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Posts posted by Beliman

  1. Time to talk about our Skyriggers. Assuming that the pistols are close to the same, we already saw their main melee weapons:



    Assuming that Aethersaws are going to have the same number of attacks as Skypikes (2), it seems that Skywardens are going to have a better damage output.


    Another interesting thing is how good they can be with All-Out-Attack and Brokk. Both buffs are easy to use and really hard to be denied if used in conjunction with a Frigate:


    Endrinriggers are doubling their damage, but still fall a bit behind.

    If that’s the case, and that’s a big IF, the main argument to take Endrinriggers than Skywardens will be all about their abilities, their points and the Heroes that unlock them.

    Abilities: We only know Skywarden’s Timed Charge triggers at the End of Turn phase. That means that, in the opponents End of Turn, enemy's abilities will trigger before Skywardens, and that's not that good. We only know a few, but they are powerful: Power Through, Feast on Flesh, Blessed by the Plaguefather and Bloated with Corruption. All of them need to be in melee, and sadly, we are going to avoid them 50% of the time.

    Detachments: We know that Brokk has Warmaster keyword, so he will have access to all units for his detachment. I expect Endrinriggers to be part of Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit detachment too, but that’s a guess.

    Battle-Formation: Our faction focus only talks about one, but I expect another that somehow buffs our melee units, like the ol’Barak-Zon skyport.

    What do you think? What do you expect for our main melee damage units?

    • Like 2
  2. 57 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    I don't like the design of Morathi. Shadow Queen hits hard but nothing more. Morathi-Khaine is a good wizard, but her spell is almost useless and we don't know the power of DoK Lore.

    I think that her "flavour" is that Morathi is split in 2 models. She has some synergies with her spell, Iron Heart of khaine, an strong melee profile and wizard (3) with her inner +1 to cast (only behind Nagash I think).

    I've read some complains in other faction focus and Imho, it's 2nd and 3rd edition fault that we can't enjoy minimal warscrolls because we look for flashy abilities that are fluffy and still game-changing.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    That's why I believe they never intended to sell dwarves in June, and that all the rumors saying otherwise were actually wishlisting, not having actual, official GW "inside" sources.

    I think it's just a guess. Dwarven Mountain Holds range was presented at the end of march. Most of the (usual) previews are released in 3 months, so that makes end of june a good guess.

    Of course, that's completely based on assumptions, and youtubers just add this to their arguments/click baits/prophecies/whatever they do.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, Xil said:

    We don't know yet if it actually is less lethal. There are more attacks due to combat range and more fights due to counter charge.

    Agree, but looking just at faction focuses, it seems that the damage has gone down, or you need specialist units with quality profiles to do the same as before.

    • Like 1
  5. 50 minutes ago, Xil said:

    So i don't think Morathi loses the iron heart

    I hope so. Iron Heart was an ability made forhigh lethality editions. 4th edition seems to change lethality for movement gameplay and perfect combat pairings.

  6. 2 hours ago, Vomikron said:

    First hand because you worked with GW or first hand from Blanche?

    I don't work for GW, but I know that model's designers know and care about historical references.

  7. 32 minutes ago, Vomikron said:

    John Blanche recently gave an interview where he said that in his last years he found that miniature designers cared less and less for historical reference and looked to video games and movies for inspiration

    That's wrong. I love Blanche (and now he is working for Trench Crusade), but I know from first hand that's not the case. There is a big diference between "the scope of our miniatures has been amplified" than "they care less and less for historical reference".

    • Like 4
  8. 6 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

    AoS Lore is advancing in the same way of games like Infinity, last Warmachine edition or Malifaux, with cliffhangers every few steps to change the point of view to other event, letting that points as events that players can get involved in a short period of time. Even HH or ToW is using that model now 

    I don't think the problem that @Tonheltalks about is cliffhangers and writting tools like that. Most series/ books are made to hook the reader/viewer with little cliffhangers between chapters, and it works really well.

    But the issue I have with AoS background is not in the narrative tools or the writting, and as Black Library/ Soulbound showed to me, it is not even in the setting.

    I don't know what is missing, but I think there is some "distance" between AoS lore and part of the community that needs a bit of work. 

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  9. 10 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Would love to see that again for this edition.

    I still remember that you could play with a battalion of classic orcs that let you take one of the pre-game events of that campaign. We only played a few games at that time but it was so fun (smaller number of players and most of them using square-based units).

