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Everything posted by Neck-Romantic

  1. Yeah... I dont think that matters for checking LOS; eithet friendly or hostile. You cant just always see or be seen by anyone if you fly. Both RAW and RAI
  2. Got a few games in with same list vs Sylvaneth and again the Mourngul won the 'Ghost with the Most' award both games, while the teleporting Dreadblade Harrow did nothing and was eventually picked off. Excited to try out Olynder in place of Mourn, and Shroudgard in place of Hexwraiths
  3. It isnt rerolling 1's its rerolling all your hits. Rerolling ones is the torments buff. That's an average of 10 MWs and 10 no-rend wounds, enough to core him like an apple, and even possibly kill him if he fails a few saves
  4. And 6 hosts is 36 attacks with rerolls.. most likely more than only 7 MW's.
  5. Durthu + lots of spirit hosts + lantern of rerolls = dead tree To be honest 6 or more Hosts + reroll lantern = dead/dying just about anything.
  6. Got a few games in yesterday and what I've been noticing with NH is either the enemy will snipe your healers off the table or you will snowball through their entire army. I'm liking Torments more than GoS's, as they actually hit like bricks, and (vs stormcast; my meta) their heal is more relaible than GoS. Plus having them bust out 10" charge bonus round of combat hits surprisingly hard. The Mourngul actually still seems to pull his weight despite looking bad on paper, especially in a 2 torment list.
  7. Im planning to use mine as part of a 2 wave main battle line. Blades hit first and retreat passed combat to eat support heros while spirit hosts finish off the first unit
  8. That makes it much more situational than I had thought. You get to mess with the order they activate, not postpone any attacks, essentially. Still usefull, but not until you have multiple enemy units engaged.
  9. That is an interesting point. Does the victim unit fight *dead last* that round or are they simply *the last unit the enemy can activate* Very big difference, with the first interpretation being FAR stronger. If it's the latter you would need to be involved in several combats on the board for soul cage to have any real effect
  10. The whole enchilada is nasty with soul cage. His list had 20 points left over, thats enough for chains or mirror, I think
  11. 10 ghasts can get focused down rather quickly even at the 1000pnt level, and oly's command is mostly wasted on single wound squads. Might trade oly for Reikenor and up to 2 squads of 20, tho I dont have the points in front of me Or go with a squad of 20 and 10 if 3 boxes of ghasts Could also use midnight tome instead, executioner would get a NH spell and he could buy a cheap Endless spell... if he doesnt mind using a token
  12. Bladegheists, Harridans and the (much better) executioner sculpt up for preorder on the far east side of the world; thankfully Bladegheists are 10 to a box. Since they are fielded in chunks of 5 per pricepoint, and after seeing the Chainrasp pricing fiasco I was worried they would be 5 to a box for $45.
  13. I havnt gone for chainrasps actually.. I have a bucketload of Hosts leftover from the Before Time. Also kinda wanted to go with a boatload of Revenants
  14. I just cant seem to break from 2 torments and a GoS. The redundancy helps the late game and it starts to make your opponent grit their teeth at up to 6 models coming back / hero healing on their own turn
  15. I keep making lists that are too character heavy... anyone have experience with lists running 5 heros or so? Im worried about how flimsy and yet neccesary torments and guardians are..
  16. Does ayone think the Mourn might really be feasible if you hold him back for a turn or two then drop him in the middle to disrupt the main melee? I own the model but just cant countenance using him compared to the coach
  17. I for one still don't quite care for the coach. It has phenominal rules/battalion, but I personally dont like the concept of a physical contraption in my army of poltergeists. As for its use, yes I can see it anchoring a flank of hexes and taking out artillery/support as your mainline gets stuck in, and being a late-game monstrosity as its powered up, able to retreat + run + charge and reach incredible speed while still handing out MW's, self healing, and replenishing late-game survivors. I wish the mourngul was more competetive and synonymous with the coach. The coach is faster, has more wounds, more overall damage output, also selfheals, also replenishes units....and costs less points
  18. I feel the Banshee and Cwraith are mostly there for smaller point games or squeezing a Deathless spirits zone in with deepstrikers. Ultimately the GoS and STorment are the winners for me, with Harrow and mKoS (either with midnight tome close seconds Im quite confused as to just how similar Glavewraiths and Bladegheists are... and in the end if anything is worth more than just running stupid amounts of grimghast spam.
  19. Im hoping bladegheists are parralell with Grimghasts. Suprised they still havnt hit preorder
  20. Agreed; our endless are fairly generic and bland all things considered Something that stored up kill charges and maybe restored a fully wiped unit would have been neat
  21. $115 for coach and $45 for 10 rasps is pretty nuts
  22. It's gotta be $40 for 20, or that'd be insane. Also makes splitting the SoulWars box or the other derivative boxed sets even more worthwhile. They are small base fodder troops, 4 dollars per would be nuts, 2 dollars per is actually still a bit pricy if you've seen how tiny they actually are; how little plastic is involved.
  23. This. Confused as to why some are and some arent so far. Honestly it could go either way for me, just hoping I wont have to clean up seams on Bladegheists
  24. Lol. After building spirit hosts and ghost arks I am numb to building woes
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