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Scourge Privateers


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5 hours ago, Cyric The Mad said:

I was also reading some rules about Scourge Privateers and Im curious about some stuff.

First of all, as far as I can see, Lokhir Fellheart does not have a Scourge Privateers keyword but he has
Black Ark Fleetmaster keyword. In this case is it legal to get Lokhir while having a Scourge Privateers allegience?

My second question is how his command ability "Take Them Alive!" and "Notorious Raiders" would work together.
Do Lokhirs abiility just buff notorious raiders ability and make it 4+ ? Or do we roll seperately for "Thake them Alive!"
and "Notorious Raiders" ?

Thank you!


In short to your questions- Nope you cant take him in scourge privateers (ERROR 404 Logic not found) as he does not share the keyword YAY. :(

His ability is separate to the Notorious Raider affect so you get both YAY. :)

So lets talk about Lokhir  Fellheart, The Krakern lord, head of the dread inspiring Black Ark.
this is an odd model with some kind of promise backed up with some odd synergy.

Checklist of an awesome model:
Awesome Cape - Ding
Scary Face mask/helmet thang - Ding
Amazing Back ground - Ding
Amazing stat line - Nope nope nope nope nope.

So Lokhir costs 2x the amount of a Black Arc Fleetmaster, so you would expect him to be twice as strong, and if you know a little about his background you would expect that but no personally I think hes utterly appalling as a model.

Average move of 6" okay, same as a fleetmaster makes sense, hes only an aelf really.
Average wounds of 5" okay again, still the same as a fleetmaster.
Average bravery of 7, well that's not entirely accurate to fluff but hes a hero and really bravery doesn't matter too much to him as hes a hero.
Average Save of 4+, well I guess hes still a fleetmaster.

So logically it must all be in his attacks and abilities.

So hes got 5 attacks at 3+/4+/-/1. That's okay except hes lost the rend a black ark fleetmaster has for a slightly more reliable attack meh tit for tat depending on your perspective. Luckily his ability "The Red Blades" lets you re-roll so I think hes always going to get 4-5 hits which is good.

Lokhir has 2 defensive abilities.
The first is the standard Sea Dragon Cloak which is a re-roll on saves in the shooting phase... meh. its situational but why not.
The second is the Helm of the Kraken, it lets him regain 1 wound. To be honest, this is pointless, if hes in combat he will die before he heals a wound, and if he gets focus fired he will die before he gets to heal anyway.
His final ability is Daring leap which I don't even feel is worth mentioning.

Finally you have the wonderful command ability which is actually quite cool but really quite useless. Basically in battle shock when a enemy model flees within 6" of a Black Ark Corsairs or a Black Ark Fleetmaster or Lokhir himself, roll a 4+ and another model might flee as well, of course this affect chains so in theory every model in a unit could flee, nothing like playing a dice game inside your dice game aye. With proper positioning and multiple small units, this can be utterly terrifying.

So where to use this guy?
Basically if you have a spare 300 points in an order army, take Lokhir as your general and purchase 5 Black Ark Fleetmaster. Stand them close enough to your enemy that you get the effect off and watch as the enemy loses 1-3 units extra a turn per lost model from battle shock.
Just remember its based on per Black Ark Fleetmaster so you can stack it. Yes thats disgusting.

My view:
Personally In an an Army that wants to use Scourge Privateers as a core I don't see a place for him. The Black Ark Fleetmasters Command Ability "At them, You Curs!" is by far better for them as it has much better synergy with the Realm Reaver battallion IMO.
However if you would still like to run him, Multiple small units of corsairs are much more efficent than large block units for him, Avoid investing in scourgerunner chariots as they will not benefit from his ability.

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Forgot the negatives basically
His Command Ability is not going to get off as often as you would like.
Realistically most units have a bravery of 8+ in a battleshock phase.
So his ability gets more powerful in higher point games but in anything less than 1500pts I dont think you will get mileage over a Black Ark Fleetmasters.

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So I see just one solution here. Get the model. Spend a lot of time painting it.
Use it as a "Black Ark Fleetmaster" but still name him and adress him as Lokhir :D
Well yeah maybe get legendary fighter and Damage buffing/Rend buffing blade,
so at least he attacks fluffy :D 

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On 4/6/2017 at 8:29 AM, Double Misfire said:

There's a page describing them in the Grand Alliance Order book and they're featured heavily in the recent AoS Novel City of Secrets, check it out:


Oh that's interesting.  I heard it is the first good AoS novel.  Looking forward to it.

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