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Everything posted by Scythian

  1. I just wanted to let you guys know that my gatebreaker themed army has been killing it at my local store. The megas just camp on objectives and when my opponents get close, the rend 3, damage 3 just mauls anything that charges in. So far, I’m 12-0 vs Idoneth, DoK, KO, Blight Cyst, Tzeentch shooty, Stormcast, and other armies played by killers. Gatebreaker Stomp Army Fierce Loathing: Shiny Uns Gatebreaker General with Bossy Pants (Extremely Bitter) and Incandescent Rageblade Gatebreaker Gatebreaker 3 Mancrushers 2k
  2. I think the shadow figure is Mannfred von Carstein. Vampires are narcissists on steroids and they hate being Nagash’s stooges. This is Mannfred’s plot to free the bloodlines of Nagash’s control once and for all.
  3. I just have to play three Gatebreakers because I bought the army to play mega’s in the first place. I know that individual Mancrushers are better for cover but points won’t allow.
  4. My Dread Stomp Gatebreaker General with Extremely Bitter Shiny Uns (army) and Bossy Pants (Self) with Rageblade (Aqshy) Gatebreaker Gatebreaker 1 Unit of 3 Mancrushers Command Point Total: 2k
  5. Trying to build a Death 💀 focused Gatebreaker stomp. Gatebreaker General with bossy pants and shiny uns (army wide) + rageblade Gatebreaker Gatebreaker 3 Mancrushers
  6. I use the “Attack on Titan” list which is the 3 megas and 3 individual baby giants. Most people have discovered that you need a defensive based army which begins with the Krakeneater General with the minus 1 to hit ability and the reduce rend plate from Chamon. I next use a gate breaker and a warstomper for my other two megas. Have a baby giant to accompany each mega to help protect his flank or frontage. They also can pile in if the mega is attacked which essentially increases the damage output of your “tag team.” Movement is very important so always keep your 3 tag teams synergetic. As for shooting and magic based armies that you’ll face, shrug it off. There’s nothing you can do. You’re playing a highly tactical based combat army that relies on cat and mouse maneuvers to win the objectives game. Get those practice games in and play a wide variety of opponents.
  7. I love the female vampires! I’m glad GW is giving Gravelords some female warriors. The models are incredible!
  8. I’m stunned! OMG, I’m going to be broke forever, Lolol!
  9. Unfortunately, most of the Forgeworld fantasy line is extremely dated. With the top tier plastic designs currently coming out of GW, the need for resin models is fastly fading. The bonegrinder is unfortunately one of those models that is no longer needed. Especially now that we have Mega’s, the bonegrinder looks hokey by comparison and harkens to an era quickly fading from the game.
  10. Let’s storm the fields of battle in 2021, my brothers! Happy New Year! Scythian
  11. To be honest, I’m just fine with my Sons army as it is. A Tome Celestial would’ve been fun, but ultimately, we already have what we need.
  12. Not to be morbid, but that skin looks like flesh that has spent too much time in the water. Great tone to it if that was your intent. Magnificent model!
  13. My mega gargant killed one with little to no problem. They’re not that tough to fight.
  14. I’ve played 7 games so far against multiple opponents and I can honestly say I’ve never had more fun. I’ve won all 7 but regardless of that, they were all enjoyable gaming experiences. Magic and shooting are definitely going to be our Achilles Heel but we already knew that coming in as Sons players. It will be interesting to see how our army stands up against the battletomes that are coming in 2021.
  15. Rage quitting often reflects a poor community with little to no cohesion or a gamer that simply has not the skill or personality to be in gaming. I despised the original AoS and I left the game because of it. I left because I was no longer having fun and was put off by the “anything goes” rules of AoS 1.0. That all changed with the return of points and the game bounced back and coincidentally, so did I. Life is change, without sounding too corny. You adapt or you choose to move on. Furthermore, it’s ok to quit a game you no longer find enjoyable. It doesn’t make you a rage quitter to simply say, I moving on. That’s a choice, not rage. Just quit for the right reasons.
  16. I’m calling the police! You have assaulted me with paint shame!
  17. Kit bash on the flail because the plastic one breaks if a fly lands on it.
  18. My version of Attack on Titan for my Sons of Behemat army.
  19. Halloween 🎃 Horrors Battle Report Game 1: Sons of Behemat and Gloomspite Gitz vs. Sylvaneth and Nighthaunt (Scenario Rolled: Take and Hold) This game was a complete steamroll. Sons just steamrolled the Sylvaneth on our right flank but the Kurnoth Hunters did their best to hold us off. The Gloomspite squigs just bounced up a storm on the Nighthaunt using Manglers and Boingrot Bounderz. After 3 Turns, Sons claimed the objective in our opponent’s zone and won the game. This was a hard fought game, but the steamroll was not going to be stopped. Sons and Gloomies for the win Game 2: Sons of Behemat and Sylvaneth vs. Fyreslayers and Nighthaunt (Scenario Rolled: The Blade’s Edge) This game was a whole new experience with the Fyreslayers in the mix. Sons grabbed the middle and right objectives on my side while the Sylvaneth grabbed the left flank objectives. Sons spent most of the game beating down the 4+ save of the Nighthaunt but the Fyreslayers held the center very quickly. We kept losing priority but removed the right amount of strategic objectives and eventually the Sylvaneth were able to beat back a deadly assault by the Fyreslayers. Sons spent their time just holding off the Nighthaunt but eventually wiped them out. Mancrushers did their job by dying slowly for their Big Heel Lord and in the end, the two Mega’s were left once the smoke cleared. A very brutal assault by the Fyreslayers and Nighthaunt, but we pulled off a victory in the end. Sons and Sylvaneth for the win. Final Analysis: The Sons of Behemat performed EXACTLY as I thought they would. No, really, they do exactly what you think they’ll do. The Mancrushers live long enough to wipe away any threats while your Mega’s do exactly what you need them to do. I’m currently getting ready to add the final Mega into the army so I’ll have one of each type. I’m going to use a Taker Tribe so I can have the Lantern and Sandals on the Krakeneater. That will give me some magical defense. If it seems useless, I’ll return to using a Warstomper General. It was awesome having only eight models to move around. Truly the lazy gamer’s dream army, lol. While I don’t believe they’re a 5-0 army, they’re still a lot of fun to play and my opponents loved fighting them. Definitely a beer and pretzels army but with the potential to do much more. Overall, I’m very happy that I bought into this army. They’re a welcome addition to Destruction and will bring fun and excitement to any table they play on.
  20. So, this Saturday I have 3 games lined up for my first battles with my Sons. One is a Fangs of Sotek army. The second is Beastmen. Finally, the third is against Big Waaagh. I’ll provide all of the spooky results on that night of Halloween 🎃 Horrors. Can’t think of a better night to introduce my Sons army to my group.
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