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Everything posted by Acid_Nine

  1. yea! The only question is if the Stoneguard are big enough for these things to work without looking silly. if they do... Well, I have heads for liberators later on!
  2. Almost done with my finals, and then I will start working on the big temple and scenery. By the way, does anyone know how to change the title of a thread? Anyways, planning on redoing the Saphery waystone and making it more like my most recent one. I think it turned out the best, and I reworked the symbol so it wouldn’t be mirrored, and has the proper depth. I think that using cardboard/ boxes really is the best way to do this, and the edge work with baking soda and super glue is vital... and I won’t put a whole bloody teaspoon of baking soda in my sealent mixture this bloody time.
  3. yea, I linked it... and I'll bloody do it again! He does a pretty bad job explaining how to build it though, and I only learned by trial and error. I made four, going on 5 of these bloody things. My suggestion is to use cardboard from boxes, like I did with a seltzer water box, and to "skin" a layer off the fins so they fold back easier. Also, Wear gloves when doing the baking soda and super glue thing, else you won't be able to feel your fingers for about 12 hours with the concrete that forms... And be sure to use sticks and the like to spread the glue around. I didn't slather mine in super glue like he did, but I did use it to fill out the edges so it doesn't look like cardboard. Also, you want the paper side on the runic symbol facing outwards when you cut it out of something, otherwise it would be backwards. Still a fun build, and I even did a few of my own custom symbols as seen in this thread (shameless self plug. mind you. ) Also, excellent point on the stone guard helms. I planned on using these helms on shape ways just to see if they would work. They keep the roman helm thing enough, and gives me a fun throwback to old helmets (throwing out links like crazy today. https://www.shapeways.com/product/LSVD8PVE9/heaven-praetorian-helmet-2-generation?optionId=112187396&li=shops )
  4. "Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment..." -Blood Ravens Librarian, Dawn of War
  5. I dunno. We may have more things. I don’t think anyone guessed what kind of endless spells we’re getting, nor was it leaked. Maybe GW still have things hidden until the launch, which I hope is true.
  6. Managed to work on two more pillars and a new Hysh symbol design. One of the pillars and the floor symbol I completely messed up because I decided to try and put 1 teaspoon of baking soda into the primer mix, and it ruined the detail on both of them, so I have to start over. by the way, finally remembered the Youtuber’s name who I got the templates for, which is located here: https://miscastterrain.itch.io/elven-waystone it’s simple, but pretty good! I just wish some pieces fit together better. anyways completed my teclis pillar for my display board, and should get to the larger temple again soon. I like how the flock looked, and even tried to make my own out of Balsawood sandpaper shavings, but they were way too light and just made gross clumps. I can’t get regular sawdust at any store, but I heard online that you can basically use wooden cat litter pellets (that have no chemicles) and come out with the same thing after using a cheap coffee grinder.
  7. Honestly, as long as he is better than David “I will never tell you this guys’s Equipment ” Annandale, I would enjoy it. I enjoyed Court of the Blind King in the moment, even if the whole novel was incongruent with a battle tome that had been out for two years before the book debute, so if he makes something fun and adventurous I could see myself picking it up. plus, that excerpt was pretty okay, and I could understand what was happening, so that was good.
  8. I really hope the author actually read the battle tome and didn't get the entire structure of lumineth society wrong so he could make a Game of Thrones LITE for AoS, unlike court of the blind king. I could rant on it's stupidity for a good while, but this isn't the place.
  9. I still hold out hope, even if i’m Just walking down the road to disappointment... but it I think i’m Going to start planning my custom stonemage at any rate. I just need another archmage kit...
  10. Well, you know Tzeentch has not only been around since the start of warhammer, but half of their model range is compatible with 40k, so that helps. They are also probably one of the only armies that survived the transition to AoS really well, along with the LoN range. They both had extensive model ranges before AoS hit. it is pretty obvious that when GW starts a new model faction it takes a while to get going. The Stormcasts only have a lot of models as a new faction because they are the poster boys, and GW likes throwing stuff on their poster boys despite the dubious popularity. I only hope the Lumineth are shoved down everyone's throat treated with the same poster boy love and care that the stormcasts got.
  11. Oh? Do tell. I would love to hear more about my boy teclis and his spell casting. I thought it was just four spells autocasting on 10’s. also, can I just say how amazing the rune of petrifaction is again? Because unless your opponent unbinds it, when you cast you will have 3 chances to do D3 mortal wounds (1 at the start of your movement phase, 1 at the end of your movement phase, 1 during the start of your opponent’s movement phase) while also blocking around 12” of the board in a deadly aura. I have seen my opponents change their entire movement phase based on a chance that the gloomtide will do 1 mortal wound to their units, I cannot imagine the brain games that this creates. I just want to know the range of this cast too... could you imagine setting up the spell portal just to toss this through in the middle of your opponent’s army?
  12. Honestly this would be fun for teclis too. Lord Scrub the earth wizard casts these stones near teclis, who uses his first 4 spells on lower level / utility spells to get the number up to +5. "And now for the spell 'Nuke of Hyish', I will drain the reservoir to cast at a +5."
