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Everything posted by Neck-Romantic

  1. Dont get me started on Idoneth's myriad bullsh*t lol.
  2. @Tropical Ghost General I feel you so far. We pay through the nose for fly and invuln as well. With the inevitable nerf to grims incoming (probably a reduction to 1" and a pointcost / unit size change, if I know GW's patented over-reaction nerfs) I feel like some subtle buffs are neccesary. Dropping the difficulty of our spells, changing our heal mechanic to mirror Invocation of Nehek, giving us some sort of re-roll armor save buff/spell/aura, or a "bring back annihilated unit" mechanic perhaps triggered by wiping an enemy squad would be a good start.
  3. My gos's keep failing to even cast their spells, im taking the Torments for the reroll 1's and gauarnteed heals if you kill stuff. Failed to cast their heal WITH the beacon of nagashizzar too.
  4. Ok @Tropical Ghost General check this out Olynder, Torment, Lord Ex 6 Hosts 3Hosts 3 Hosts (battalion) mKoS, Torment, 2x15 Revenants (battalion) Cogs for Oly to summon once she gets to the main melee for + spell and reroll her armor save Its VERY low model count, but between Oly, a Torment, and Exec with RotSHtheres a lot of healing, still have 2 self-contained groups, shitload of mortals (my meta demands this) and Oly heals herself with veil, torment, her d6 if neccesary and cogs for survivability (Could drop cogs for a Vairm wraith I spoze)
  5. I just played a tournament where I failed cogs on a +3 every single furst turn. Im burned out on it as an alpha strike strategy is all
  6. Thinking the first turn charge with cogs strat is just too dependent on dice to be viable...maybe not for deathriders battalion. Thinking of trying a 2 pronged army with; Olynder and a Torment surrounded by a tight ball of 2x6 Hosts in one group (pendant of fell wind) mKoS, Torment, GoS and 2x15 Revenants in another tight group (wytchlight lantern) with a throwaway 10x rasps to sit on an obj.. Thoughts?
  7. Went to a tourney today, with fairly meh results. Slaves to Darkness with Mammoth; barely beat due to burning his objectives last turn Deepkin Elves; rediculously OP horsesh*t lol. All I'll say. Mirror match vs nearly identical Nighthaunt army; dice crapped out HARD. Though I was able to wipe half a 30x grim unit with Reikenor's targeting specific model ability and subsequent unit cohesion check. 2 torments and a GoS healed exactly; 4 wounds total in 3 games. Chronomantic Cogs being cast by Reik with a self-harm +3; succesful zero times.
  8. @Lou_Cypher Sore subject buddy : P We've been b*tchin about it all morning If you dont already have a foot KoShrouds you could use Gork as a neat stand-in for a Revenant themed army... but yeah Im fairly pissed since I prepaid to get one and its completely useless. Now Ill just have a spare Revenant sitting on the shelf no matter how I build the force. Probably just gonna pay the 18 points and have 1 unit be 1 Revenant over the cap as long as opponent agrees. (11 instead of 10, 16 instead of 15, as I dont run units of 20)
  9. The thing about Deathriders you need to keep in mind is getting Wave of Terror off is game-changing. It is absolutely devastating to your opponent, especially if you are charging with multiple units. You make the WoT attacks (as worded) immediately, so you get to see how much damage is done before selecting another unit to charge with, which could change your choices. You know that you've rolled a WoT before moving your spooks, so you could change your target to possibly wipe out a support hero and then pile in to his troops etc. You get to attack completely out of sequence (it is not the fight phase) so you can bypass certain enemy abilities. You get to attack first still when the fight phase occurs, so you could potentially grind the WoT victim down enough you might not need to attack first there anymore, or possibly kill off a buff/aura character. Sooo much tactical impact that anything that increases your chances of it occuring need to be allocated more consideration.
  10. Hmmmmm... that seems really low unit count to me. Lots of synergy and hits fairly hard, but would be essentially 1 clump if guys running around
  11. Well I doubt the gos could keep up, but that retreat and charge opens up a lot of tactical flexability... Im building mine with the lantern cuz I like the aesthetics but my group isnt full wysiwyg so long as its correct on the list : P
  12. So I just got my Darrakar (limited edition GoS) and noticed something I didnt before; his spell allows the target to retreat and charge as well as the 6" move. Thats a huuuge buff, basically turning anything into bladegheists. Imagine your hexes being able to leave combat, retreat thru the enemy to cause mortals, and come back to hit them again (or something else) Quite happy with that!
  13. The Shroudguard isnt bad, as you will probably be using those units anyway, and a 4++/5+++ is pretty baller. Slap shademist and/or Olly's curse and they are terrifying
  14. Err... I meant Limited Edition, rather than Lord Executioner : P but good point!
  15. I agree. There are some apparent last minute shuffles I suspect; with both of these LE making me think they were scrapped at the last second. DHarrows feel much more like an elite or semi elite light cavalry bodyguard for MKoS or Reikenor, taken in squads of 2 to 4 perhaps with wound re-allocation ala Nagash and the Morghasts. Chainghasts also feel so awkward, both in their warscroll and their bizarre itemization, but Harrows coming in a box of two for a hero slot with no synergy between themselves takes the cake for odd boxing.
  16. Right? Doesnt make sense at all. I was so excited too; building my 21-30th Revenants right now
  17. Was personally hoping for at least a 100 point brawler like the Cairn Wraith with a small Revenant- specific aura or baked-in ability. Perhaps able to be the leader of a Shroudguard battalion rather than established choices. Or at the very least a squad lead like the Extoller. Le sigh. Here's hoping that reliable source was wrong!!
  18. No love for Ton'Ka eh? Tough crowd : P but yeah Im pretty disappointed. Like getting a $30 necron warrior... Id rather have 10 more bladesgheists than 1 alternate troop that wont fit in detachment size. already pulled strings and paid in advance for 1 though
  19. Then you end up squaring off with stuff like Ton'Ka the enormous yellow remote controlled homebrew 'steamtank' with all 10's across the board : /
  20. Id be happy with just 18 points, regular stats, can be included in any size unit of blades. At least tourney legal, can be used. Otherwise its just a swap and you have one odd revanant out
  21. Ehh. I dont mess with house rules much. Woulda said just an extra Revenant at same PPM with maybe 2 or 3" range with regular stats
  22. Yeah jesus; at least a Revenant with 1 extra attack or something, f*ck Wouldnt be so bad if I could use it as a KoS... but I already have 1 I dont use. Or as a LExecutioner.. but I already have 1 I dont use
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