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First Freeguild Lists


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These are the lists I am currently working on. I am new to AOS and my only previous wargaming experience was some Battletech I played in high school in the early 90s. I'd love to hear some critiques.
1,000 point version
1 Freeguild General
1 Steam Tank
10 Freeguild Guard
20 Freeguild Handgunners
5 Freeguild Pistoliers
5 Freeguild Outriders
Although the Celestial Hurricanum makes more sense on paper, I went with the Steam Tank in this version because in practice, it has proven itself to be a real beast. This list lacks the range to force the enemy to come at me, so going out to meet them with a Tank seems to make sense to me.
2,000 point version:
As above but add:
1 Celestial Hurricanum (with battlemage)
1 Gunmaster
1 Cannon
1 Helstorm Rocket Battery
10 Freeguild Guard
20 Freeguild Handgunners
This adds a good amount of ranged options and really forces the opponent to attack. The Hurricanum should also improve those attacks.
2,500 point version:
As above but add:
1 Cogsmith
1 Gyrobomber
1 Gyrocopter
1 Helblaster Volley Gun
1 Artillery Detachment Battalion
1 Exelsior Warpriest
Reasoning: Completes the Artillery Detachment and gives me something with which to heal the tank (well, two things since the cogsmith can too).
I'm still completing collecting the models for the 1,000 point version, so I'm not so far in that I am committed to this approach; I'm open to changing it. I'm also tempted to go for a collegiate arcane based "War Council" version rather than Artillery Detachment". Thoughts? Opinions?
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Looks like a great start! I hope you enjoy playing Freeguild! Here are some of my thoughts: 

At 1000 points, I agree you don't have enough units to justify a Celestial Hurricanum, especially since you have a large block of cavalry. The steam tank is a huge investment though: if you keep it alive it will absolutely swing 1000pt games. Consider bringing an replacing one of the cavalry squads with an Excelsior Warpriest- he can heal the tank and unbind spells, allowing you to counter enemy wizards. This would also give you enough extra points to field 10 more Guard!

At 2000 points things seem great- in this list you wouldn't need a Warpriest since you've got the Hurricanum. Loads of shooting but you've got only two squads of melee chaff- you'll need to use them wisely to avoid being overrun by a melee-heavy enemy.

For 2500 points I have no idea how this would work out! I don't think the Artillery Detachment is good enough to warrant bringing one of each of the Ironweld units though. Also, the Cogsmith won't be able to keep up with the Steam Tank given his short move. You might want to pick one type of artillery- Rockets or Gyrocopters or something- and double down on it, instead of the one-of-each that the Artillery Detachment forces you to do.

Anyway, just my opinion! Your lists look like a solid start!

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Thanks a lot. I think I'm going to take your advice on trading a cavalry for the war priest once I actually purchase one (I already  own the cavalry, don't own the warpriest yet). Which cavalry would you ditch?


At 2,000 points, I'm not sure you are right about not needing the warpriest. The Celestial Hurricanum doesn't heal and the mage on it has Comet of Cassandora which doesn't heal either (I wish you could switch him for a jade battlemage but it doesn't seem that's an option). Are you mistaking what the Celestial Hurricanum's abilities are or am I failing to understand your reasoning?


At 2,500 points, you may be right. I have no idea either and, frankly, it may be a moot point because I have only ever seen one game of this size at my local store. But what about the War Council option? Do you see the value in going that route instead? or maybe even bringing in war altar and a bunch of flagellants? I'm looking to add variety rather than just having a few different kinds of models on the field but I don't want to bring in weird races, just humans (and dwarfs that man machines).

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For the 1000pt list, if you're going to use the cavalry as part of a static gunline then go with Outriders, otherwise Pistoliers are more flexible and stronger in combat. Personally I use Pistoliers. Great lore too, hot-shot young nobles trying to make names for themselves!

At 2000 I was thinking of the Warpriest as a budget Battlemage (for unbinding) and therefore obsolete because the Hurricanum can already unbind. You're right, though- given the large number of healing targets (Tank, Hurricanum, and General) you'll get great use out of the Warpriest's healing ability. Also, here's a fun trick: put a Phoenix Stone on the Hurricanum. Incredibly useful and will keep it alive much longer. So Phoenix Stone on the Hurricanum and fit a Warpriest in there somewhere and there's plenty of healing power to go around!

I too have never seen a 2500pt game, so don't stress to much about that point level. At 2500 points though, you want something that can punch really hard. A battery of several Helstorms. A Dragon or Griffon. Maybe big Stormcast monster if you're cool with Sigmarines. That sort of things. At this point level you'll probably be seeing some fearsome enemy units. Also be sure to bring a few more infantry too since the battlefield will be larger.

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