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Everything posted by Neck-Romantic

  1. Well I finally remembered TBanshees scream on 2d6, had their scream confused with the NH commander trait that forces a unit to retreat on 1d6 for the longest time. A decent roll at -4 or higher can annihilate most heroes, and take large chunks of units who then need to test battleshock on that same reduced bravery as well. Still completely floored that Olynder wrecks her own lists by eliminating the bravery debuff command aura... in favor of her fairly lackluster command trait
  2. Probably squeeze in a Mourngul : P honestly I would love to see ANYTHING else become BL for LoG just because Im not fond of chainrasps. $40 for 10 cannon fodder has always felt like highway robbery for me; especially when harridans/bladegheists are the same price.
  3. Made a sort of goofy build... Banshee Swarm LoG DB Harrow - bravery aura Briar Queen 4x TBanshees 2x15 Harridans 3x10 Chainrasps 2x12 Myrmourns 1x8 Myrmourns Briar Queen retinue Horrogheist Espell 4 screams at maximum -5 bravery, Harrow to teleport his debuff and activate gravesites while staying out of combat, 3 units of myrmourns to shred with. Preserve the heroes as best as you can while freely throwing myrmourns and harridans into meatgrinder so they can be recycled. (Would gladly use Olynder if she didnt ruin the bravery debuff scheme)
  4. An interesting blurb; Just realized while tinkering on building a custom Banshee or two, that the complete Nighthaunt aesthetic has no faces. Every model consists of a skull, mask, helmet, or veil. The old Tomb Banshee model, as well as the Mortis Engine banshees, have faces and eyes. Its hard to indicate torment or suffering without a face... and interestingly enough the only figure I feel comes close in the new Nighthaunt is the Myrmourns; whose very artistic use of negative space conveys the feel of a yawning, screaming mouth in the emptiness between bust and eyes. For anyone else who hates monopose models that you wind up taking multiples of; there are some nice other sculpts out there by other companies
  5. So 1 GoS by itself is 1 drop; the entire Shroudguard (or what have you) is 1 drop, to be more clear for @DieterLaser
  6. Make them BL, reduce points, give them 1w 1damage, plenty of waus to fix them Ive heard so far
  7. Still holding hope glavewraiths and harridans at least got reductions. Been any further news? When can we expect deets on GHB19?
  8. Wouldnt mind hearing some highlights or tips on how to deal with some of those big names with said list
  9. Seems like a nightmare (pun) to move that many models
  10. Also just saw no zombie dragons or terrorgheists as FEC mercs
  11. Says 2 in our territory and 2 anywhere else
  12. Just having 4 gravesites dishing out d3 heal/rezes and a possible point drop will make our (un)lives a lot easier tbh
  13. Ive said it a few times but the Mortis Engine is a great fit for a NH - turned - LoG list; +1 to cast -1 to enemy cast aura, MW output and heal/harm explosion for 180 points ...for whomever was saying we had little + to cast
  14. Another thing we havnt considered is perhaps Olynder will have a different Warscroll on LoG; sort of like Warmachine issues. Perhaps her command ability will debuff bravery or otherwise synergize with bravery abilities. All it would take would be a "double the amount of all negative bravery effects on all enemy units within 12" or "double the amount of mortal wounds caused by tomb banshees/olynders handmaidens" and poof we're all happy
  15. Not that Ive seen... nothing for the GHB actually
  16. There is a possibility than GHB will make vanilla NH more competative anyway, and different stats/points could feed into LoG as well. I imagine they designed LoG with the GHB alterations in mind. Honestly; I think the biggest impact we will see is Necromancers giving our units 2 attack sequences. Buffed Myrmourns primarily and bladegheists are what immediatly come to mind.
  17. Dont get too down guys; we still have GHB2019 to go too
  18. @Anzu Good questions! I..have no answers. Anybody else?
  19. Yes the fact Oly nerfs the entire point of LoG is mind boggling honestly. The only ray of hope for her at this point is if the bravery debuff on general ends up being a rule that is conferred to the army's general regardless of the model; as all the Legions did this.
  20. @Scurvydog Nerfing the enemies bravery still allows Olynder/Tomb Banshees/Mortis Engine/Terrorgheist/Dreadscythe Harridans to land their abilities easier and for far more damage. Plus with our Bravery nerfs being AoE; the enemy can only Inspire 1 unit per turn too
  21. LoG is why Harridans and Banshees are making their comeback, due to being able to stack -5 to -6 + d3 bravery. None of these new bravery debuffs (besides horrogheist) are available for Nh; only LoG We are essentially Losing WoT and our command traits/spells/artifacts in exchange for bombing Bravery to quite possibly 0, respawning whole units from gravesites, and gaining access to a large quantity of existing Death units. Come to think of it; with people learning to not fully wipe our units out in order to avoid respawning... maybe that breathes new (un)life into some of the more indiscriminate endless spells... killing the last 2 or 3 ghosts in order to fully respawn and taking a few of the enemy with them
  22. Another example army Lady O Briar Queen TBanshee TBanshee Terrorgheist 3x10 chainrasp Briar Queen retinue chainrasps 2x20 Harridans 12 Myrmourns Horrorgheist ESpell --------------------- Swap Terrorgheist and/or Briar Queen for Mortis engine/Mourngul + KoSoES to synergize myrmourns or stack -3 to hit
  23. Well they still had to buy the models. It is true that I would be less salty if bedsheets had *something* unique to them.
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