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Tzeentch 1000 points


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Greetings to all,

I am going to have a 1000 points battle at my FLGS and would appreciate your help in constructing a Tzeentch list.

My only fully fleshed out army is Khorne at the moment, but since that is what i will probably face, and i won't to avoid mirror matches, i will try my luck for the first time with Tzeentch.

I do not have any Tzaangors or Skyfires which are all the attention in Tzeentch Lists recently so i will use Chaos Warriors and possibly Pink Horrors as battle line.


I currently own in my collection

1 Ogroid Thaumaturge

1 Daemon Prince of Tzeentch

1 Curseling

1 Fatemaster

1 Chaos Sorcerer

1 Gaunt Summoner


10 pink Horrors

10 Chaos Warriors with Halberds

An abundance of Chaos warriors with shields and hand weapons

10 Chaos Chosen with command

1 Gorebeast Chariot

1 Chaos Chariot

5 Chaos Knights with weapons

1 Soul Grinder


I was thinking of taking as a core in the list

1 Ogroid Thaumaturge

10 Chaos Warriors - Battleline

10 Pink Horrors - Battleline

and build up to the 1000 points from there.


If anyone with any experience in Tzeentch can help me out build a list i would greatly appreciate it.

Thank in advance!


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There is a nice combo with the Fatemaster, but I don't know if it really pays off for a 1000 points army.

The combo is that you make the Fatemaster general, and you get Boundless Mutation as command trait that will be healing him almost all hero phases. Then you get with him the artefact Paradoxical Shield that adds 2 for any save rolls, but you must repeat the successful ones (let's be realistic, the possibility of get a 1 twice is very low). The artefact in addition to the ability he has that gives him another extra +2 to save rolls, makes him practically impossible of being killed, annulling weapons with -2 rend. So for 140 points, you get a lord with 16" movement, 6 wounds, a save of "-1", and heals practically all the hero phases 1D3 wounds. He can be awfully frustrating to kill XDD

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