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Blog Comments posted by Num

  1. 20 hours ago, PiotrW said:

    Hi there!

    Thank you for this battle report and all the humour within... You actually contributed to me making a decision to collect a Skaven army 👍

    That js great to know, thanks :)

    Enjoy collecting Skaven then! And feel free to join us on the Skaventide topic.

    Skaven is so great to collect. There are so many cool models available. I have over 5000 points of Skaven and I still miss plenty of cool minis (verminlords, hell pit abominations, doom wheels...)


  2. Thanks a lot for the tips!

    The problem I had was that the arch-warlock was nowhere near enough to cast a worthwhile WLV, hence the need for skitterleap. But I failed my skitterleap twice. The 13'' range on the WLV makes casting complicated I feel...

    I agree with the maths. The arch-warlock is better to cast WLV.

    What saved me with the shooting was again the stormfiends. Unlike the WLC, they always shoot to kill. So I unleashed them to the unit that blocked by WLC. Wiping the unit then freed my WLC shooting.

    I own neither Gutter Runners nor Doomwheels, but I think I may go with the Doomwheel then because the model looks awesome :)

    Also I do have 30 acolytes in total. I could also try pumping up the Acolytes instead.

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  3. Thanks for the feedback. I still have in various stages of painting:

    9 stormfiends

    Death master

    Warp lightning cannon

    Screaming bell

    Rat ogors

    80 giant rats

    Warp grinders

    Warpfore throwers


    Spiteclaw swarm

    Plague priests


    Balewind vortex


    Some are almost finished so I hope to share more in the coming weeks :)




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