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Everything posted by RandyRyan

  1. Just hoping to see some Kroxigors and Cold One Knights for my dino loving dudes 💙 just painted some of the skins on the backs of my Chaos Warriors bright blue in their honour…
  2. On the other side of the fence - I was a WFB addict my whole life, 5th Ed through to last. I was filthy when Fantasy got killed and gave up the hobby for a few years as a result. I also hated AoS on a conceptual level at first. I was eventually sucked in towards the end of AoS 1 and what did it for me was the zany concepts - flying sharks with boltthrowers on them, for example. Now I’m in a position where I have 5 AoS armies and love them, but am also very much looking forward to seeing what The Old World has to offer. I still think I preferred the gameplay of Fantasy but enjoy AoS too. I’d say I’m certain to buy the starter box, whatever armies it may contain, then after that… we’ll see. I have only had bad experiences with resin so to what degree the range is plastic will play a big role in how much stuff I end up buying. Long story short - I’m looking forward to the future of both games!
  3. Yep they are different, there’s the starter set monopose ones then the multi part sets for Blood Warriors and Reavers came later.
  4. I feel this a lot. WHFB always had seeds of things mentioned in the lore that were just that - it seems nowadays they do the same thing and everyone goes “SILENT PEOPLE CONFIRMED!”
  5. This month I’ll do 10 Chaos Warriors and Eternus. I’ve realised I’m very close to ‘finishing’ my Slaves to Darkness army - if I get this months done, I think all that is left is 5 Chosen, some Marauder Horsemen and maybe a Gorebeast Chariot. Without really meaning to, I’ll have painted about 5000 points! I really appreciate the extra motivation of this thread and seeing what everyone does 😀
  6. It was the ADB short stories… they were great!
  7. Flirting with World Eaters… this month I’m painting Kharn and 5 Terminators 👹
  8. I think I am so accustomed to painting Slaves and Khorne models, that painting all the organic textures was challenging and time consuming for me. The models are lovely - they just took me a long time!
  9. The wolves are done! I do like how they look finished, but they have helped me decide I’m not going to start a Gitz army 😅
  10. BoC not getting plastic Centigors or Shaggoth in the Era of the Beast seems like a big missed opportunity 😳
  11. I share the pain of amassing a bunch of projects, and finding balancing life as a husband and father leaves less hobby time than I’d perhaps like - that said, I am happy with my choices! the main thing that has lost out for me is gaming. I’m yet to play a game of third edition and don’t have any plans at this point. Mentally I’m playing the long game - my eldest son is 5 now and I started playing Fantasy at 10, so he’s halfway there 😅 I find it easier to snatch an hour here and there for painting, rather than the half-day commitment of a game. I have somehow painted over 3000 points of Slaves to Darkness since their 2nd ed release. Painting has become my main hobby - rather than what it was as a kid, where I’d begrudgingly slap some colours on so I’d be allowed to play at GW. I’ve been distracted by many other shiny things over the years, but like you have embraced selling off things I realise I won’t get to. Armies for Cities and Orks have been sold off, as well as a bunch of impulsive LotR I purchased recently. My pile of potential does have more in it than I’d like, but I am happy I will get to it all eventually - or I’ll sell it off for something for my main forces!
  12. Yep, I will definitely still collect armies for both. I still have my Fantasy Chaos army, faithfully stuck to their squares, alongside Khorne, Maggotkin and StD armies for AoS.
  13. Just finished my Theridons! Put them on the shelf next to my Myrmidon and they look better than he does so will have to touch him up 😅 I have no idea what to do with the banner, my freehanding looks about as good as my 2 year old’s drawings…
  14. Finished my Daemon Prince! I have learned this month that having multiple projects on my desk at once leads me to just not do much on any of them. My Theridons and Rippas Snarlfangs are both probably 80% done but going veeeery slowly… I also went and bought King Brodd and preordered some new Slaves stuff… busy busy!
  15. I think the Knights are the same as the start collecting, plus bits for champion, musician and standard bearer.
  16. I didn’t quite finish this guy last month so he’s first on my list of things to do. I have Theridons and Rippas Snarlfangs in progress and hope to start on Din Djarin & Grogu as well this month!
  17. I have a few things on my desk at the moment - new Daemon Prince Ogroid Theridons aaand Rippas Snarlfangs, just for something different!
  18. I painted some Chosen! And accidentally finished a Warqueen who has been partially painted since about when they were released…
  19. Finished these just in time for a nice big box of STDs to arrive at my door 😅
  20. I completely lost my painting mojo last month. I was working on 6 Morannon Orcs, thinking I had another 30 to do… and decided to play TW Warhammer instead. anyway this month I’m aiming small - I will paint the Gorechosen underworlds warband and have fun doing it!
  21. Chaoooosssss! I’m wondering if the new StD box was moved up the schedule, wasn’t there a feeling it wasn’t coming until around Christmas?
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