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The Red King

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Posts posted by The Red King

  1. 3 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    Where is a place for Khornegors? There is no place for them in Blades of Khorne. There is already 3+/3+ Bloodletters and 3+/4+ blood warriors and for elites you have the Wrathmongers/Skullreapers which are also 3+/3+.

    Tzaangors are essential unit for DoT from the beginning, although a more elite version. For BoK it's much harder to add them, while being different enough from the other foot units. There is also no place for them in StD, as it have the same problem as with BoK.

    The whole AoS rulesystem is imo hitting its limits.

    I agree with your last sentence but imo the room is in monstrous infantry. There's nothing between the 5 man skullreapers and the single unit khorgarath (think bullgor of khorne) in either mortals or demons that isn't cavalry.


    I also don't think God gors have to be elites. Pestigor could easily end up being a chaff horde for nurgle (like plaguewalkers in 40k) because nurgle really doesn't need more beefy elite infantry either.

    • Like 3
  2. 5 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    I understand that but do you really want him to give away stuff that might put his job position at risk?

    Just nodding at this stuff probably is risky enough without revealing future plans that let’s them zero in on where he is in the know.

    But it isn't their rumour. It came from someone else and at this point anyone on the internet could guess they will or won't be updated and nobody could track down/blame whitefang for it.

  3. I know beasts could be reimagined and I'd be happy but Whitefang has only hinted at removal. Nothing else. If he wants to tell us to be hopeful than yay but right now all I've heard is beasts are going away and stormcast are getting some guys with more skulls on their armor.

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  4. 1 hour ago, mawhis117 said:

    It's weird - all of the lore development around BoC has been with Ghorraghan Khai, Morghur etc, and yet all of the world building in the last BoC battletome went in the exact opposite direction - focusing on The Sire of Ruin, with Gavespawn feeling like an afterthought.

    Of the Four Sub-factions, only Gavespawn don't get a named leader, and the leaders of the other three sub-factions have The Sire of Ruin's mark branded into their flesh.

    It's one of the reasons that I'm inclinded to believe that BoC are going - the whole faction feels unfocussed.

    What really bothers me is that even with this massive billion dollar corporation the real reason they're going is that there isn't someone at GW who likes them enough. At least not anyone with sway. It seems like some armies are just some designers favorite and beasts are fittingly unloved by the fickle gods.

  5. 5 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    The whole discussion about the dissapearance of BoC from AoS really reminds me of AoS1 and the 1st half of AoS2. Back then there was a lot of talk about Slaanesh getting squatted from AoS : it was "too adult, too dangerous for GW's image to have a god of decadence if they were trying to bring in young players", it was the only Chaos God without a BT, it hadn't received any mini since WFB, everyone saw its capture by the elf gods as the sign they were planning to get rid of him/her/them. Like 1st step "Slaanesh is captured", 2nd step "Wow Slaanesh is gone ! Too bad !". And it was also linking up to the Ynnari plotline at that time in 40k.

    Anyways, guess who ended getting not one but two waves of minis in the 2nd half of AoS2 ?

    This whole discussion about Beasts' squatting in AoS3 is just to me a repeat of the discussion of Slaanesh's squatting in AoS1. Different arguments, same tune and vibe. Beastmen have been around since the inception of Warhammer, do you really think they're going away now ? Here's what I think of "GW will squat BoC in AoS4" :


    They've done plastic Sisters, brought back Genestealer Cults, brought back Squats, brought back the Old World with Bretonnians and Tomb Kings, they're bringing back Chorfs... GW is in an era of rebuilding stuff, not cutting stuff up.

    Whitefang never told us Slaanesh was going away though.

  6. The "Era of the beast" has had so little to do with the realm of Ghur that the most notable thing to come out of it will be "the end of the Era of the beast" when BoC get unceremoniously melted down into primordial goop or whatever BS games workshop poops onto a single page of someone else's book for us.

    • Haha 2
  7. 2 hours ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

    One thing I think is worth bearing in mind is that GW has different ways of refreshing ranges and whether you would be happy for beasts of chaos to get each differing refresh. I say this as someone whose first complete AoS army was BoC (I started out with a small tzaangor based Tzeentch).