  13. Call me old fashioned but I think that most people would like a hero that could walk through a normal sized door (fancy head gear aside) just so they could roll play that character as a general. I'm already thinking of ways to make my own stone mage as a mage-fighter that I want, so there is always counts as. I think a model with a long glaive or axe would look fine as a stand in stone-mage. Also, does anyone else think that the stoneguard may have 2 wounds each? they are the same size as chaos warriors based on the WD leaks, and they have the "Elite" unit size of five for 100, and they are known as being "as tough as stone"
  14. And it's doom and gloom as elven-expectations-go-Boom.... in Teclis's Realm! yea, there is not a lot we can say about it. Really, it's fine if this is the one elf faction you don't want to collect. If you're getting less hyped, then stop worrying about these guys and play Cities of Sigmar Elves. They have the units you want in terms of Dragons, phoenix's and gryphons. may do some leg work to get everything the way you want it, but if these guys are not for you then you dont have to collect them. not much more to say about this kind of negativity than that, and if you really have a problem maybe send an email to GW. it's okay to voice it, but don't be upset if people don't agree. Anyways, the spells are pretty interesting in my own oppinion. We havn't seen all the rules yet, obviously, but what we have could be interesting. The circle ward could be used to block a wide area of the table for units that cannot fly, or can protect a model on an objective, further adding to our defense. Or it could be used to create Thunder Dome around Eltharion versus a hero. seems pretty interesting, and I'm just happy it's not a weird prismatic wall clone like the Fyre slayers got.
  15. yea, it's hard to reserve judgement until the book drops, but I think he could have his uses. I don't want him to be uncompetative by any stretch of the imagination, but I don't want this army to be a one trick eel pony like the idoneth deepkin can be with their Akhelians. Still, the 5+ ward save spell may be an autoinclude on him, and he may be great for those new endless spells. Also I have to say I am in love with the rune of petrifaction. It's effect happens at the start AND end of the movement phase. combine that with the spell we already seen where the enemy halves their movement characteristic and we can shut down an entire unit if the starts align.
  16. My only fear is that we won't be competative without Teclis now. I love that pointy ****** but I hope he isn't in the "too good to miss out on" territory. Also still holding out on a Loremaster or archmage type hero... holding out for a hero till at least the end of the night.
  17. Whatever the initial release is, I think GW wants to get this out. This is a big product, and the fact it was delayed for so long probably hurt them more than anything else in the pipeline right now. I wonder if the models we have now are just the things they managed to get before the world shut down, and as soon as the factories are up and running we will get the other half they were planning on getting out... or it it could be the kraken rum talking, I don’t know.
  18. Thank you! I agree the second rune looks better, less curved, but I actually may have an even better way now. Will upload when I have a chance! and I will consider the extra grass on the side, but the thing is supposed to be semi-well cared for. also the rune is backwards due to user error, but that isn't too important now is it? Actually made two more out of cardstock, so i'm excited to paint these next two. it is really different working with cardstock over the cardboard I used, I don't know if it will be better
  19. I finished my elven Waystone, added more color to the rune, and finally dug the flocking supplies out from the basement and tried flocking for the first time. Covered up the mistakes I had on the waystone, and made me really excited to put moss on literally everything. also have a side by side with my first Hyish floor thing and the second one I did, which turned out better I think.
  20. So another update for those who care! Didn’t really have time for more blocks, will get on it soon. I have worked on two new pieces of the board I would like to play with for the display board. I practiced on the dollar store foamboard with my tracing, and used a sharper tool to draw the symbol on the foam. Will paint it up later. A part of the foamcore did melt when spray painting, I could have sworn I covered everything. also tried a new modge podge and paint mixture. It was mostly paint, some modge podge, but added some baking soda to the mixture to give texture and to add some filler. I also created a monolith made by a YouTuber I linked somewhere else, and can’t find the channel now. It is really good though, even if it was a nick pain in the ****** to put together out of cardboard!
  21. True, but we don't know the spells we have yet. if we're good with magic, then being able to deny would help stop damage, not to mention any faction rules we may have!
  22. I was too focused on ol' Elthy, but now that you mention it they did! I am on the fence between those weapons and the croquet mallets, but I think either is fine, and Cannot wait to see more. Also, I think I concur with the second wave release. maybe they really are following the sisters of battle style of releasing in waves.
  23. I don't know. I still feel like we havn't seen everything, but from what we have seen I'm liking it. I'll be wanting more units if this is all we get, but I think I'd be happy. and we had this conversation about 20 pages back, so it's still a sore topic I bet.
  24. well, since Ol' Elthy isn't an endless spell, we can't send him via the mirror. But, we can use the bridge to teleport him 12" up, and we can use the cogs to make him run faster.
  25. Why not both? We got strength, range and speed. I don;t want to sound like an Arsehole, but maybe we could look at some roman and greek tactics to get inspired? phalanx holds the line, calvary flanks and archers provide support? That being said, I have been rolling some dice of these stats versus Arkhan, and it can swing either way for him avenging himself against the old bone bishop. not an outright victory thanks to that ward save, but pretty darn close.
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