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Everything posted by mikethefish

  1. That magma eruption thingy is pretty boss as well
  2. Even if we got just one or two conditional battle lines - like Sky Wardens are battle line if an Admiral is the General. Stuff like that.
  3. So now that we have seen the Fyreslayers stuff, I think we can make a reasonably solid prediction: when their book is released, there will be nothing new for Kharadrons, except for terrain and "spells". As far as model kits, Fyreslayers are in a way worse situation than we are, and they are receiving nothing new, save for the terrain/spell treatment. While it's certainly possible for KO to get new models, I really don't think we can expect anything new added to our actual ranks - with the possible exception of maybe a neat new character (ala Carrion Empires) Personally I think this is fine - KO actually has a pretty sweet model line-up. It has a lot of unique looks, without reusing poses and model frames too much. If the army was rewritten so that all our stuff actually WORKED in an actual game, I think we would be alright. So yeah, as I said - while it's certainly possible to get blessed by the New Model Fairy, I think we KO players need to curb our expectations a bit, at this point.
  4. The whip is too crudely made for a Slaanesh model
  5. Thanks! My backstory was that one of my MadCap Shamans ate a weird (more than normal) mushroom, and was "blessed" with the plans for the Iron Grot in a fever dream. I figure that Grots hate being the weakest and that weediest of all the races, and the Iron Grot is sort of their way of bullying the other races the way they themselves get bullied. During battle, I just imagine all the other Grots jeering and taunting their opponents as the Iron Grot smashes it's way through them, "Who's the runt now, huh? YEAH!!!"
  6. Hey folks, I thought I would try and keep a hobby blog of my Gloomspite army. I've modeled and painted plenty of armies in my time, but as this one is an army I am trying to personalize with a bit more creativity, I thought making a record of it would be fun. My army, the Iron Grots, hails from Chamon, and as such I thought it might be fun to add some steampunk wackiness into the standard wackiness that Gloomspite has anyhow. My main center piece is going to be a huge steam powered Rogue Idol You can see my current progress. Basically I have the main body and head constructed at this point. Right now I am in the process of adding the fun details - cogs, steam pipes, etc. Oh yeah...and eventually I will be gluing on rivets. So...so many rivets. Haven't don't too much with the arms yet - just got the basic frames done so I can get the posing down correctly. I get that he looks a little goofy right now, but I promise that in the end, Mecha Grot should hopefully look pretty boss!
  7. Thank you for that. Could not have said it better myself. So I forget - is Adepticon happening now or next week? Hoping for more War Cry info
  8. I mean the counter point would be Sequitors. In the Warscroll a unit of ten can have 5 great maces. The box only comes with four. I know the trend has been exactly what you have described (and personally I called the Warp Fiend errata months ago), but I really feel that Arkanauts are the exception - especially considering their solo Battle Line status
  9. Honestly I don't agree. Since it's a battle line unit (meaning the player has to buy multiple boxes) and there's only three possible weapon options, there's not much incentive to impose the one weapon limitation. The other consideration is that Arkanauts (and KO in general) haven't exactly been lighting the world on fire with their awesomeness
  10. So happy that Khorne got revealed today. This means that they hopefully won't take any extra time talking about it during the big GAMA reveal tomorrow
  11. Here is my Rogue Idol-themed list that I am working towards. Trying to get something that is pretty solid. My thought was a solid core of dudespam, backed up with some synergy and the big guy as a focus. He gives bravery and/or magic support to pretty much everything in the list. Fungoid Shaman (general) Madcap Loonboss on foot x2 60 Stabbas (spears) 60 Stabbas (swords) 12 Cave Squigs Sneaky Snufflers 5 Fanatics 5 Fanatics Rogue Idol Mighty Mushroom
