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Sigmar Skirmish Seraphon icons

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Hello! My question would be if seraphon icons have any use in sigmar skirmish? Icon says that in a 6 aoe the enemy has to add 1 to its battleshock tests. But sigmar skirmish uses a different kind of battleshock, so that wouldn't make any sense. So does that mean that not all icons/standards can be udes in skirmish mode?

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Fun thing is that while seraphon flags are useless, a plague monk bringer of the word with a book can once per game use a 13"aoe to deal 1 mortal wound to each unit in range for a 4+. All this for the cheap price of 1 renown :D. He could potentially kill a skink, a warrior and a temple guard in my team (7 points from a 1 point figure before it even moved). They can also use their contagion flag for even more possible mortal wound not a huge chance, but still :D (and we are 2 renowns deep in a skaven list).

So these extra options seem really all over the place. My only problem with this is that we will start a 25 points game and at 25 points this seems everything but balanced unfortunately.

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