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Everything posted by Overread

  1. Honestly I'd be shocked if they didn't sell well - the Stormcast comet is an amazing spell; it not only deals damage but buff/heals (I forget which) your own side. It's a win win on both counts. I'd also say that with most tournaments going for endless spells and many armies being made with endless spells in mind; that the Malign Sorcery boxed set must have sold well too for such a positive update. My impression is that Endless spells are here to stay; even if the realm stuff goes away I can't see GW dropping Endless Spells. It's a neat way to add several models to a faction without adding "units" and it gives the game a flavour on the tabletop that sets it apart from many of the competition - even GW's own 40K
  2. Agreed, whilst every faction would be neat to get new stuff for or get updated sculpts; Seraphon were lucky in that they left Fantasy as a complete army and faction. They have a very full box of tools and like Stormcast a wide range of varied models. Still room to add more and update things, but compared to a lot of the other races they are in a very good stable and secure place. Heck even though their battletome is older they at least have one, which right now is a seal of protection in terms of expecting them to remain in the game long term as a faction. AoS needs updates in a lot of other areas first; even though I'd really love to see others get updates too - I am somewhat surprised that Idoneth and Daughters of Khaine don't have endless spells already (considering that would only be 2 boxes of models to release) considering that they were both made with 2.0 in mind and Endless Spells were clearly not just tacked onto the end of the project.
  3. Fun (if disturbing) fact about running a snake heavy army - its cheaper than running a witchaelf heavy army in terms of £/$ of models you have to buy Personally I always find it hard (esp now) to price a battalion into a Daughters' force. I almost feel as if the whole concept of command points and battalions would be best as its own point stat not combined with the unit points. It just seems that to add them in as core elements means leaving a lot of models off the table. Not to mention that even at 2K points its hard to take more than one battalion (unless you're running Morathi's battalion as a whole army theme and then you're well over 2K points to get there) Also am I the only person wondering if/when Daughters of Khaine will attract some Vampires who perhaps have broken away from Nagash. All the blood sacrifices they are only a stones throw from accepting the odd vampire here and there to feast upon the blood whilst the Daughters keep the beating hearts.
  4. The Cauldron has fallen in and out of supply at GW a few times - I think Daughters are selling well enough that it gets cast up in new batches fast, but also gets sold out quicker too. The Blood Coven kits are worth looking out for - the UK at least appears to have a fair few in the distribution network still so they can still be got from 3rd party retailers. Two or Three of them not only gives you most of the Cauldrons/Shrines you'll need but also a block of infantry at discount
  5. Ahh the Dwarf atop the carriers with the Book of Grudges - an iconic image of the old Dwarves that were. Tempted by the fae atop the unicorn but not sure if I'd ever have a use for her (I mean its not as if she's very Daughters of Khaine like!
  6. Wasn't there supposed to be more news from the Nova event? Haven't we got a single member attending from the forums (who has wi-fi between the days? )
  7. In fairness when Fantasy ended and Sigmar started Order was left in FAR more a mess than many of the other factions. The Aelf and human factions got split up which made a huge number of tiny subfactions that need tidying up. That GW has decided to add, on top of that, 3 unique Aelf factions in addition hasn't helped matters either. Now granted Skaven could do with a clean up too and Death has some really odd groupings (one appears to be just heroes from the other army; several are just 1 model which is basically standing there on its own etc...) So its not a situation unique to Order, its just far more noticeable (esp when you've got Stormcast there with 60 units and everything else is under 20 on the store page)
  8. AoS I think will get better attention - a lot of the 40K armies got nothing or one model only in their updated Codex; whilst AoS are typically getting far more. Then again AoS/Fantasy went a lot longer being neglected so there are a lot more factions and things in need of an update than there are for many 40K factions - even the Xeno factions are pretty well rounded today in terms of model choices and options.
  9. Well at least we can call on them as allies - just got to hope that GW keeps them around (esp considering they have 1 unique model which is finecast!)
  10. The epic drama!! How can GW leave us waiting for a second season on such a cliffhanger! What shall us loyal Archibald fans do whilst we wait and ponder how our mighty hero will overcome these terrifying and chaotic odds!