  12. The points are a hard limit. Your list would be illegal, full stop.
  13. Well I am something of amateur sculptor myself, so pretty much I am building the thing entirely from scratch. Starting with an armature that I built out of scrap cardstock and some other odd bits, and then I will gradually cover the entire thing in plasticard that I cut to look like crude armored plates. I've got a pretty good way to make rivets, so I've got that down. The only non-scratch built things are some 3d printed spikes that I bought off of Shapeways (just to add detail), and some Moonclan Grot models poking out here and there to look like crew members. I JUST barely got started on the thing, so any in-progress shots I do would not be very exciting. I'll post stuff at a later date, if anyone is interested. Certainly I want to show off the finished product later on
  14. Personally my Chamon-based Gloomspite have a very steampunk theme. I am building a Rogue Idol for them that is basically a giant steam-powered Grot (like the gate guard from Labyrinth) that runs off of burning mushrooms. My thinking is that my Grots got tired of being the smallest and the weediest race around, so they built a huge glorified steam-powered version of themselves to beat up on everybody else. The rules translate just fine. The regular Rogue Idol has that rule that when it takes damage, pieces of itself fall off and cause mortal wounds to nearby units. For my Steam Grot, I just say that when it takes damage, the big thing springs leaks and vents superheated steam on nearby units. Same rule - just a different imaginary visual
  15. You can definitely ally the Idol in - JUUUUUST barely for a 2000 pt army. It buffs Battleshock tests (which the Gloomspite desperately need) and also buffs magic (which the Gloomspite could definitely make use of). Additionally, it's a big stompy monster that draws a lot of attention, and takes a lot of effort to kill. Meantime, while the opponent tries to deal with the Idol, your mobs of 60 Stabbas get to play in the metaphorical sprinklers. I've used it. I like it. Not an auto-include, but definitely has a place in certain lists.
  16. Yeah I was thinking my ranged attacks would probably have to be whatever spells I can churn out. Unfortunate
  17. I would kind if like to include more allied shooting in my lists, in an effort to be more well-rounded, but I am hitting a few snags. Moonclan shooting = garbage. Gitmob shooting? Somewhat problematic. Warmachines are great, but thanks to the Allies restrictions (one allied unit per four Ironjawz units), I can't really take as many as I would like to. Goblin archers are possible, but I am concerned about Gitmob being phased out eventually. Also the models suck Greenskins shooting? Same concerns as Gitmob. Bonesplittas archers are pretty boss. Problem is again the Allies rules - this time the points restrictions. My standard game only let's me take 400 pts of Allies. This means I can only bring 20 of them. With a unit of that size, if it suffers one single casualty, then everyone remaining in the unit loses a shot. This seems like a tough blow. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? In a related issue, I really hope we see some sort of Ironjawz javelin throwers (or whatever) when our new book comes out someday.
  18. This was exactly my theory. The IK summon some of that useless (to them) treasure they have lying around, and use it to lure unsuspecting enemies. Sort of a movement control spell - working similar to those deep sea fish that have the little bioluminescent light on the end of a tentacle, to lure in prey.
  19. Alright folks, Now that many players have some experience under their belt, what is the optimal unit size for Spider Riders? Are they best in larger units, or is a min-unit MSU style approach going to be better?
  20. The main problem with this concept is that there are not enough weapons in one kit to equip all the Ardboyz with a single weapon type - which would be necessary for a kit, if you wanted to split the Ardboyz into different units by weapon type
  21. Yeah... pretty sure GW wouldn't keep cranking out Stormcast kits if they were the least liked faction.
  22. I mean if the stuff we actually have were to work effectively, I think that would satisfy most people. I can think of a couple new units to add to the range, but all's I really want is a more balanced army
  23. Bombardment is possible, but I don't see that as a model that stays on the board turn after turn. Personally I am thinking some kind of weird weather effect, and some sort of aerial monster that randomly attacks stuff - like the Megalofin that keeps getting mentioned in the fluff
  24. Actually no. The GW social media guys chimed in after the preview and basically stated that Stormvaults =/= Storm Chamber. Judging by other statements, it looks like Forbidden Power is probably more in line with what Malign Portents was.
  25. I mean it's pretty clear that they will eventually replace all 1st edition books. The question being exactly how eventual the "eventually" part of that sentence is. We might have a long wait.
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