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Everything posted by Neck-Romantic

  1. Do we have a concrete date for GHB19 (and the app update) yet?
  2. Its still capable of handing out naps and debuffing chunks of the battlefield, and a WoT charge with it still packs a wallop, but yes 240 is about right imho
  3. 280 is still damn steep for the Mourn I agree.. but at least its something
  4. Looks like Ill be able to squeeze in a Banshee or a unit of Chainghasts in most of my lists due to the reductions, but I was expecting more tbh. Mourning the lack of changes to stalkers, mymrourns got cheaper but lost horde discount so equals out... someone mentioned the Mourngul but I dont see it listed here
  5. Anyone working on Legion of Grief additions to their armies?
  6. No word yet on GHB19 or the Mymourn battlegroup eh?
  7. *for color examples* Weird lighting; I swear they arent just pure white : P
  8. Thanks for bearing with me Bad lighting but I was in a hurry; finished batch Tomb Banshee, Garkorr and Darrakar (black flames for now)
  9. @Greasygeek Alright fine shes done but her base isnt. Gimmie a bit
  10. Good thing I got that sorted out before running duplicate wizards : D thnx for info
  11. Quick derp question... If you have multiple wizards with the same warscroll spell (guardian of souls, necromancers etc) they can each cast their personal spell, correct? Its only endless spells that can only be attempted once right? Or if your first wizard succesfully casts his spell then your second has to cast something else?
  12. Thats what Im worried about. I would be for making neat cool markers but then they are supposed to be non-physical like a coin or something. I dont like when they make stuff like that thats non tangible
  13. Ive been wanting to sculpt some gravesite tokens but I hear you kinda want them flat...? What do you guys use?
  14. *tucks screenshots into pocket* Shame on you! Shame!
  15. Not sure if posting the actual pics is permitted... Also; saved all images 🤣 Traits are all solid, relics are subpar; most likely always take -1 hit missile, 2 of 3 spells great (8+ to cast on bravery bomb? Good god)
  16. Ok folks; what do you think of this. (I wish I knew how to add spoiler tags so I wasnt spamming walls of text) 2x Necromancer 1 STorment 1 KoSoES 2x Mortis Engine 4x10 rasps 2x15 Bladegheist 1x12 Myrmourn + quicksilver swords + emerald lifeswarm. Knight adds his +1 attack to myrmourns or blades depending on who needs it; necros and knight/torment (whoever gets amethyst glow trait) get +2 to cast to ensure Vanhels and endless spells go off, rnemy casters get -2 to cast and have to deal with +3 to unbind myrmourns, necros heal 2 units per turn, torment heals one, lifeswarm heals, mortis engines can heal (but NOT ressurect) and 4 units of screening chainrasps to get in the way or cap objectives. Thats Myrmourns with 3 (possibly 4) attacks each fighting twice with -3 rend (LoG spell) or Blades with 4 attacks at -2 rend fighting twice. 2 endless spells for myrmourns to eat, one healy one offensive just in case you need to actually use them Thoughts?
  17. So, folks who have the book now; where there ANY surprises?
  18. Plus the bravery debuff Death is immune to
  19. Yep Ive been watching the app Will we need to update it or does it update itself.... Edit: As of now you can peruse the scenery and endless spells from Forbidden Power... no book purchase and rules as of yet
  20. Thats the exciting thing about LoG; its freeing up the list composition a bit. There are some disappointments and missed opportunities but overall Im excited. Plus GHB19
  21. Damn they want the full price for the book on the app... didnt see that
  22. Wonder if they will make the list avail on the app
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