    Take high elves. I think you can make a solid argument they got refreshed into Lumineth. They kept no models from the old high elves into Lumineth, but kept a lot of their themes and look. If you had a high elf army before, did you have a lumineth army afterwords? Kind of? Maybe? If you had silverhelms you could use them as dawnriders , if you had spearmen you could use them as wardens, same for archers and sentinels. You'd need to rebase though. Otherwise, phoenix guard? Maybe as the cow hat guys? That'd be about it. It did get better with later releases for bolt throwers and swordsmasters. 

    If beasts of chaos were in a similar situation, would you be happy? I think I would, accepting that a fair amount of my models wouldn't have a perfect match, but the theme would be executed well and refined. High elves are generic, lumineth arguably less so.  If this happens then arguably beasts of chaos would leave AoS, but the Gribblescreech Hordes would still be there, continuing the Morghur story and the like. 


    Another refresh approach would be like gloomspite gits, seraphon and soulblight. Take an army that has a good theme already but needs hefty up to date refreshing. The amount that remains behind can vary considerably, for the moon clan part of gloomspite more or less only the basic line infantry was untouched, and troll/ggs got hefty updates and spiderfang is there. For seraphon they lost a fairly significant set of models, but got more replacements. Soulblight I think mainly got old out of date models replaced, can't recall them losing much. 

    If that happens then it would be hard to argue that beasts of chaos left AoS, the same way its hard to argue that Legions of Nagash left, just because they became soulblight. I think this is the least likely option, because beasts of chaos lacks a hook that isn't shared with something else. They are animal chaos people...like skaven. They want to cause the downfall of civilisation!....like destruction. I could see them being rebranded with more of the WEIRD chaos feel. Tzeentch does weird chaos, but I'd argue its a primarily magic weird and not the more primal weird. There is also less of a solid model range to lean on. 



    The problem is that Whitefang has not given any credence to the thought that they ARE being reimagined or updated in any capacity. I'd be much less upset if they get the lumineth treatment but as far as I can tell we have NO reason to think that they're going to get anything but quietly shuffled off to specialist games for the next 20 or 30 years.

    • Like 4
  8. 20 minutes ago, gillio said:

    These beastmen rumors make me nervous for my dwarfs in cities of sigmar....

    No need to be nervous. They're almost definitely going to get removed at some point so why not jump straight to outrage! (This is only half joking cause I'm bitter, but in all honesty having played wood elves I wouldn't spend much time and money expecting them to stick around. Buy em if you like em, plan to use them in ToW, or just have the money to burn but expect the worst and don't get burned).


    My entire attitude is the perfect example of why this is an absolute stupid move by GW. Can't reccomend anything but the newest release with any confidence because apparantly they'll just remove entire supported armies whenever they feel like it.


    Edit: But hey we can't complain because GW is going to launch their new Warhammer:paperweights so you're not allowed to be upset because your army is "still usable".

    • Haha 1
  9. 53 minutes ago, RetconnedLegion said:

    ‘Beasts of Chaos’ might go but that doesn’t necessarily mean there will be no faction that are beasts of chaos, just we’d see a new range and new name for it. Even if they are dropped in their entirety, it doesn’t mean they won’t return. Personally I find their current fluff exceedingly underwhelming and dislike their whole “hate the chaos gods because they’re not Chaos undivided enough” thing, so I’d be fine with a complete rework.

    @Whitefang has pretty much confirmed that won't be the case in my mind. So goodbye AoS and probably GW as a whole. I'll miss it but I'm done with this company if they pull this ******.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Peacaf said:

    He has no idea what he's talking about, he just wants attention. It is made from rumors from others, Honest Wargamer was the first to say that Beasts of Chaos could be eliminated and the range renewed with another concept.

    Something that makes a lot of logic considering that the legacy factions of TOW are not going to release or renew their range in the short term.

    If Skaven were to undergo a range revamp like Slaves did, Skaven would be in TOW as a main faction just like Slaves.

