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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. Something they seem to have intentionally made difficult when they first released them with tons of base sizes being "use model" or whatever it says instead of using a normal base size which seems like it would have made a lot more sense for balance reasons.
  2. I've seen plenty of games we're a wizard didn't have anybody in range to cast anything and just throws an arcane bolt or something. Now if you don't buy endless spells "just in case" you're at a disadvantage. It's great you can kill them etc. Etc. But as Mutton pointed out having any free tactical tool is a huge plus. I mean take any spell that moves and you can use it to screen out teleports and the like. There's no downside we've seen. I think we've all grumbled before about how free faction terrain can feel like a tax to play your army (especially for sylvaneth). This just feels like that but worse and harder to balance and also doesn't have the narrative win that made terrain worth it to me.
  3. Until they nerf that one that was really good and buff a random one from a different set. And to the rest my big complaint wasn't "khorne has no interaction with this" it was the fact these are a "free" bonus unit you are kneecapped for not buying.
  4. Did I miss something or these all "free" meaning you get a big handicap if you don't spend real money on whatever the best endless spell is? And since it looks like they'll come in themed boxes we can expect one or two in each to be really good to force you to buy multiple kits you don't need just to be on a level playing field. Also can't be certain but there's a real chance khorne can't ignore endless spells now because what would that rule look like?
  5. Ah punga. I have some truly excellent night runners from them but when I bought them at least it was such a gamble. Their customer service was like "yeah send the money to this random PayPal email and you'll get your minis eventually" They were right and totally worth it but it felt risky lol.
  6. I'm no financial guru but that would traditionally be a bad sign yeah? I mean they're not allowed to trade based on inside knowledge so obviously they would never do that lol. But maybe it's nothing? Hmm on inspection. GW YTD, 6 month and even 1 month stock value is down. I'd love if this was backlash for Beasts of Chaos but A. It's probably just normal stock market stuff and B. It it was backlash it would be from the nerds who don't want to let cooties into their custodes.
  7. Wouldn't it be swell if we get kicked to ToW and then ignored there too.
  8. I don't know how to type the "hype man yelling ohhhhhhh" in Goat noises but just mentally fill that in for me.
  9. Games workshops Instagram: "What's your favorite faction!" Oopsie. That keeps going for every comment with more than 10 likes.
  10. Nope. Due to rules overlap we're going to also be discontinuing paladins* (idk any stormcast names) * Feel free to proxy your minis but we won't allow them at our tournaments or stores which will inevitably translate to other stores not allowing them at their tournaments and then somehow also translate to a subset of the community acting like you're committing some grave sin by putting your filthy proxies on the table with their pure GW army built with GW brand superglue making it a total toss up on whether you'll be able to use your minis so why not just buy more?
  11. I mean on the one hand they look cool at a glance. On the other they're just overly busy stormcast minis that look like good guy chaos lords and don't really live up to the hopes we had for ruination before they started showing us stuff. Don't get me wrong they are neat but look at people's speculations before they showed off the ruination chamber and after. We're settling.
  12. Eh I don't intend to try any other games either. If I feel like it I'll proxy my guys and if I don't I just won't play any miniatures game. Either way I won't buy anything and I can't imagine I'll come I'll ever come to regret not spending money hah.
  13. *Narrator* They did not. In all seriousness though there is zero way for them to track the sale of potential diverse/integrated kits and we've seen that player wants have zero impact on their market strategy. I mean how would they even know people want it? It seems like they either aren't listening to fans online or are actively choosing to ignore them.
  14. Ironweld arsenal, if made up of dwarves and taken to an AoS level, seems like it would be quite close to the Kharadron. Yes I know they could make them suitably different but... will they? On that note maybe people should just be clipping the cannons of arkanaut frigates to make great cannons or whatever they're called and call it ironweld?
  15. I already see this. It isn't emotion driving me to stop buying from this company. Relativistically I am under no delusion about how serious (or in this case not) this situation is, but my reaction to it is valid and I don't feel like telling people they'll get over it when they're older and wiser is helpful unless your goal is to shield GW from the consequences of their actions. I don't think you haven't experienced what angry players are feeling. I just think you're not giving consumer outrage it's due credit. Every time we excuse bad business practices we invite bad business practices. I for one don't have any desire to get sucker punched again.
  16. I know you kind of address it on your subtext but: "Actually you should thank the guy who ran over your dog because now you can maybe make a bunch of money off a kickstarter for his medical bills!" Is just... it makes it easier because you're either having a laugh or just completely out of touch. I didn't get into AoS to make money and compared to the time and energy people put into their armies the rate of return would be pennies on the hour.
  17. What a terrible state of affairs for GW to put its customers in.
  18. Granted I understood the rule but as written "when you roll a d6 and it shows a 2 it isn't a 2+" is a bit... of a choice.
  19. I don't think charging shouldn't cost 2 only that it should be the same as shooting. "Gaz Taylor has quoted you. Oh ****** I finally said something too angry didn't I?" Lol But yeah I agree it's strong. I just think they could have put the same limits on charging "closest target -1 inch" rather than double the cost.
  20. Why does charging cost twice as much as shooting when you already have a much shorter range and unreliable result?
  21. Hard for me not to think the plan is to lure in the beginner and then invalidate their army on a cycle to make sure the cash flow never stops. Oh sure they might break the mold every other edition so the fans call people crazy for thinking they'd do it again, but if I can think of this then why wouldn't they. And what does it cost them but a little goodwill? A little trust? Well a few new minis and their rabid fans will make sure that's no cost at all. In reality the whales are probably already keeping this game afloat. Microtransactions and subscriptions and Card games set the stage and now every business has a RESPONSIBILITY to their shareholders to learn the churn n burn dance.
  22. I was in agreement but also that's only 20 games and the only tournament we have says O&G beat beasts like 3 times and no beast list placed over 8th place. I'm gonna argue that my point still stands. These changes were not based on objective data.
  23. Sorry buddy. You can peddle that somewhere else. What I said was I'm not buying anything from GW and this dumpster fire of an opinion might as well have the Warhammer logo stamped on it.
  24. Again I don't really think they'll go but; Do ogors have more narrative presence? Seems like we've both got a few antagonist roles in novels. A few named characters mentioned but never put into model form. Other than the warcry band what have Ogors gotten? Beasts are present in the lore of about 5 different armies. And represented in miniature form in 2 or 3 (if you count the spire tyrants) so being in another armies lore and rules is no promise. The 3.5 factions thing is fair unless they decide they'd rather make something new and "kindly ask" that you buy a whole new army. Again I don't think they'll go but I think GW deserves not to be trusted after what they've done.
  25. 4 but that's not a big difference either. I didn't see any targeted nerfs for the 3 armies above them despite them overperforming by one percent but whatever. Any lists to look at. I'm not about to buy anything so it's more curiosity than anything.
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