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Everything posted by Neck-Romantic

  1. Wish the Anniversary GoS wasnt 40 on ebay : D
  2. Ah. I dont have access to the realm spells/artifacts.
  3. iir the hero in the shroudguard battalion does not recieve a 5++ only the blades do
  4. My thought was a SH mainline with bladegheists bouncing around their backline
  5. @Luke1705 Excited to get a game in with mine; just finished 2 10x and Reikenor
  6. I would actually be surprised if the 500 store model was NH, as we just got the AoS 2.0 box set AND a Shadespire band... but Im all for it if we do Could be a sculpt that didnt quite make the cut for the release but they had a limited mould made or something.
  7. Right. You can make an Executioner really tanky; tome+shademist, cogs. Reroll save at -1 hit -1 wound 5++
  8. I would love a sword and board since we have no shield weilding units yet, rerolling ethereal save anyone?
  9. No GW stores in Alaska so I almost hope it isnt amazing; Ebay scalp prices on the GoS are nuts already.. That having been said: I'm betting an alternate Cairn Wraith if its Nighthaunt
  10. Well the offensive power of a mourn is against heavy infantry/cavalry. He cant heal in a behemoth vs behemoth slugfest, his role is as an oppresive predator that restricts the enemy's ability to hit back while MWing through medium/heavy saves IMHO
  11. I find the mourn is great as a melee support, sticking alongside grims or blades, but not so great on his own. The troops benefit from the protective -1 enemy hit, and blades can bail from the combat and leave a (assumably) badly mauled enemy squad for the Mourn to finish off. And Mourn + Oly = -2 to hit as well
  12. Yeah I was disappointed we didnt get a boosted bravery scream like the terrorgheist, either though a character or battalion, or a massed missile scream. Eager to nab the briar queen but nobody interested in splitting the shadespire box in my area
  13. Going down the rabbit gole a bit here. I would still say +attacks for MW troops though. And honestly Myrmourns it could go either way. They kinda need some hand holding, but can really perform once you do so. In other news, has anyone tried working a TBanshee into their lists? I really like the bravery-check attack but unsure if it would be worthwhile in my meta.
  14. The same argument could aply to blades though; 10 more attacks with a 3/4ths hit chance vs a 1/6th chance on the existing 30 attacks Mathhammer isnt my fortè tho
  15. Right, the point I was trying to make was not all the troops do mortals, must not have said it right. Ultimatly though having an extra attack over +1 to hit is just better regardless of mortals though... as if you randomly roll high you have more damage potential Imho I think the KoS's +1 to hit ought to be an aura and not a command point...or hes just plain outclassed
  16. Only when he is next to units that do mortals, however. But I would say the +1 attack also benefits myrmourns and also your nasty support heroes as well... dont forget your STorment and Cairn Wraith/Reikenor/Mourngul getting an extra swing for potentially 2 MW's aint bad either
  17. Well the character and support hero sculpts are absolutely stunning as well so its hard to buckle down and throw 60/80 infantry on rhe board and just swarm it out either : P
  18. I was surprised there was no boosted banshee mechanic, either a character or battalion in that regard, or that rhe harridens/myrms didnt have a regular missile attack as their 'scream' Or Olynder causing double scream deaths rather than a paltry +1 bravery casualty... which can be great vs multiwound infantry but 90% of the time ppl can see a failed battleshock coming from a mile away
  19. All 3 mourns in one group to give -3 tohit (if they stack with themselves) spread out if not... chainghasts synapsing the STorment aura... 12d3 shots assasinating 1 maybe 2 support heroes a turn and rasps flooding the field to prevent charges. . . Magic is your weakness, both offensive and defensive though. I'de give one of the torments the book with spectral tether for a second dispell and +hero heals
  20. @Vasshpit Hmmm... thats one crazy oddball list!! I wouldnt mind hearing how it performs
  21. Definitely seems like we are easily hamstrung if our healers get taken out early... I was hoping for a mechanism that brought back units once they were killed ala LoN; perhaps requiring a kill-count trigger first. I've tried stacking lots of reduntant healing and being exceedingly aggressive with my troops to take the heat off my heroes and it seems to help. Also; the mourngul performs better on table than on paper .. I figured we are a very anti-elite army with our invuln saves and Mortal Wound output, feels like our anti-horde tools (Tomb Banshee/banshee battalion) are underutilized
  22. Hmmm I woulda thought thered be at least one relic that debuffed... ah well
  23. The realms. Planes realms dimensions whatevah
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