup its possible for some to end up with long periods where nothing interests them; or more correctly where the armies they can afford to play (time and money) don't get updates, but other cool stuff does. It's why sometimes running one or two armies can be beneficial as it helps spread out the lag time between interesting things.
  9. We know the first half of 2018 was going to be 40K heavy because GW said they'd release ALL codex within a year or so, clearly this is going to overshoot some. That said 2019 really needs to be a strong year for Sigmar now that 2.0 is out and GW really needs to build on the power of that launch.
  10. I'd wager Genestealer Cults for next week considering that they just released the combined Genestealer and Spacewolves boxed set this week. Was surprised they didn't do wolves and Stealers codex in the same week, but a one week wait isn't unreasonable. That would make sense as then it just leaves orks in Orktober and means they don't leave Stealers sitting there twiddling their claws/tentacles/fingers/appendages There's also AT stuff to come - Warhounds, Reavers and weapon packs. Though as each one of those is basically a single box that might well get released alongside other products unless they do all three in one go.
  11. Because of the spread of games and factions someone will always be disappointed; or if not that at least not as interested and fired up. When there's nothing you want or what you want was already leaked earlier you might not have as much heart into a reveal event as some others. Sometimes you just have to filter out the negative viewpoints and accept them for what they are and not let them taint your own impression of events.
  12. I'm also keen to see more Shadspire, though hoping for a Daughters of Khaine release for it! I think that there is a fairly strong chance that if there's a big Slaanesh event then DoK might be the opposing force in that - considering that the lore has Slaanesh's forces invading the shadow realm far more so than anywhere else and focusing on the Daughters as a result of Morathi's twisting of the magic so that she can get more than her fair share of souls from the great Princes belly. It would certainly help cement Daughters as a main faction and who knows it might be that that is when GW gives us the getting started box and perhaps a new model or two (its kind of scary and neat that Daughters currently has only 6 actual boxed models and is a fully viable faction).
  13. "any time soon" by current GW means about a month or two "ish". Remember they are having a release pretty much every single week now; rules, games, models etc... With the only real gap being when they did Sigmar 2.0 and then it was only a one week gap. So just because there is nothing on the horizon now doesn't mean that in a month there won't be big amounts of sigmar stuff coming. GW always plays it close to the chest with regard to releases and pre-release info. Sisters of Battle is going to be the first time they really tease us anything well in advance. Also don't forget Warhammer fest is most certainly more than the pre-release info. There's going to be great models to see, some FW stuff, and loads and loads of other things as well as games to play. Plus meeting and chatting with other gamers both local and far off. I'd say go - heck you never know seeing some models in the flesh really changes the perspective on them. I've seen models in photos that I hated but loved once I held them in my hand. Sometimes the size is hard to judge and the level of detail an iffy thing until you see it physically.
  14. Interesting observation - all the Warscroll cards from the UK GW store are gone save for the new sized Stormcast and Nighthaunt
  15. I think part of it is everyone wants the Bull and no one yet knows who gets it!
  16. Lets not forget that whilst we might not all have got what we hoped/wanted/dreamed of GW is still cranking out models faster than ANY other manufacture at present. Whilst its frustrating not to get what we desire there's still loads of time left in the year itself! And there's the Nova this coming week where more info might get slipped out. I do somewhat agree that it would be nice for AoS to get a big focus like 40K has enjoyed, esp since whilst AT is a big release its not a huge one in terms of model variety so there is room there to wiggle things around it
  17. Yes but it was only a guess based on some info from somewhere else . That's the thing about rumours - they can be wrong
  18. Well we only had rumours as to what was coming and some of them were very weakly linked to the comic (and lets face it it is very unlikely GW will use the comic to hint at the future every time - they did a sketch with ogres and we got nothing ogre).
  19. I don't think it will be generic. I'd wager that the hint as to "who this is for" makes it very specific that its for a faction. Which makes sense, GW released the generic endless spells in the big box and balewind; now its time for faction specific ones. A bit sadly it seems that they might be focusing on new battletomes gettnig the first wave of endless spell releases; which might mean that even recent BT factions (Idoneth and Daughters) might have to wait a long while to see theirs and earlier BT factions perhaps even longer.
  20. There's also strong hints of stuff coming in the fall - which makes sense. There's Orktober, AT and such releases coming up and chances are we'll be seeing Genestealer cults end of this month (since Spacewolves took the first slot I'd wager preorders next week are cultist codex and models).
  21. Surprised there's no fantasy news from FW, I'm guessing that this means their new sigmar team must be very new and thus we might not see anything until next year at this rate - a shame but was hoping they might have sneaked a few hints or pre-design stuff.
  22. Well the weekend event only just got started More is likely to come we can hope!
  23. There is still more to come! The Bull hint suggests that we don't yet know who its for which suggests NEW FACTION release or at least big update to an existing one
  24. Yeah they've probably said keep your eyes on the stage and do your blogging and sharing of content after its finished. It's fair to those who have paid to travel and attend the event.
  25. Current time in Germany is 9:36 and Warhammer fest runs from 10-6 today and 10-4 tomorrow. So it starts in just over 20 minutes from the time of this posting
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