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Everything posted by Sharkbelly

  1. It looks like the Nightwars box allows people to play with Radukar the Beast and Fell Bats as well, so that's cool.
  2. This week's projects: Cado Ezechiar with a head swap and a Vyrkos champion made from the original head.
  3. Or they could make it as an update to another game...
  4. That seals it. There MUST be new Maneaters coming!
  5. These guys aren't exactly Soulblight, but I really like the models.
  6. Now that this expansion has been confirmed, I'm curious to hear what people think of it. Some people seem upset that the miniatures have to be purchased separately, but seeing as this is coming out so far after the other stuff, I'm not surprised. Many players will already have Annika or Kritza... https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/09/02/tackle-a-trio-of-terrifying-vampires-in-nightwars-the-upcoming-expansion-for-warhammer-quest-cursed-city/
  7. I wanted to add a mummy to the group, and Queen Khalida has long been a favorite. I think she fits in well with the newer skeletons.
  8. I have started in on the Cursed City heroes now, although Octren Glimscry here would do just as well as a ncromancer or lich.
  9. And finally the tokens for the team.
  10. Here are the rest of the Bogeymen.
  11. Thank you! I should have another update soon.
  12. Lots of progress over the last couple of weeks. Dr. Deintalos and the Exiled Dead I also started on a Necromantic Blood Bowl Team. Here are the ghouls, golems, wraiths, and werewolves.
  13. If some of the Cursed City sculpts are any indication, these should be really cool.
  14. That's a cool idea. There is nothing like that in Hammerhal or Cursed City, as I recall. I suppose you could just make a copy of the hero stat cards and have them fight themselves.
  15. This week, I finished four grave markers and some chaos furies/gargoyles.
  16. Not strictly undead, but I wanted to make a Swamp Crone anyways.
  17. Dire wolves are now finished. Like most of the other models in the army, they were a lot of fun to paint!
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