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Death listbuilding, Luthor Harkon style!


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Hey all!

Been out of the game since AoS dropped, so I wanted to get some advice for building a thematic and effective Death army. I'm basing it off Luthor Harkon's Zombie Pirates (even if he didn't make it to the new setting).

I have a good chunk of assembled and undercoated models on square WFB bases, which I'm starting to swap to rounds:

- 2 Vampires on foot

- 1 Necromancer

- 30 Skeletons

- 100-ish Zombies

- 1 Corpse Cart

- 10 Dire Wolves

- 5 Bat Swarms

- 6 Fell Bats

- 1 Kharibdyss

I intended to use the Kharibdyss as a Terrorgheist, representing an "animated hulk" of the depths. I want to add a Forge World Merwyrm as a second animated hulk, perhaps counting as a Zombie Dragon.

I also have a few Empire cannons/mortars, which I wanted to use as Screaming Skull Catapults.

I recently checked the Legacy Warscrolls, and I'm contemplating using Konrad. On Carstein's rules to represent Luthor Harkon.

Any ideas or recommendations? I'm pretty keen to get my mates into AoS finally. :) Thanks in advance!

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Love this theme! Got any piratey conversions in there? Pics please!

Is it effective? At a glance I'd guess it's not going to win any tournaments but it looks fairly solid to me. If anything you might want to drop some of the zombies/skeletons/bats and replace them with something that can dish out mortal wounds.

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I converted the models I have with Empire Militia and GW Zombies. They look pretty good on round bases. I counted them and I have 80 assembled. If I buy another 20 Zombies, I can add them to my 20 spare Militia, bumping the total to 120. Will I need that many, or is 2 hordes of 40 enough?

I actually have an Ironblaster cannon I am converting into a Screaming Skull Catapult. I'm wondering - should I make two of them and put a Necrotect in-between them? Costs 160 points for 1 shot, but only 420 for 4 shots...

I am unsure what to use the Kharibdyss for. Terrorgheist? Zombie Dragon? Warsphinx? Mourngul? Anyone got any ideas? It's a tall model with a small footprint, but I'll put it on the unit's normal base (whatever that ends up being).

Finally, I forgot that I have 9 "Zombie Pirate" Ogres, which I intended for use as Crypt Horrors. They dish out respectable damage, so could they work?

I'll take some snaps soon! In the meantime, how does this 2000-point list look?


Luthor Harkon (Konrad von Carstein)

Captain Drekla (Vampire Lord)




20 Zombies: Standard Bearer; Noise Maker

20 Zombies: Standard Bearer; Noise Maker

20 Zombies: Standard Bearer; Noise Maker

20 Zombies: Standard Bearer; Noise Maker

Screaming Skull Catapult

Screaming Skull Catapult

Rotting Leviathan (Terrorgheist)

Corpse Cart: Unholy Loadstone; Corpsemaster's Lash

Corpse Cart: Balefire Brazier; Corpsemaster's Goad

5 Dire Wolves

2 Bat Swarms


Basic tactic is to have each Corpse Cart & Necromancer support a pair of Zombie units, which will horde up before combat. Luthor Harkon goes up the middle, hopefully helping buff said Necromancers and doing some actual damage. Captain Drekla will do the same for the other Zombie horde. Catapults tag up to 4 units a turn, knocking their Bravery down and helping the Terrorgheist kill even more brutally. Bat Swarms and Dire Wolves lend a hand where needed...

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