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Let's Paint Kharadron Overlords


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Pretty sure there's quite a few of us working on KO at the moment, so thought it might be fun to have a thread to check out each other's work.


I see there's a couple of plogs already with some awesome looking stuff in them.


I'll kick off with my first model that I just finished, my test arkanaut. Decided to go with Barak Zon, but not really a fan of the red armour myself, so I went metallic and did all the leather red instead. Overall pretty happy with the result, just need a bit more practice on the edge highlights




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Thanks very much. Still not sure about the boats, struggling to decide what will work best. Possibly red stripe at the bottom, creme in the middle and the blue at the top. Trying to be disciplined and finish off the unit before I start on the boat, so still got plenty time to figure it out.

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I also really like the red leather, really good contrast.

This is my test Arkanaut also. Had this scheme in mind ever since the KO reveal. Tested it out on some spare elves last month and I really like it on the KO. Don't have a name for where he's from yet. I'll be writing up a plog/fluff thread soon to chart my KO adventure. 


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