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Help me suck less with Skaven!


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So I love the idea of skaven, they are the right amount of silly and they just seem fun. Im currently playing games at 1000 points and Im pretty new. I'm a long time 40k player looking to escape the utter nonsense that has fallen over the game.  

The last 3 games i've played I have been absolutely destroyed! Very one sided, and one of the guys it was his first game. SO far i've gone up against a pure pink horror tzeentch list and a Ghoul army with Aberrant King + Ghouls x 30, Horrors x6, Flayer x3,  and a Varghulf. I understand how the Tzeentch got me because of the ranged attacks tearing me down and the guy was concentrating on my heroes, but I cannot figure out how to really work against the Flesh Eater Court. The units are pretty hard to kill and they constantly regain wounds and that cursed book really hurts my clanrats!

Im playing mostly with stuff out of the Spire of Dawn box + more clanrats. Average list is 3 x30 or 2x40 clanrats, warpfire/ratling/poisonwind teams in combination of 2 total, 2 rat ogres,  Warlord, and Engineer. Im also running the crown as my atefact and im splitting it between the warlord as general and the engineer to spread the love. Thankfully im having some stormvermin and 1 warplighting cannon coming in the mail so that may help, plus i have a a start collecting Pestilens box I just received but will take a bit while I magnetize the bell/furnace and cannon/claw

What would you guys do? (and please don't say spam Stormfiends!)

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It sounds like you'll have the Verminus Clawpack battalion ready to rock, definitely build your list around it. Build both as Warp Lightning Cannons, these are really going to help you snipe those heroes which the FEC relies upon. The Screaming Bell isn't bad either, especially as you are starting out. Average rolls will net you some Mortal Wounds, and the thing is pretty fast and resilient.

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