  10. 2 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    It was between 2016 to 2017 with the Seeds of Hope leading to the Age of Hope and Age of Intrigue(where Tzeentch & Nagash started planting their agents through the new cities)

    That's about the Season of War: Firestorm? I still think it's the best campaign book that AoS has. We have one in our gaming group, but I woudn't mind if GW makes a reprint of that box.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    They get around this by either being Arkhan manifesting and, where there’s enough Death magic, an avatar of Nagash ripping its way into reality. 

    I get that, but there isn't an "Arkhan manifestation" warscroll or something like that for Nagash. Instead, we have the Nagash and Arkhan warscrolls without anything that reminds that they are KO in the setting.

    And that's fine for me.

    • Like 3
  12. 3 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    it's much harder for GW to do another 200 year jump

    That's a good point. I didn't know about that jump invetween editions lol.

    Btw, what happened in all this years? And are we talking about 200 Aqshian years or 200 Shyshian years? Btw, Kharadrons don't even use years as a metric for time (Strahkstorm) for each realm.

    Imho, if people don't even know why you made a 200 years jump, then it's not worth to do that jump.

    • Like 2
  13. 11 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Those are all bad examples. Nagash and Arkhan are literally undead characters who can be killed any time. Lugft Huron was a historical character made by forge world and Tycho is a perfect example of the problem. He was a character that got killed off, but the playerbase got so mad, they had to bring him back. The same thing is happening with Yarrick right now. He wasn't in the most recent codex. The playerbase got mad and now GW are teasing a return. 

    But we are talking about models that were killed/ vanished/ whatever but still have rules to play with. All of them are perfect examples for that specific case, even if some of them have an excuse (or not) to return later. The point is that GW can kill Callis&Toll and it will not be a problem for players if they can still use their miniatures (I find a bigger problem when they retire an entire army).

  14. 4 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Now they have characters like Tahlia and Callis and Toll.

    Not sure about that. We had miniatures and rules to play dead characters. That was never a problem before.

    Arkhan, Nagash, Huron Blackheart at the same time of Luft Huron or more recently, both versions of Tycho.

    Imho, the problem is not the setting or characters.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    I could miss some other examples, but from the top of my head, Kragnos is the only one that really vanished, right? At least all the other characters are still around and could take their appearance slot one day, like Reikenor.

    I wasn't talking about a "physical vanishing" from the setting. I don't know, even if the Crusade is the main driver of the narrative, all other character seems to be just special guests instead of players in the same board.

    15 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    GW always used it backgroud as a tool to sell mini's, but with AoS they dialed it up to 11. There is no coherency, maybe it's because the AoS universe is so immense and there is so much to cover. I don't know. But it all feels shallow and meaningless.

    Not sure about that. 40k seems to be the same size (or bigger) and have stories that I'm a bit jealous. I would pray to Sigmar, Nagash or even Gorkamorka for a badab war like campaign for AoS. 

    • Like 1
  16. I have a hard time following AoS story. It has some epic moments, but most of the time, it feels like there is too much bloat and factions and characters come and go without finishing their plots, schemes or any agenda. I'm starting to think that most of this side-characters are hollow, they don't have anything for the reader, they are there because the story demanda a villain (maybe for new rules, or maybe for a new model).

    • Like 3
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  17. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Shooting an enemy unit in their shooting phase, giving them Strikes Last and then giving your own unit Anti-Charge seems like a really powerful combo. Effectively engaging OBR in melee will be very difficult. 

    That's a strong combo and really fluffy. Still a roll for Attack-Last, but really powerful and easy to set up

    • Like 1
  18. 13 minutes ago, woolf said:

    Any thoughts on Sons ff?

    I don't know a lot about them, but the national group seems to be fine. Most people think that it will not be so diferent than 3rd and there are still the same "ouch" skills there. There are some questions (like kicking objective) that most people just accept that it will be changed for something more in line of 4th.

    • Like 1
  19. 1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

    Imo, this would mean that a blightking model should have been better represented with health 4, armour save 5+  and ward 5+ instead of health 3, armour save 3+, ward 5+.

    I think there is more than that.

    Yes, rules are designed with models in mind, but they try to stablish a game-wide system between units, roles and even lore/ background.

    Sometimes, this points contradict themself, and GW needs to decide if Blightkings are above or below SCE (that's the breaking point), and how the game will take that decision. In this case, they are above basic ScE, but not so far. And I think that's fine because ScE are supposed to be a blueprint for all elite units.

    About save, imho, Nurgle is the perfect candidate to mix the word "armour" with "bloated flesh". I'm curious to see if they are going to do the same for naked units with scaly skins.

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