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Everything posted by Sharkbelly

  1. This guy is the penultimate model in my Araby warband. It includes a character model for each core class in the new D&D 5th edition player's handbook. It would also make a great group of themed heroes for Aos or Warhammer. After him, only the warlock is left.
  2. I finished painting up some tents from Renedra. I like how they turned out. I am really impressed with the quality of the models!
  3. Thanks! I meant to continue with my Sea Guard, but kind of stalled out... Over the holiday, I picked up some dwarfs to add to my small force. 5 ironbreakers and 5 irondrakes. I put them together last night. This weekend I hope to assemble the gyrocopter/submarine...
  4. Name: Sharkbelly Location: Surabaya Indonesia Contact: Via Forum
  5. I finally finished up the Merwyrm. I made both a land base and a sea base for it.
  6. Here is the base for the Merwyrm so far.
  7. Now, up next is my small Lothern Sea Guard army: Sea Helm on Skycutter Mage w/ annulian crystal 18 Lothern Sea Guard Bolt Thrower Merwyrm All I had time for was this guy, the mage's familiar: I went with a different color on the base than my previous models, and I'm thinking about redoing the others in the same color. It's an acrylic paint from the craft store that is a lot cheaper than model paints.
  8. One of mine, too. Very characterful. I just put the finishing touches on a small unit of harpies to round out my dark elf corsairs. Here are the corsairs and their fearless leader. A close-up of Lokhir Fellheart and the Sorceress. Some River trolls that the dark elves goad into battle. The Kharibdyss (one of the handlers did not come on this trip). And a group shot.
  9. I just finished up the party wizard. I'm going to have to pause on this project for now, as the two final models (Mordheim Merchant and Fire Wizard) haven't arrived yet. Good thing I have other stuff to work on in the meantime...
  10. And here is the bard, based on a lahmian vampire.
  11. I knocked this guy out quick yesterday: the dark elf assassin/ranger.
  12. Many years ago, I modeled up some spearmen/pikemen for my dogs of war pirates. Last summer, I ordered some spearmen bits to replace the ones I had put together. I like how they turned out! I think I'll go ahead and do the rest of the unit.
  13. Next up is the paladin: a Knight Panther.
  14. Thanks! I'm happy how it turned out, and it seems to have photographed well. :-) Next up is the first of my "mounted and foot" models. I want to have one version of each for the main characters for use in games. These two aren't quite a perfect match, but close enough. One Al Muktar's Desert Dog and one Vendetta Duelist.
  15. Thanks! It's two shades of paint from Reaper. Muddy Brown and one that I got as a sample that isn't labeled.
  16. Next up are the goblin rogue and the ogre barbarian.
  17. This was a fun little conversion. He'll be an animal companion or maybe even a rogue character: I used the 40K Jokaero, but took out the techie details.
  18. This little guy will be a familiar, likely for the warlock.
  19. Thanks! It started as a pirate-themed Dogs of war army around 12 years ago. Over time, it has grown into six separate armies and many other models as well.
  20. My next project involves a party of Arabyan-themed adventurers. I'd like to have one for each of the 5th Ed. D&D core classes. I'd also like to have many of them mounted as well as on foot. Here are the first two, a dwarf bard and a sorcerer.
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