  11. On paper assassins are pretty tough and their ability to really hurt heroes and to deploy within another unit makes them survivable and good for hero hunting; however even if they don't go against a hero they've got enough attacks to be good at supporting against taking out larger unit blocks too. I think the key is ensuring that you've got a good delivery system - clearly one of the best is khinerai as they can deploy anywhere on the battlefield once the game gets going.
  12. https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-GB/Blood-Bowl-Dark-Elf-Assassins-2018 Forgeworld has released two great looking Dark Elf assassin models. Might be worth a look for any considering taking Shadowblade assassins, the female one also looks like a very nice fit for Daughters. Well worth a look and a touch cheaper for two than the official GW ones (at least based on UK prices)
  13. I think the GW nova article said that there is still more to come. That might just be more details on things that we already know about rather than any more big reveals.
  14. They bought land and are building a whole new factory so that should aid production. Also GW is well aware that they are riding a mad wave of sales and production right now and that eventually that will ease off.
  15. QUESTION - anyone know of a good guide that shows how to move the arms on the Avatar? I'd like to move one arm (the heart holding one) forward so that instead of being held to the side its being held out before the avatar. Also second question - any ideas on how to make a Witch Aelf who is carrying either a single double handed sword or a sword and shield? I'm thinking something along the lines of a Red Sonja inspiration.
  16. Chariot Whips is something I'd really like to see change. Just because those whips are really mad and all over the place - plus it looks really odd when it comes to the 40K world
  17. My only real Deamonette hate is that they have arms that joint at the midpoint of the upper arm. It's horrible making those kind of joins because there's no "cup" or slot and instead just a flat sliding surface! Why they couldn't just put a peg and slot arrangement with the rim of the bracelet being the sealing area I will never know (they've done the same for lots of Daughter's of Khaine models too - gah! )
  18. Yeh but that's just normal marketing. Of course its a big release and of course asking people to guess hypes them up; but even without that people would have hyped themselves up all on their own. They'll have seen a tiny random green pixel in the top right corner of the GW website on a random page and decided that 100% guarantees that the new reveal will be Moonclan; whilst others will see a tiny blurry blob in the background of a photo and decide that that is the new awesome model that they've always wanted without any shadow of a doubt. Can't blame GW for that. And it is a big release! A big new edition of Shadspire adding in mages and 8 new warbands with 2 of them and a new boxed set revealed; the bits, trikes and speeders and box contents for the new Ork Speedster game; a new adventuring game for 40K. And they've got a further 3 or 4 days of this event to have info prised out of the staff attending by attentive torturers of the fan-club inquisition. I will agree Slaanesh needs new models - of all 4 of the chaos gods Slaanesh needs a new full rework of models. All the other gods have a new plastic large demon with alternative parts for a hero; they've all got new plastic chaos beasts and warriors and leaders and even some new twisted monstrosities.
  19. normally little gets out now until the end of the show
  20. Yep I see it as a great two for one gaming experience - warband for leaders and heroes in the army and also to play Shadspire with
  21. The neat thing about warbands is that you can pinch the models and use them in regular armies too if you like them. It's why I hope that Daughter's of Khaine feature in this run up
  22. We need a fresh age of 70-80s style rock and roll back in the world! The Rock and Metal must flow once more from the speakers to lighten the mind to inspiration of mighty deeds and great wars and epic! Seriously its one thing I really wish the CA team would add to TW Warhammer - the music they have is fantastic don't get me wrong, but I want Rock and metal music too!
  23. *Discount box on Witch Aelves* *Discount box on Witch Aelves* *Discount box on Witch Aelves* Come on GW give the Daughters of Khaine players what they want - esp since we've now all seen those really reasonable prices on the GW Lord of the Rings range!!
  24. Yeah the hype isn't based on anything official from GW it purely rumour hype. Even things like goblins appearing in the comic has been used to justify the hype and yet there have been loads of things in the comic without any correlation to real life releases
  25. It is indeed - its in the Black Library over the two short stories under the Warhammer Chronicles.
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