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Everything posted by RandyRyan

  1. Well last month got away from me! I am still working on my Chaos Legionnaires and Centaurian Marshal, once they’re done I’ll start some Morannon Orcs and a Witch King on Nazgûl!
  2. I’ve been holding off painting my 40, waiting for them to be refreshed… it’s been 10 years now 😅
  3. This month I’m going to paint a Vargskyr. I would like to also do my Chaos Legionaires and Centaur Dude but I am waiting for them to be delivered… for August I got a heap done by my standards - a Vengorian Lord, the Ven Densts, Darth Maul, and finished off my Warshrine and Chariot!
  4. Definitely going to add all those new STDs to my collection 😅 not real excited about having to pay extra for the fancy battletome though. Brodd looks cool, Hunter looks cool, and I was just thinking I hadn’t painted anything for my Blades of Khorne army for quite a while… Overall, not a bad preview for AoS! still waiting to see if the World Eaters codex will include regular Marines and Terminators, so I can use things I already own…
  5. My predictions: 40k - I don’t care Horus Heresy - I don’t care Necromunda - I don’t care 😅 I would love to see the big chunguses, the Ogors, get some love, in any way shape or form!
  6. Got some stuff done! I won’t be winning any awards, but I’m having a relaxing time 😎
  7. Oh my, that’s a whole bunch of stuff I want to buy 😅 Legionaries, centaur guy, Not-Vilitch and emo vampire will all be coming my way!
  8. I finally finished the Varanguard I pledged a few months ago, along with Yndrasta. This month I’ll be working on a Vengorian Lord and maybe the Ven Denst witch hunters since it’s been a while since I painted a regular sized human!
  9. Anything less would be a disappointment now 😅
  10. This month I aim to paint another 3 Varanguard and finish off the bases for Belakor and a Fomoroid Crusher.
  11. Big bad Be'lakor for me. They can jam a space marine on his base all they like but he's still AoS
  12. Almost finished my main man... not what I pledged but he's so cool
  13. After reading "Catachan Devil", I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my Ork Kommandos. Hopefully they arrive in time for me to paint this month. Otherwise, I have just bought Total War Warhammer 3 and NBA2k22 so... uhh...
  14. @Loyal Son of Khemri or someone, could you please PM a brother these photos! Seeing all the comments but not the minis is killing my chaotic heart
  15. Added these guys to my Nurgang. Really enjoyable to paint, gonna build some Pusgoyles today and see how far I get on them.
  16. I successfully completed my Annihilators and am maybe an hour off finishing another 5 Vindictors. I did totally fail last months "don't buy anything" pledge buuut, I needed some dragons 🤷 This month I'm going to finish my Vindictors and paint the Nurgle Underworlds warband, and keep doing bits here and there on Belakor.
  17. I'm going to paint - 3 Annihilators 10 more Zombies - this batch of 10 has all the guys with tombstones on their backs which I haven't been looking forward to for some reason, maybe be a bit of a struggle... Then I want to build the rest of my Dominion Stormcast - 5 Vindictors, the wizard lady and big banner guy. My last thing for this month is pledging to not buy any new models! Edit - changed my mind. I don't want to paint Zombies. I want to paint Belakor! Doing him instead
  18. Managed to finish off the Vindictors and Stormstrike Chariot I originally pledged, then carried on and finished Gardus, a Lord Imperatant, 3 Praetors and one of the anniversary special dudes. Stormcast are just easy to paint and satisfying at a tabletop level.
  19. For the first time ever, I'm actually exceeding my own schedule! I finished the Chariot and 5 Vindictors and have carried on painting Hallowed Knights, making a start on a Lord Imperatant and 3 praetors. These are so simple to paint. I've decided they are from Shyish, inspired by "Black Pyramid". Did a little bit on Yoda too, just for funzies.
  20. Josh Reynolds is it for me for AoS, Spear of Shadows closely followed by Black Pyramid are my favourites. For 40k, it's ADB all the way.
  21. I got one thing done in January at least! This month school goes back so I should get a bit more time with the kids out of the house. I'd like to finish 5 Vindictors which I've already started, and build/paint a Stormstrike Chariot to ride next to them 🤠
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