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Old school Dwarf list


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So i can't help but go back to the dwarfs every now and then and the new Karadron's have me making lists but i'm a Longbeard and can't be doijjng with these new fangled beardling ships. What do you think of the following list?


Runelord (80)
Runelord (80)
Warden King (120) general
Grimm Burloksson (100)
Cogsmith (100)

10 x Warriors (100)
- Double-handed Duardin Axes & Shields
10 x Warriors (100)
- Double-handed Duardin Axes & Shields
10 x Warriors (100)
- Double-handed Duardin Axes & Shields

30 x Quarrellers (360)
5 x Grundstok Thunderers (100)
- 5x Aethercannons
5 x Grundstok Thunderers (100)
- 5x Aethercannons

War Machines
Organ Gun (120)
Organ Gun (120)
Flame Cannon (200)
Flame Cannon (200)

Total: 1980/2000

The thoughts being the Runelords stack the -1 Rend on the Quarellers who receive Grimm's +6" range at the start of the game.

The army walks slowly forwards shooting if possible. The Warriors soak up the initial charge and the short range thunderers punish the remnants by shooting over the warriors into combat.

The warden king helps by giving the +1 to wound on the critical unit!

Best thing? It's all dwarfy!!! Beards out (Bar the thunderers who will have head swaps!)

I have a book of grudges and plenty of grudges to wipe off!




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as the rumor has it stacking same ability will not be allowed come GHB2 you may want to change your play style.

As for the list I feel its to war machine heavy points wise and the extra cog smith is not really needed.

Id drop the OG's and take a unit of 20 quarrelers and drop the cog and take bugman now your a little more mobile.

Or you can go by way of 4 bolt throwers as they are just amazing saving you 160 points drop the cog leaving you with 280 points to play with.

I have made a few old school dwarf lists you may want to take a look at. 1 with no war machines the other with war machines might give you some good info :)

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