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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. I'm just hoping the "BoC are getting squatted" rumor is false but didn't whitefang like the post where Rob said they were?
  2. I'm American so forgive this question but if I want to avoid rebasing my gors from 32s to 25s what size "25mm movement tray" would I need for say a unit of 20?
  3. You sir are a scholar and a gentleman! I'm going to wait until I can build a list before committing to base options but you're doing the lords work (or actually GW's work. Ask for a check!)
  4. Is there a site that will print any STL you send or would it be possible to let others sell these stls through say etsy or the like?
  5. Thank you! Now to find a 3d printer lol
  6. I'm all eyes if people want to link their favorite trays!
  7. I actually didn't mean to phrase that as a doom post. I expect TOW to succeed well enough but I don't think I could find a game of say titanicus or necromunda (which I'm to understand is actually quite successful) in my area and I'm hardly in the middle of nowhere so for me PERSONALLY sending beasts to TOW exclusive is the same as squatting them.
  8. Unfortunately as a Cynic I can definitely see it. I mean they don't have to support them beyond one plastic kit for a side game and call it a "good job". Think how many release windows they can open for another starter set full of stormcast! Meanwhile if the TOW gets the amount of love and effort it seems it will the game will die and it won't be their fault when beasts are accidentally squatted along with it.
  9. You seem to know math magiks. I would love to get rough approximations etc for maybe some plasticard bases/trays for my AoS models.
  10. Damn I was hoping that it wouldn't be too hard to use my beasts in both games but I guess it'll be fine for casual games.
  11. Being made available? That's quite a spin for "thanks GW I really appreciate you ALLOWING me to not be able to play the game I bought the miniatures for with the miniatures I bought and instead being gifted the privilege of maybe being able to use them still if there's an active TOW community in my area and to top it all off you've even graciously given me the honor of being able to maybe buy a whole new pile of miniatures somewhere down the line just to play the game I'm already playing? Woweee!"
  12. I've run out of reactions because we're finally talking about my beloved beastie boys. Whitefang if you're out there I made you laugh in the old world thread and I'm already having a real terrible day for personal reasons so if you could come along and denounce these false Prophets I would gladly name my firstborn white furred bray shaman after you! I'm also quite sad that Beasts finally come up in the rumour thread and this is the rumour.
  13. It isn't me but my closet full of wood elves and beastmen are not happy either.
  14. I love the wood elves. I even have an army of them ready to go, but since they straight up skin trespassers and hang it as a warning to stay out of their forest (in their novels) I think it's safe to say that the tomb kings are not evil for defending their lands either. You can argue that the wood elves have more right because they really do need to keep people out of the forest but the goal of the tomb kings to defeat death was equally "worthy" and only time would prove it "wrong".
  15. Maybe it's too political to say (even tongue in cheek) but perhaps the idea that a sovereign nation of foreigners retaliating after a pseudo European faction invades their lands and steals from their tombs are not in fact EVIL just doesn't register to their very British sensibilities lol. Edit: I mean the British did eat a LOT of mummies back in the day.
  16. This sucks so bad. I want the big book and the beastmen and the wood elves (my armies). There's zero percent chance I'm going to buy all three books paying for all the armies I DONT play. On top of individual army books later? No thanks. Sorry I want to support the old world but I don't want to support THIS BS.
  17. Are you suggesting they need to primaris the primaris (taking up every other potential army update or new release AGAIN) and that would somehow make the space marine fatigue BETTER?
  18. I have to disagree and agree. I think female thunderstrike stormcast have much better proportions than the men though not necesarrily more FEMALE proportions. So much so that I would be happier to have an army of only female sculpts and just call some of them men. But that's just because I like the thunderstruck armor so much more and wish it had gone further to making them not look like ridiculous slabs of golden ham. Edit: @mitgas I disagree. That model could just as easily be a realistic depiction of sir gawain or something. Historically male armor had "child bearing hips" (a pinched waist) and boob plate (a peaked chest). The first because that was what was attractive in a man at the time and the second for practical reasons.
  19. Why did GW even make a beast FAQ. It's literally just a random nerf to a random spell that no one took on a unit no one took. Seems like someone in the design studio didn't like getting hit with -1 attack debuffs judging from the stormcast dragon change at the same time.
  20. God I hope not on darkoath. Shirtless barbarian hordes of savages who kind of worship chaos but not fully is both well covered by warcry bands and really leaves Beasts with no identity as far as GW is concerned. I get some people like the Norscan theme (me included) but I'd really like to see the ancient beastmen line get some love before further fleshing out a sub faction of STD.
  21. This makes me think what are skaven daemons? Perhaps they can update old sculpts AND add daemons at the same time by making them giant rats/wolf rats. What's more Representative of a shard of the horned rat than just more rats? But then that kind of steps on moulder so my next thought is either smaller rat versions of necropolis stalkers (rat kings) or feral looking starved skaven like skin wolves but with much more visible ribs and rat features like skaven gorgers (Representative of the the great horned rat as famine and the all consuming tide).
  22. I like how the guy about to deliver what would normally be a seriously overkilling downward blow is probably thinking something like "boy I hope this gets through his... cloak?" And it probably won't.
  23. I'm so abused by GW I'm just happy when they remember beastmen exist.
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