    I wish you were right and I hope you are but there's a nicer way to put that even if I think I would be a total phallic move if he was just making up the beasts rumor. I mean it's pretty much completely killed my interest in the AoS hobby.

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  11. 2 minutes ago, Danaork said:

    Will FEC be update on the app this week or during the next ?

    Sorry they're waiting to update the app until after they release the battlescroll (probably actually true) and they can't update the battlescroll because they're implementing the changes from LVO which delayed them from updating it before LVO because... and so on so forth. 


    To answer your question. They'll update the app when 4.0 launches (but not until after everybody gets their FAQs)

  12. I'm awaiting confirmation of the beastmen are gone from AoS rumor so I can find out whether to rebate on squares or converters but other than that my beastmen are ready to go minus painting up some Ghorgon and finishing some Ungor raiders I think I'm fully painted. I've also got an old wood elf army to run too so all in all I'm stoked for the old world!

    • Like 2
  13. I do like gavespaw probably the most as a general beastmen theme. I think Khorne aligned beasts are interesting because unlike the rest of khornes guys being frothing berserker the beasts are MORE disciplined under Khorne. One of the last nods to the fact that the Chaos gods used to have some good qualities among the pure evilry that I find so boring.


    All the God aligned frays open up interesting avenues for the generally one note beastmen (even if it is an awesome note)

    • Like 1
  14. 36 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    I was rummaging through various boxes and dusty chests in the forgotten depths of my game room, and look what I found! Over a couple of hours, I've managed to cobble together a rag-tag collection of High Elves that have most definitely seen better days. (I don't think they have even seen the light of day for 20 years) Chips, cracks, broken weapons, missing shields and tails (Although I was happy to be able to find all the parts for the broken-up Prince on Griffon at the top right). Time to order some correctly sized bases, pull out the Isopropyl, greenstuff and modelling tools and hit up eBay for some missing components! 

    The janky High Elves of the dusty box shall ride again! 

    HE Salvation project.jpg

    If you're in the US or don't mind shipping I think I've got most of an isle of blood box somewhere I'd be happy to part with so someone can bring them back to life!

  15. 2 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

    hope you can find something else in this setting to latch onto. 

    I don't. If GW fails to satisfy its customers I don't hope their customers like something else instead. 

    I hope GW collects it's excrement into a centralized location.

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  16. 1 minute ago, Whitefang back me up said:

    Beasts of Chaos are going to become Legends. Very shortly they will not exist in AOS as a supported product as they are integrated fully into Old World. 

    Random Lord Of The Rings Hobbit model getting release: Troll with catapult from the Battle Of The Five Armies. 

    I'm going to be pretty done with GW if this is true. From wanderers to cities to beasts of chaos. If they don't want my money then I'll keep it.

    • Like 5
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  17. 1 hour ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    I hope you’re ready for shenanigans because if the trend continues, EVERYONE in Death can enjoy bringing Katakros and Arkhan, with the former probably getting Countercharge and the latter getting to keep his Null Myriad aura. 

    Edit: Also, you can finally bring Katakros and Olynder together and reenact invading the Arx Terminus. 

    The second part makes the first part more bearable to me.

  18. 27 minutes ago, overtninja said:

    they probably would have gone with 'order vs. chaos' if that weren't already solidly a Warhammer thing (since warcraft 2, even)

    That's the thing. I GET order versus Chaos. When one side wants to melt everybody down to spiritual primordial goo you take any allies you can get. But why GW felt tomb kings MUST be evil to the point of noticeably pushing that narrative multiple times is beyond me.


    The writer in me (hobby not professional mind you) can't fathom anyone saying "I really just think it will be better if this mature setting is dumbed down to the level of an early Saturday morning cartoon."

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  19. All of this discussion that's not about the game that I'm actually super excited to play is a great example of why they really would have been better off NOT doubling down on good versus evil. Maybe only a few people care (in the grand scheme of things I think very few people care about any given issue) but what exactly was the benefit that was worth even this level of disunity?

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